D&d Players - Tumblr Posts

Well hellooo! New commission finished!
Kyle, the Dungeon Master of the group, commissioned this piece for his adventurers as a parting gift. He wanted the real life people portrayed in their character’s get-up and acting in character. Designing the costumes and getting their expressions juuuust right was a lot of fun! So I’ve added some detail shots as well.
Left to right (clockwise): Giro: water Genasi and a cleric of Vogan. A quiet fellow with a troubled past / Durbin: human monk and drunken master. Never found without a drink in his hands / Shadow: an Arakorka Rogue. A sinister guy. Likely not to be trusted / Volanir: a Human noble warlock. Finds himself quite the leader. Has a logical mind and calm disposition. / Marcus: Human Cleric of the god of society. Annoys Volanir to no end with his proper and social ways / Pierce: a human bard who enjoys attention. ‘Go big, or go home’ attitude. / and Kyle: the DM, their evil overlord :)