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7 years ago
Well Hellooo! New Commission Finished!
Well Hellooo! New Commission Finished!
Well Hellooo! New Commission Finished!
Well Hellooo! New Commission Finished!

Well hellooo! New commission finished!

Kyle, the Dungeon Master of the group, commissioned this piece for his adventurers as a parting gift. He wanted the real life people portrayed in their character’s get-up and acting in character. Designing the costumes and getting their expressions juuuust right was a lot of fun! So I’ve added some detail shots as well. 

Left to right (clockwise): Giro: water Genasi and a cleric of Vogan. A quiet fellow with a troubled past / Durbin: human monk and drunken master. Never found without a drink in his hands / Shadow: an Arakorka Rogue. A  sinister guy. Likely not to be trusted  /  Volanir: a Human noble warlock. Finds himself quite the leader. Has a logical mind and calm disposition. / Marcus:  Human Cleric of the god of society. Annoys Volanir to no end with his proper and social ways / Pierce: a human bard who enjoys attention. ‘Go big, or go home’ attitude. / and Kyle: the DM, their evil overlord :)

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7 years ago
Shudder Is A Stern Tiefling Rogue/fighter, Originally Hailing From The Desert City Of Calimport. Stepping
Shudder Is A Stern Tiefling Rogue/fighter, Originally Hailing From The Desert City Of Calimport. Stepping

‘Shudder is a stern tiefling rogue/fighter, originally hailing from the desert city of Calimport. Stepping through a portal mirror, he descended into the Underdark alongside other adventurers to drive back the demon lords. Their quest was successful, but Shudder suffered greatly: He aged by thirty years in the span of a second, was driven insane multiple times, lost his halfling friend and apprentice Fargas Rumblefoot (who turned out to have been Fraz-Urb'luu, demon lord of deception, all along), witnessed the death of his god Kelemvor and - compelled by a demonic gnoll flail - gobbled down a chunk of the corpse of Orcus, demon lord of undeath. The Raven Queen, having taken Kelemvor's place, saw it fit to separate Shudder from Orcus' essence... by slaying him. Having been granted a new chance as an aasimar, he now serves her alone. 

Likewise caught up in the Raven Queen's judgement was Dawnbringer, Shudder's sentient sun sword. Her vessel - a golden hilt set with a brilliant ruby - was shattered, and Dawnbringer's spirit now shares Shudder's body. When called upon, she manifests as a blade of pure radiance in his hand. Both in the madness of the Underdark and beyond, Dawnbringer ever strives to be a relentless wellspring of cheerful hope for the often dour Shudder.’

Thank you Charredlore for providing the excellent background information, as usual :D! Commissioned by Charredlore (indirectly by one of his adventurers).

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7 years ago
RaHaj, The Fun-loving And Romantic Cleric With Devilish Charm .

Ra’Haj,  the fun-loving and romantic cleric with devilish charm . 

Ra’Haj comes from a tiefling tribe in the feywild. He was banished from the tribe once they had found he worships Cyric, the Mad God of Trickery. Though Cyric is often associated with conflict and deception, Ra’Haj is not an evil fellow. He just enjoys to play pranks on people and have a general good time. 

This character was commissioned by: Richard, who sadly informed me that the lovely Ra’Haj died during battle. He will be sorely missed indeed!

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7 years ago
Hello Again! This Fashionable Lightning Witch Is Called Beloved! Her Little Sweet Lightning Elemental

Hello again! This fashionable lightning witch is called Beloved! Her little sweet lightning elemental Dragonling is called Nergui. Beloved is occasionally a tad bit frazzled, but people still find her immensely charming. She keeps a field journal/party adventure diary, which is probably filled with the latest gossip considering she has the ring of Mindreading.  

Character belong to and was commissioned by B.B. (Kiraah)! I really enjoyed drawing her for you, thank you :3!

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7 years ago
Where A Group Of Foreign Troublemakers Makes The Best Of A Dark Situation By Throwing Glitter And Drinking

‘Where a group of foreign troublemakers makes the best of a dark situation by throwing glitter and drinking a large quantity of local beer.’


‘Where our tipsy party just rolls with the punches and celebrate the new year in a gloomy village full of rude (and evil) locals’

Left to right, at the top: Aron(Cleric), Jack(Monk), Mirtha(squire)- Middle: Mayken(Bard) and Fix(Rogue)- Below: Fariz(Paladin), Liam(Wizard) and Tala(Druid).  

I wish you all a very lucky, kind and prosperous 2018!!

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7 years ago
Presenting: The Absolutely Splendid Fashion Mage: Jackal!

Presenting: The absolutely splendid fashion Mage: Jackal!

Jackal likes to think of himself as sleek and all in on the aesthetic but frequently finds himself dropping that act as he exasperatedly has to be a voice of reason within his party. He'd prefer to skirt around conflict with persuasion, flattery, and when necessary, magic. When not doing crime for fun and profit, he also runs a fashion blog. ~ Thank you, Josh, for his background info :)

This charismatic and very shiny Mage belongs to and was commissioned by Josh :). 

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7 years ago
New Character, Who Dis?
New Character, Who Dis?
New Character, Who Dis?
New Character, Who Dis?
New Character, Who Dis?

New character, who dis?

My soft-hearted and wispy Smoke Genasi: Endeavour Yves. (They/them, his/him pronouns. Yves is a smoky skeleton most of the time anyway…) They are a Blood hunter, with a mysterious past. When tired of agitated their skin becomes more transparent, showing their bone structure more clearly. This tends to scare people a tad bit… 

Yves is also very much blind. Their more “darker” abilities and excellent hearing compensate for their lack of sight.

Niko is the best Dm! I am so happy Charredlore convinced me to join up, ‘cause my new fellow adventurers are the BEST.

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6 years ago
Introducing In An Orderly Fashion:Eleminstrix, Li And Laefyr Vain-Glory
Introducing In An Orderly Fashion:Eleminstrix, Li And Laefyr Vain-Glory
Introducing In An Orderly Fashion:Eleminstrix, Li And Laefyr Vain-Glory

Introducing in an orderly fashion: Eleminstrix, Li and Laefyr Vain-Glory

Elemenstrix is a human archmage and artificer of the highest order. Li is a human Elemental Monk who has seen a tremendous amount of war and conflict. Laefyr is a Tiefling Cleric of Tymora. 

Characters were commisioned by Noah!

More of his characters to come! *arduously continues working on them*

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6 years ago
A Gift For My Fellow Roll20 Adventurers! Guidedby Our Amazing Dungeon Master Niko
A Gift For My Fellow Roll20 Adventurers! Guidedby Our Amazing Dungeon Master Niko
A Gift For My Fellow Roll20 Adventurers! Guidedby Our Amazing Dungeon Master Niko
A Gift For My Fellow Roll20 Adventurers! Guidedby Our Amazing Dungeon Master Niko
A Gift For My Fellow Roll20 Adventurers! Guidedby Our Amazing Dungeon Master Niko

A gift for my fellow Roll20 adventurers! Guided by our amazing Dungeon Master Niko

(In order) 1: Raudraith, fire Genasi extraordinaire. Enchantment Wizard / Noble / 24 years old / 1,84 tall

Played by Charredlore (Ben)

2: His older brother Arnuel,  a dashing air Genasi. Bladesinger Wizard / Noble / 25 years old / 1,85 tall

Played by Wyltarg (Eir)

3: My soft-hearted Endeavour Yves, a clueless smoke Genasi.  Lycan Blood hunter/ Noble / 28 years old / 1,73 tall

Played by me (there are more designs of Yves here)

4: And the gracious leader of this weird Genasi band- Moree Malkyn, the wonderful angelic Protector.  Grave Cleric / Aasimar / ??? years old / 1,70 tall

Played by Maren

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6 years ago
New Character Illustration Finished!

New character illustration finished!

The lovely & badass lavender Yaniir is a Tiefling Arcane Trickster rogue and she is always prepared to accept any challenge. Yaniir is mighty clever, but she can be irreverent and quite impatient. Her body is covered with glowing white markings from an arcane experiment gone wrong and she smells constantly of brimstone.

Commisioned by Noah, for one of his fellow adventurers.

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6 years ago
This Is My Boyfriend Arnuel, And This Is Arnuelsgirlfriend Moree, And That Is Her Boyfriend Yves, And

“This is my boyfriend Arnuel, and this is Arnuel’s girlfriend Moree, and that is her boyfriend Yves, and that is their boyfriend Raudraith and that back there is Rau’s GOOD BIRD Lady Chandrahas.”


^The Dm’s Dwarven merchant NPC: Anatoli explaining the result of a late night discord conversation, where the Roll20 group decided to marry each other. 

I’m not procrastinating! You are! 


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6 years ago
Meet The WonderfulEila, A Wood Elf And Wild Druid Of Fungi.

Meet the wonderful Eila, a wood Elf and wild Druid of Fungi. 

Eila is awkward, nervous, but very kind and protective of her friends. She lived most of her life in the wilderness, with only animals and a giant spider as her friends. The focus of her abilities is keeping the balance of life and death through decomposition and decay magic.

Commisioned by Noah, for one of his fellow adventurers.

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6 years ago
Something In Between Commissions. A Bunch Of Portraits I Sketched For Our Taldorei D&D Group (Also Known
Something In Between Commissions. A Bunch Of Portraits I Sketched For Our Taldorei D&D Group (Also Known
Something In Between Commissions. A Bunch Of Portraits I Sketched For Our Taldorei D&D Group (Also Known
Something In Between Commissions. A Bunch Of Portraits I Sketched For Our Taldorei D&D Group (Also Known
Something In Between Commissions. A Bunch Of Portraits I Sketched For Our Taldorei D&D Group (Also Known

Something in between commissions. A bunch of portraits I sketched for our Tal’dorei D&D group (Also known as Moree & the Genasi band). Drawing faces relaxes me….I will add more in the future.

In order: Arnuel and Raudraith, the snooty elven brothers before they turned into an air and fire Genasi. They were a bunch of a-holes.

- Our dear cleric Moree and my Blood hunter Yves, a reverse AU. Where Moree is a plant Genasi this time and Yves a plain ol’ noble human (quarter elf). 

-Two NPC’s played wonderfully by our DM Niko: Captain Thiasli and the very holy dwarven Lady Anatoli

-And then the two dads of Yves, Maturin (Halfling rogue) and Aubrey(Dwarf captain) -yes that’s a reference- and the mysterious Nelsora (human fighter).

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6 years ago
Introducing In An Orderly Fashion: WW, Fergus Rumblefootand Flux
Introducing In An Orderly Fashion: WW, Fergus Rumblefootand Flux
Introducing In An Orderly Fashion: WW, Fergus Rumblefootand Flux

Introducing in an orderly fashion: WW, Fergus Rumblefoot and Flux

WW is the antagonist, although he thinks himself to be a good guy. Do NOT make a deal with this shifty bugger. Fergus is a Halfling Bard of the College of Swords (sneakily preparing to fling his hidden dagger at the enemy). Flux is a badass Ice Giant Barbarian.

Characters were commisioned by Noah! Thank you for letting me draw your awesome characters. It was a blast :)

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5 years ago
Two D&D Characters Of Mine. Sketches Of Outfits And Their Portraits.
Two D&D Characters Of Mine. Sketches Of Outfits And Their Portraits.
Two D&D Characters Of Mine. Sketches Of Outfits And Their Portraits.
Two D&D Characters Of Mine. Sketches Of Outfits And Their Portraits.

Two D&D characters of mine. Sketches of outfits and their portraits.

First one is Anuket Kruidnagel, whom I play in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign. They are a Tiefling and a “Noble” Bard (College of Whispers). Anuket just likes to create mayhem, drink wine and occasionally solve crimes. 

The other is Ibis Clothaire, whom I play in an Eberron campaign. He is a Drow and Paladin (Oath of the Ancients). Ibis is a 200-year old hippy who lived through a horrible war. He plays the Qanûn with passion and just wants to bring the band back together.  

Both campaigns are hosted by the amazing Charredlore

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