Lazy - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Ben Loves To Eat So What He Though If He Pants Are A Little Tight He Was Not Getting Fat He May Not Have
Ben Loves To Eat So What He Though If He Pants Are A Little Tight He Was Not Getting Fat He May Not Have
Ben Loves To Eat So What He Though If He Pants Are A Little Tight He Was Not Getting Fat He May Not Have

ben loves to eat so what he though if he pants are a little tight he was not getting fat he may not have abs anymore but the food was worth more then the abs anyway 

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1 year ago
Another Day Of Me Coming Back To A Cleared Out Kitchen And A Roommate With A Belly Bigger Than When I

Another day of me coming back to a cleared out kitchen and a roommate with a belly bigger than when I left him 🤯

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1 year ago
Forgot About This One From Last Week

Forgot about this one from last week

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1 year ago

Today I learn smth new about my self.... I was never a lazy person in fact I was a procrastinator.

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9 years ago
# # # #lazy #cat

#蠢樣 #可愛 #懶貓 #lazy #cat

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7 years ago


This just proves how much of a lazy person I am 

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6 years ago
This Is The Dedication I Want In My Life...

This is the dedication I want in my life...

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I can't wait to leave. Pack up and go to college. It feels like I'm not truly wanted even though people say I am. It wouldn't take long for most people to forget me if I left, i think. Probably only a handful. I'm just so tired, I shouldn't be, though. I don't do anything, really. I'm just lazy. I really need to get into therapy again ig lol

At least I have fanfic

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1 year ago
Sloth (The Somnus Carnis)
Sloth (The Somnus Carnis)

Sloth (The Somnus Carnis) 

 Class: Between Mercy and Huntress Category: Hermit 

 Sloth is a female 13th Critter who also represents one of the 7 deadly sins, as her name suggests, She is Sloth. Sloth often is seen as a blob of flesh chilling on the ground and not harming any creature or anyone. She is rarely active to hunt or fight anyone, as  She is always seen resting to reserve energy. but Rumors are said that Sloth is surprisingly strong and fast, but many don't have the guts to approach her and test how true it is.. As She reeks really bad, Sloth is one thing you'd smell before you'd even see her, and usually people react by gagging around her from the stench. Her Stench is so unbearably strong many creatures avoid even getting close to her. 

 This Lazy Chill Blob has not been seen around on Earth. She rarely leaves 13th Reality.

 Advice: Sloth is often docile and won't attack unless provoked and feeling threatened.

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1 year ago
Lazy Sunday 2

Lazy Sunday 2

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12 years ago


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11 months ago

FROM MY POLL: Alastor x fem sinner!reader

sorry for being so late


Reader is a doe, who knew Alastor as a human(they are both cannibals, this is 5 years before Alastor's death) .

You two were oddly close, you were the only he showed PDA to. Even just small things like a touch on your shoulder, leaning against you, saying you look nice, or even just a flick were how he showed his affection to you. He tried to deny his feelings for you, until you died in his arms.

This is the dress you’re wearing during this time

FROM MY POLL: Alastor X Fem Sinner!reader


“Y/N L/N. You have been sentenced to death for your crimes against the country.” A police officer spoke, his voice monotone and loud for the people of their country to hear.

You struggled in the chains that kept you from moving freely. “You have the wrong person!” You shouted as if you were attempting to convince yourself.

“Silence!” He spoke again. “Tomorrow as the clock strikes 12, your death will come.” And with that, they began to take you away.

Struggling, tears fell down your face in fear. You didn’t want to die. “No! Let me go!” The crowd of people left fast, all returning to their homes. Except for one person, who stayed standing in place as others pushed past him. Eyes wide and terrified, he couldn’t say anything. “Alastor!” You cried out before you were taken away successfully.

Eyes swollen from the salty tears, you heard a guard speak. “Be quick.” Pitter Patter of shoes hit the concrete floor. They were quick paced and made you look through the bars. The feet stopped as they saw you. Alastor.

He walked up to you, hand reaching for your cheek through the bars. “I’m going to find a way to get you out.”

His kindness towards you seemed different than usual. His determined eyes struck you like a sword.

“Alastor I-” You could feel the tears threatening to fall from your e/c eyes.

“It’s going to be alright.” He let go of your cheek and pulled something out of his pocket. A key, it’s sparkling gold shimmered in the moonlight.

“Here,” he grabbed your hand and dropped the key in it. “I’ll cause a distraction tomorrow morning. That key will unlock your cell. I’ll meet you in the forest.” His voice was low and quiet. “I won’t let them hurt you.”

“Your time is up. Come.” The guard from before yelled from a little ways away.

“I’ll see you then. Y/n.” Alastor began to walk away after holding your hand roughly.

Something about the way he said your name made you feel heat rush to your cheeks.

Throughout the night you kept wondering what his distraction would be and if it would actually get the guards to leave their posts.

When you fell asleep, cold took over your body, and you later awoke from the yelling of guards. “Emergency! All guards to the captains quarters!” The sound of feet pitter-pattering against the stone floors alerted you that Alastors plan was successful.

You grabbed the key from under your yellow stained and muddy pillow. You rushed to unlock you from the cell. The frozen cold bars hurt your fragile skin as you leaned against them in an attempt to free yourself. Suddenly, with a click, the cage unlocked and you almost fell as the door swung open against your weight.

You carefully closed the cells door and tiptoe-ran through the jail bars. Some other people who were trapped in jail cells either yelled at you to let them out or cheered you on. Some even whistled at the sight of your dress flowing around your body, almost showing a little too much.

You ran up the stairs, tripping once before quickly recovering. The different paths all looked the same besides the painting. Thankfully you remembered the way you came when they forced you in jail.

You took two rights and a left before standing in front of the main entrance doors. Suddenly, you heard feet running towards you. Guards yelling, “Find her! Find Y/n!” You barged out the door and ran through your town.

Gasps were made around you as people spotted you, - the one who murdered the mayor and his wife - who were set to pay for your sins at 12.

You bumped into people who you once thought of family as you heard guards yell and chase you.

Finally, you reached the forest. The pine scent rushed through your nose and out your mouth as you took a breath. You could still hear the guards and you kicked off your small heels. You took one last deep breath before rushing it.

Small branches and pine needles stabbed your feet while you ran. You couldn’t care less, all you wanted was to see Alastor. Suddenly as you passed a tree, you felt an arm grab your wrist which pulled you close to the figure.

You felt the figure hold you close to your chest, the eyes fixated on the surrounding trees. Looking up, you saw him. Alastor. “Alastor-”

“Sh. They’re coming.” After he spoke, guards ran past you two, not seeing you at all. After a few minutes he let you go from his chest and looked you in the eyes. “Are you alright, darling?” His pet name made your cheeks flush a soft pink.

“Yes, Alastor. I’m so glad you’re safe.” You hugged him gently, and although he was a little surprised, he returned the gesture.

“We should leave before they come back.” He spoke, almost not wanting to.

You let go, smiled, and followed him when he walk to the right. You heard a shot, it sounded far away. Although something felt funny. It hurt. Why did it hurt?

Alastor seemed scared as he turned to look at you. His eyes went wide when he sude your figure. Looking down at your side, you saw red liquid start pour out. The metallic smell took over your senses as you realized what happened.

You had been shot.

Your legs gave out and you fell to the ground. Alastor ran to you, his warmer hands wripped a piece of his jacket off. He struggled with it but being successful, he applied pressure to your wound.

You could hear guards running and yelling in your direction.

“Alastor,” You tried to get his attention and failing. “Alastor.” Your words were stricter yet no reaction was made. If anything, he pushed against your wound harder. You hissed in pain, finally getting his attention. "You need to go, leave me here, they can't hurt me anymore."

“Y/n. You’re going to be okay- we’ll get you to a doctor- I promi-”

“Alastor, stop!” His eyes went wide and his strength against your side was lifted. “Alastor, I’m sorry I can’t stay with you anymore.” You reached for his cheek and he held your hand on his skin.

“Don’t say that.”

“You know it’s true.” He was quiet. “I need to tell you something.” You prompted yourself on your free arm. Alastor let go of your hand and reached under your back, holding you up.

“You can tell me tomorrow when you’re in the hospital.”

“You know they won’t save me. I’m wanted and was supposed to die soon anyways." He looked at you with uncertain eyes, trying to convince himself you would be okay. You felt your eyes start to get heavy and thoughts started to combine.

Alastor noticed this. "You can't leave me. You are all I have." His hand trailed from your back to your hair, letting strands gather in between his fingers.

"I love you, Alastor." Alastor felt many emotions start to gather in his heart. Fear, sadness, happiness, shock, etc. And before he could process those four words, the hand that once held his cheek fell.

Your muscles slowly died, your senses dying last. First feeling, then sight, taste, smell, and lastly, hearing.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Soft ringing soon replaced his pleas.

That was it, you were dead. Yet, why were you still there? You still felt alive, if that was even possible.

Your eyes shot open. Where were you? There were buildings engulfed in flames, and a red sky seemed to go on forever.

"Is this... hell?" You spoke out loud to yourself. Deciding to try and figure it out, you began to walk around. You could feel something different about yourself. Was it just that you were dead, or maybe this was how you usually felt and you just realized it now. You'd figure it out later.

As you walked throughout this dark place, you saw many different people? It seemed that humans turned into animals or gadgets. You had wondered if you did. You stumbled upon a small town. The people there weren't animals, but grey skinned with pitch black eyes.

"Are you lost, dear?" You heard a woman's gentle voice and turned to the direction. She was rather pretty considering this was... well. Hell.

You didn't really know how to respond.

"Oh my, you must be new here! My name is Rosie, and this is Cannibal town." Her smile was warm and inviting. "If you aren't a cannibal, I recommend not staying here." As she said that you could see some cannibals start inching towards you.

"Oh! I am one, which may be part of the reason I am here." You let out a small chuckle and start to notice the demons smile gently at you, which made you feel welcomed.

"Wonderful. I'll show you around..."


Your time in hell was quite fun, considering the conflicts. One thing that surprised you, were the exterminations. Angels, coming down once a year to kill demons didn't seem so... holy. But, as long as you stayed safe, you didn't mind so much.

Who knew it would take almost a century to meet your loved one yet again.

"Rosie!" You were as cheerful as ever, "Did you hear? Adam died?!" You were still so shocked at the news.

"I heard, deer." Rosie was like a mother to you now, her wisdom and guidance always warmed your heart.

"Then that means maybe the exterminations might end!" You hopped on your hooves with glee, arms pushed up to your chest.

Rosie smiled and let out a small chuckle. "Deer, the one who killed Adam is a member of that hotel I've been talking about."

"The one that redeems sinners?"

"Correct! I do think you should go there, at least once." She was always telling you to check it out.

"Fine, only a day though. And if I don't like it I'm coming back and you have to stop telling me to go there!" You really didn't want to. You felt at home with Rosie and the other cannibals.

"Wonderful, deer!"

So, that's how you ended up here. Standing in front of the newly built Hazbin Hotel.

"You're doing this for Rosie, Y/n. Maybe you'll meet some new friends who aren't cannibals?" You took a deep breath before opening the doors.

The interior was beautifully made, it reminded you of a previous life, although you couldn't quite remember who's life it was.

Immediately, you noticed the demons in the living room. A spider demon, laid on the couch, seeming to not be listening to... well the Princess of Hell.

You saw a cat-like demon cleaning classes in the left of the entrance. You thought he looked rather cute for a demon(in a way where you just want to take him home and eat him).

The sudden stopping of voices and attention towards you made you uncomfortable.

"Hello! I'm Charlie! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!" The bright demon walked up to you, her smile shining brightly.

You tried to look anywhere except her eyes, "Uhm, Y/n. Nice to meet you."

"Are you here to be a resident here and redeem yourself?" She seemed really excited... it seemed she was getting her hopes up.

"Well... I just want to see how it is here. I don't really plan to stay, I told a friend I would attend for a day." Her smile somehow grew larger.

"Great! Let's introduce you to everyone!" She walked you to the couch, which a bulletin board with "Redemption" in bright colours stood in front of it.

"Everyone, this is Y/n! It seems she'll be staying for a day... so let's make her feel welcome!" You gave a weak smile, "That's Angel, Vaggie, my girlfriend, and Husker is over there." Husker gave a small wave before returning to cleaning glasses.

"Charlie, you better not let her near Alastor, you do know he eats his own kind, right?" The spider demon smirked at his own comment.

Alastor. Alastor. Alastor. His name echoed through your skull.

"Not let who near me?" A slimey-looking blackness arose from the ground before revealing a demon way too similar to your love for it not to be him. The name, the suit, the face. It was him. Alastor.

Angel looked at him before looking back towards me. "Her."

Alastor looked directly at you, he seemed to be struggling to keep his smile

You on the other hand, had a warm smile on your face. "Alastor-"

"Come." He seemed to be keeping up an act in front of these people, just like when you two were alive. You walked to his side and he started to walk up the steps of the hotel.

"See I told you, Charlie." You could hear Angel from the couch.

"I think we'll be seeing her around more." Your ears perked up at Huskers voice. It felt like you could hear his smirk.

Alastor finally stopped in front of a room, only to open it and let you in before him. He shut the door behind him and you couldn't help but feel at piece.

"Y/n?" His voice was uncertain and filled with doubt.

You reached into the pocket of your dress(imagine with me here) and pulled out a crumpled up photograph. Alastor quickly realized what you were doing and did the same, you both uncrumpled it and showed it to each other. You saw yourself in his, and Alastor saw himself in yours.

He stepped closer to you until you were almost chest-to-chest. In one quick motion, you wrapped your arms around Alastor's neck. He felt a little shocked at the movement, but inched his arms forward till they were around your waist.

"Alastor. Oh, Alastor. I've missed you so much." You held onto him tighter as you took a deep breath of his scent.

"I wish I could've met with you sooner, darling." His breath was warm against your ear.

"It's alright now, we're together again." You both stood like that for a minute, just taking it all in. You were there, in that moment.

Alastor broke the silence first. "Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"What you said before you died."

"That I loved you?" You assumed his silence meant yes. "I do mean it, I still feel that way. Even after all this time." You retracted your arms and placed your palms against his chest. "Alastor. I never want to leave your side ever again. The pain of being away hurt much more than death itself."

"I feel the same, Y/n. I never wish to leave again."

You put your face against his, nose touching. Alastor let in a breath of air before letting out three simple words. "I love you."


I just want to get this out so I don't have to keep rushing it. Ignore the mood changes and bad character personality writing(I can't be bothered currently).

This was not proofread, 2481 words.

Alastor seems like a little twink in this but... I'M DONE... and tired.

Anyways... take a quick breath... and have a nice day :)

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4 years ago
It Sucks To Have To Study

It Sucks to have to study😋😋

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(New day, new hyperfixation)

Literally Murdoc Niccal's: Has bad hygiene, Lazy and walks around in his underwear.


(New Day, New Hyperfixation)

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1 year ago
:) Idk What To Draw Anymore So Yeah:) I Prob Cant Post For Like A Month Bc: Christmas, College, Lots
:) Idk What To Draw Anymore So Yeah:) I Prob Cant Post For Like A Month Bc: Christmas, College, Lots

:) idk what to draw anymore so yeah:) I prob can’t post for like a month bc: Christmas, College, Lots and lots of college stuff, working, trying to get a new job And, trying to get back with my family. So yeah lots to do.

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2 years ago

nature/random/green aes discord role layouts

🌱₊˚ [text] 🍶. * ✦˳

🧺 [text] ! ▦ ︵ˎˊ

✰ → [text] 🌳﹏ ノ

🌿⁀➴ [text] ⋆₍ ᐢ..ᐢ ₎⋆

🏡₊˚ [text] ♡🩹﹒₊˚

🍰﹏ノ [text] ♡˘◡˘♡

♫ you and i is more than like ♫

pls LIKE / REBLOG if using , ty ily !!

+ credit is not needed, but if someone asks, don’t claim as urs, just send a link to this post.

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