Supernatural Dean - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Could of had our very own Peepaw Sam Winchester.

it’s still so funny to me that Markiplier of Youtube, with a youtube originals budget, got Old Man Makeup which looks infinitely better than a literal network television show could manage to get for their series finale

Its Still So Funny To Me That Markiplier Of Youtube, With A Youtube Originals Budget, Got Old Man Makeup
Its Still So Funny To Me That Markiplier Of Youtube, With A Youtube Originals Budget, Got Old Man Makeup

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7 months ago

My biggest regret is not watching Supernatural or reading Destiel fanfiction sooner because for some reason I didn't find Misha Collins

I still don't know what was wrong with me and I deeply regret my sinful actions and now understand the beauty of Misha Collins

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2 years ago

Mother's Intuition

Pairing: Dean x Reader Word Count: 178 Summary: Mary is happy to see that she was right after she heard one of her sons calling you by a sweet nickname on the phone because she was convinced that something was going on between you two.  Warnings: fluff

Mother's Intuition

Dean has his back turned when Mary walked up to the Impala. “Yeah, okay. I’ll see you soon, Kitten,” Dean said, not knowing that his mother stood behind him. 

Mary cleared her throat as Dean hung up his phone, “Who was that?” 

“Whoa, mom. How long have you been standing there?” Dean asked, taken by surprise. “It was Y/N.” 

Mary smiled warmly at him. She knew it. The stolen glances between Y/N and Dean when they thought no one was looking had raised her now confirmed suspicions. “Long enough,” Mary shrugged as she opened the door to the Impala and got in. 

Dean narrowed his eyes at his mother skeptically as he started the car. Mary laughed. 

“You know, when we get back to the bunker, I should ask Kitten if she wants to do a girl’s night,” Mary teased Dean as his eyes widened and a blush crept over his face. “Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag,” Dean chuckled as he pulled out onto the highway, headed for home and his Kitten. 

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7 months ago

Dean <3

hey guys I’m really trying to figure out my art style and so I drew some Deans as practice, if any of you guys have tips please tell me


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1 year ago



Happy 45th Birthday, Dean Winchester

Happy 45th Birthday, Dean Winchester

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2 years ago

Your Love is a Bad Medicine

Your Love Is A Bad Medicine

Dean Winchester x Sister! reader

Song: Bad Medicine - Bon Jovi

Warning: Separation anxiety

Description: Dean and his little sister are on their way to get Sam from college.  Dean has to go somewhere, and the youngest Winchester is left in the room by herself. Her anxiety begins to act up while she waits for her brother to come back.

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          (Y/n) tapped her foot anxiously against the dirty red carpet of the motel room. She sat in the green chair by the window, glancing through the blinds, into the parking lot.

         The sun had gone down a while ago so the only illumination she had were the few door lights that actually worked. (Y/n) bit into her bottom lip, gnawing at the bruised skin as her anxiety peaked a bit more. The small box TV sitting on the dresser played in the background. Static flickered every now and again due to the bad quality of the motel. The young girl turned it on to distract herself from the road but the worry for her brother grew and grew over the night.

         Dean had left hours before sunset and had not come back since. She knew he could handle himself but the worry that something bad could happen inundated through her mind, nonetheless. Slipping her fingers through to push the blinds open, she felt tears forming in her eyes when she still didn’t see the Impala turning into the motel.

         (Y/n)’s throat began to clog up as she tried to stop from letting out a cry. She then glanced at her phone that was charging on the bed. Almost too quickly, she threw herself across and pulled the cell harshly off the plug. She instantly went into her contacts, her shaking finger hovering over Dean’s name. She pressed down, listening to the repeating ring coming from the phone.

         However, the instant feeling of guilt spread through her. (Y/n) immediately went back to the home screen and sighed. She wouldn’t want to bother him because of her worries, especially if he was working. A few stray tears dropped, and she lies her head back on the flat pillows.

         “Maybe listening to music will help,” the girl whimpered, turning the screen on and pressing the downloads she had. A smile reached her quivering lips as she saw the name of a song her and Dean like to sing together. She began to softly play it on her phone speaker. The beginning music resonated, causing her smile to widen.

 Your love is like a bad medicine

 Bad medicine is what I need

 Whoa oh oh

 Shake it up like a bad medicine

 There ain’t no doctor that can cure my disease

           (Y/n) turns it up as old memories began to resurface. She lifts herself, resting her elbows on the top of her knees. Leaving her phone in her lap, she reposed her head and closes her eyes, humming softly to the music.

 I ain’t got a fever, got a permanent disease

 And it’ll take more than a doctor to prescribe a remedy

 I got lots of money but it isn’t what I need

 Gonna take more than a shot to get this poison outta me

 And I got all the symptoms, count ‘em, one, two, three

          Suddenly, the door opens with an obnoxious voice singing along with the chorus. “Your love is like a bad medicine! Bad medicine is what I need!”

          (Y/n) jumps from her spot and instantly turns off the song that was playing. Her eyes were wide with fright and her fingers twitched at her side.

         Dean stood in front of the door, a few bags in hand. His brows furrow with confusion as he notices his little sister’s current state. He places the bags on the table that was beside the dresser, turning to (Y/n) with new concern. “What’s wrong, ankle-bitter?”

          “N-nothing! I just wasn’t expecting you to barge through like that,” (Y/n) replies, mentally cursing for her nervous habits.

         Dean gave his famous smirk, pulling his jacket off his shoulders. “Well, I thought you would be asleep until I heard music blaring. I guess we were both surprised.”

         “Y-yeah.” (Y/n) simply replies as she got up on the bed again and watched Dean go into the bathroom to change.

         After a few minutes, he comes out, plopping himself on the bed. “So, what have you been up to?” Dean asks, leaning himself on the headboard.

         “Not much...” (Y/n) mumbled out with a shrug.

         “(Y/n), is everything alright?” Another shrug was all he got. “Look at me.”

          She felt stupid. He was right here but she felt tears swarming again. Why was she so scared?

         “It’s nothing,” she said after a few breaths to calm herself.

         “Sure doesn’t look like nothing,” Dean grumbles. He straightens himself to a sitting position, all humor gone from his eyes. “Come on, tell me what’s on your mind-- is it about Dad?”

         “No! I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m worried about his safety but that’s not it.” (Y/n) replied quickly.

         “So, something is bothering you?”

         The youngest Winchester sighs with irritation. She hates it when Dean does this. He knows just what to say and he will press on until she confesses.

        “I was worried about you, that’s all.”

         “Why? I was only out for a couple of hours,” Dean questions.

         “I-I know... doesn’t mean something bad couldn’t happen within those nine hours,” (Y/n) mutters in embarrassment.

         “You were counting time... is that why you called? I was going to answer but you hung up before I could.”  


         “Don’t be sorry. You get nervous, I get it,” Dean trivializes, “but hey, we’re both here.”

         “Yeah,” (Y/n) agreed, smiling slightly at him.

         “Get some sleep. We gotta a good drive tomorrow,” Dean said, smiling in return.

         (Y/n) nodded, situating herself to a laying position on the bed. She felt Dean shift too, resting on his back. “Hey Dean...” she asks, while closing her eyes.


         “Do you think Sam will be glad to see us?”

         “I don’t know... I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Sleeping would help pass the time.”

         “Yeah, yeah. Goodnight.”

         “Night (Y/n).”

    Your love is like a bad Medicine

 Bad medicine is what I need

 Whoa oh oh

 Shake it up like a bad medicine

 You got the potion that can cure my disease

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6 months ago
Erm Hello People Of Tumblr !! I Post :Dhave Them :} [IM SO SORRY IF I DREW THEM ODD/WRONG THIS IS THE
Erm Hello People Of Tumblr !! I Post :Dhave Them :} [IM SO SORRY IF I DREW THEM ODD/WRONG THIS IS THE
Erm Hello People Of Tumblr !! I Post :Dhave Them :} [IM SO SORRY IF I DREW THEM ODD/WRONG THIS IS THE
Erm Hello People Of Tumblr !! I Post :Dhave Them :} [IM SO SORRY IF I DREW THEM ODD/WRONG THIS IS THE

erm hello people of tumblr !! i post :D have them :} [IM SO SORRY IF I DREW THEM ODD/WRONG THIS IS THE FIRST TRY PLEASE DONT BURN ME🙏] ok goodby-

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3 years ago
Painting Of One Of My Favorite Supernatural Screen Caps I Did Over Winter Break
Painting Of One Of My Favorite Supernatural Screen Caps I Did Over Winter Break

Painting of one of my favorite supernatural screen caps I did over winter break

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2 years ago

Supernatural Ao3 Fanfic Recommendations

Morning Star by LittleMissXanda

Main Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Supernatural

Main Pairings: Lucifer/Harry Potter

Chapters: 18/?


He was often told, at least before his fall, that he was the most beautiful of their Father's creations. In his youthful folly and vanity he had agreed with them. Now he knew better and he dared anyone to claim otherwise while gazing at the being in his arms.

The Sam Winchester Playlist by XxxScorpioxxX

Main Fandom: Supernatural

Main Pairings:

Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Sam Winchester, Lucifer/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Lucifer/Michael (Supernatural), Gabriel/Lucifer/Sam Winchester, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, Castiel/Gabriel/Lucifer/Michael/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester. Sam Winchester/Micheal, Gabriel/Kali (Supernatural)

Chapters: 15/?


Dean and Cas are dead, the angels and demons were dwindling in numbers as they failed to stop the Leviathans from eating everything in its path.

Chaos, Death, and Destruction.

Chuck offered a choice to Sam, to fix everything and unify what could have been one of the greatest forces under his ruling but at a price of something Sam is sure to hate when he wakes up.

The New Marauders and the Trickster God by JasminSky

Main Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Supernatural

Main Pairings: Lucifer (Supernatural)/Harry Potter, Alastair/Castiel/Dean Winchester

Chapters: 63/?


Gabriel, or lately known as Loki, the pagan god of mischief and mayhem, is bored as hell. Since the Winchester brothers are more inclined to kill him after his stunt at the Mystery Spot, pranking them is out of the question.

But wait isn’t the saviour of magical Britain and son of one of his most devoted followers attending Hogwarts soon? Moreover, weren’t there also twins who worshipped him? That sounded of a lot more fun but will Hogwarts survive it?

Or better yet, will the world survive a Harry Potter trained by him?

Remember some chapters are longer than others


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2 years ago
Um Excuse Me Sir Why Are You So Attractive

Um excuse me sir why are you so attractive 😭😭🥺

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2 years ago

Hey y’all so this will be a dean x reader story and it will be a female reader if y’all want me to do requests I can I still new to this -red

Hey Yall So This Will Be A Dean X Reader Story And It Will Be A Female Reader If Yall Want Me To Do Requests


We were driving back from a long hunt it was 11 at night and we were hunting a pack of werewolves Sam was passed out in the backseat and Dean was passed out in the front seat I was driving baby back to the bunker as soon as I pulled into the garage when I turned off the car I shook dean and Sam up They both groggily woke up as we walk into the bunker Sam immediately goes to his room and crashes on his bed, I go to me and Dean's bedroom with Dean trailing behind then both of us crash our bed.

*couple hours later*

I wake up at four in the morning or 3 to be exact Dean was having one of his nightmares again he always gets though whenever we have a bad hunt or a tiring one as he tosses and turns in his sleep I turn to him and I gently start running my fingers through his hair and pull him close causing him to wake up slightly and having him snuggle closer to me him rest his head on my chest and his arms wrapped around my waist "can you read to me the poetry you always read from the book"he whispers in to my chest I respond with "of course my love"one of the things that he will never tell anyone except for me what is that he likes Poetry . I have read this to Dean so many times and I practically memorized it as I run my fingers through his hair to calm him down I begin to recite the Juliet's monologue from Romeo and Juliet

O Romeo, o Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo

deny thy father and refused thy name

Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,

And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;

Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.

What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,

Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part

Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!

What's in a name? that which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet;

So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,

Retain that dear perfection which he owes

Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,

And for that name which is no part of thee

Take all myself

As I finish reciting the monogue I looked down at my Dean and I see that he's peacefully sleeping now I can rest easy knowing that my dean is OK and knows that I will always be there for him when he is in need

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