Dbd Dwight Fairfield - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Self Indulgent Dweet Drawing + Hot Yaoi Ghostfield
Self Indulgent Dweet Drawing + Hot Yaoi Ghostfield

self indulgent dweet drawing + hot yaoi ghostfield <3

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1 year ago
I Present Yall With, X1 Fanged Dwight!

I present yall with, x1 Fanged Dwight!

He genuinely turned out better than I though he would and I'm really proud of his teeth and hair.

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2 years ago

Howdy there, could I politely have Jake, Quentin, Steve, and Leon react to a s/o that likes to fuck with the killer? Like, “YO FRANK YOUR PULL OUT GAME IS WEAK.”

Honest to god, me when I finally shift into my DBD DR. Like, my whole goal with be to cause so much chaos in the Entity's realm. No one will be safe from my harassment, no killer or survivor.

Please don't like my posts, if you like and want to support me as a writer do not like. Instead reblog, comment, or just leave a nice message in my inbox. Likes are discouraging writers from writing; there is more info for people who are interested here.

Tags: Cursing, the reader being a little shit, general fluff and goofiness

Starting off Steve is going to be your best friend in the Fog, the second he sees someone fully on board with being a dumb little shit Steve jumps to join in .

It started like this, you were in a trial with the nurse and doing a pretty good job of looping.

however, you got cornered in a dead zone, you started to panic and the nurse blade arched for you.

Without thinking you yell at her while spinning around trying to avoid the hit, "Move, I'm gay!". Why that was the first thing to come to your mind, you have no idea but it seemed to work.

The blade whizzed past your shoulder and you ran away giggling like an idiot, you turn to look over and saw that the nurse was standing there trying to registered what you just yelled at her.

Unbeknownst to the both of you David and Steve were on gen nearby and saw/heard everything, the both of them had to bite their lips not to bust out laughing and notifying the nurse.

They now quote that whenever you are in earshot, you can't help but laugh at the same time, a matter of fact it only encouraged you to fuck around more.

In another trial with Deathslinger you saw him walking towards you and your gen and just stood up staring at him, he raised his gun but when you didn't move but matter of fact stood wide stance he stopped in confusion.

He put his gun down and stared at you for a moment, that's when you raise your finger like a gun and say "bang"

There was a painfully long pause before Deathslinger quick scoped a shot into your chest, it was worth a shot hehehhehe

He did find it amusing and will occasionally chuckle when he remembers it.

The worst/best moment within a trial with Legion, specifically Frank. Dwight was downed and being carried to a hook, you ran forward and Dwight's face lit up thinking you were going to help him.

That's when you stopped and yelled at Frank "Yo, Frank your pullout game is WEAK!!!", everyone stopped, even Frank and Dwight. He didn't turn to you but instead shrugged Dwight off of his shoulder and slowly turned to you, your own heart sinking to the pit of your stomach.

You got tunnelled and camped out of the game, It worth it though.

Another time you were getting face camped by the Pig for other unrelated shit, you were zoning out waiting for the Entity to stab you when you noticed how close she was to you, just staring up at you.

That's when the bright idea of bopping her snoot came to your head, so naturally, that's what you did.

She paused to think about what happened and gently laughed before hitting you on the hook, the other survivors picked up on that though and now everyone tried to boop her snoot

Your personal favourite is with Ghostface, for the most part, you hate him but the two of you had playful banter dynamic.

In the Grim Pantry, you were hiding in the tall reeds as Ghosty walked past, you stuck your leg out and he fell face first.

You watched as time passed in slow motion, Danny fell face first and didn't even get his hands up, slid down in the mud for a solid 30 cm and his legs plopped down behind him.

When Ghost got up to look at you, you wore the smuggest and little shit smile you could have worn.

Now, whenever you get the chance you'll take a handful of dirty and show Danny, "Look, I got you a snack mud man".

He does not appreciate the nickname.

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