Death Note Musical - Tumblr Posts

I said it and I won’t take criticism.
Mutuals feel free to reblog if you’re:
Afraid to walk the streets at night with all your doors locked tight
Eternally bored
The mighty hurricane
The god of a brave new world
Ready (set, go go)
Looking for patterns on a screen
Connecting bits of data
Smashing laws to smithereens
Smart enough, so it appears, to win this stupid game
Honor bound to serve your family
Cheating death with every breath
Living on borrowed time
Sitting down and pouring tea
Like a software program stuck inside an endless loop
this is the eighth one of these things specifically about the deathnote musical and that good omens animatic I’ve seen in a row I’m dying here

I’m so baffled, what have I done with my life to bring me to here and now

Just discovered Ride the Cyclone the musical. We’re up to four musicals that I was randomly recommended on Youtube. All of them in the span of a few months.
Ride the Cyclone being the most recent (a day ago).
(those four being Ride the Cyclone, Starry, Goosebumps, and Death Note)
Personally my favourite bit was when L did a Misa impression after picking up the phone
I've been meaning to talk about the musical for a while but keep forgetting so that's coming at some point
okay. my favourite details from the death note musical london performance:
the booklet being paged right to left. with a page at the end saying "you're reading in the wrong direction!"
okay but MISA MISA HAVING LIKE 5 BACK-UP DANCERS LITERALLY ALSO DRESSED UP AS MISA MISA (it was so funny to see them dance around her)
light being dragged along by sayu to misa's concerts. like the Older Brother he is.
misa's concert on stage literally had a rap segment it was WILD
sayu later fangirling over misa's 'latest song' in light's bedroom only for him to be having a life crisis right next to her because of the message in the lyrics. he was sat there like...."ill gladly give you half my years"????
L keeping the "yagami-san", "light-kun" when he talked to them!!!!!! (naturally only happened one time each BUT STILL IT WAS COOL)
ryuk taking any and every opportunity to be sassy. the audience laughed tons at his lines in particular.
like light saying "they're calling it divine justice!" and him responding "or oooh, you know, mass murder. that totally has a ring to it too :D"
L's iconic "well,'re the first friend I've ever had." and "what? why are you staring at me? is it...because im the only one who has sweets?" (they changed it slightly cause I think he had marshmallows on a stick? and was walking around with it, gesturing)
after the tennis match, light threw down his racket at L's feet and L held both rackets up awkwardly like a peace offering as he walked towards him
but I swear L nearly DROPPED THEM when misa arrived, I just loved watching him slip into the crowd of fans all eagerly and then the phone call scene afterwards. so iconic.
rem's. vocals. were insane. Borrowed Time. was also amazing.
PUNS ??? during misa's interrogation scene, she's naturally defending light, saying he's not kira, but also defending kira all "kira has saved us all! he's taken away the darkness in society!" ONLY TO HAVE L SNAP BACK "so....light?"
then after this one song finishes, L exclaims "Light!" out of like realisation but then the stage lights actually turn on and he's like.... "oh. convenient :)"
the way the music played in between songs during dialogue was SO GOOD it was really satisfying.
AND THEN THEY REALLY HAD LIGHT SAY "well. they do say the pen is mightier than the sword." near the end. that's just CHEESY
light. laughing. as he was winning against L at the end. "I just wanted to see your face as you realised I won :)" unhinged arrogant boy
only to have him panicking and snivelling on the ground all pathetic as he realises what ryuk's about to do.
and so, at the end. ryuk was sat at the big red chair at the centre after killing light. watching over everything. both dead bodies. the last haunting requiem. it was such a menacing and powerful sight.
Everyone knows that Light and L matched each other's freak but I think their dynamic in the musical (the Japanese ver specifically) is underrated. Like it's not super different from canon but they just had this extra edge of Violence that we never quite saw from the more methodical and careful mindgames in canon death note and I think it's great. Like, yes, they did declare in canon that they will bring each other to justice, yes L says he wants to send Kira to his execution, but in the lyrics of the musical they both outright say multiple times that they just want to straight up Kill each other. It's direct the whole way through. There's more mutual contempt. This game is about nothing more than simply being the first one to Kill the Other (they actually use the word "殺し合い" (koroshiau) or "to kill each other" to describe their game (translated as "murderous ... game")).

(Sidenote but all those references about wanting to send each other to Hell?? Beautiful)
Yeah this is a battle of justice and ideals, yes that clash is a key part of their final confrontation at the end of the musical, but throughout their duets (or even songs like The Game Begins where they're singing by themselves) there's this near singleminded desire to just fucking End each other. It's fucking Raw and it's great.
Also THIS FUCKING SCENE?? THIS SCENE FROM SECRETS AND LIES. Iconic. Actually Insane. My jaw dropped. Light looks like a crazy bitch it's beautiful.

Um. Also. Obligatory Playing His Game (yknow the gay sex song) lines dump. It basically says everything I just said above in like 9 lines. You see what I mean right.

In canon they're playing a game of mental chess, trying to use everyone around them to finally catch the other as their end goal, but in the musical you really do feel like all they see is each other. They would probably beat each other to death with their fists if it came down to that. Idk they're just so excited and fired up about their little game in the musical and it's so unhinged and fun and special and I love it. It's like the writers for the musical decided to kick their murderous intent up a couple notches and the result is absolutely Beautiful.
I also think that the intensity of their rivalry in the beginning just makes the wind-down of The Way It Ends soo much better. It's such a good contrast to their previous duets where they try to sing over each other (Secrets and Lies & Stalemate) or with each other but basically at the top of their lungs (Playing His Game). It feels like there's both a quiet mutual understanding but also an underlying disappointment that the game is finally over. In canon, L's death Is instead the peak of their game, the moment he gets confirmation that Light is Kira is the exact same moment that he dies. In the jdrama it's almost sudden, how L dies, after the quiet moment has already passed. But in the musical L's death, ironically, Is the one quieter moment in their game. Their peak was the game itself. It was Secrets and Lies and Playing His Game. But the end of the game in the musical is not a victory, it's just (as L says) the end of everything they'd been wanting up until this point.
Uh. Fuck it. Clip from the Kenji Urai version because I just love his delivery here. His tone just goes so well with the silence and the sound of the clock ticking. You see what I mean right.
Their rivalry in the musical may have been more shortlived but like Damn they were really enjoying every second of it. They were truly insane about each other until the very end. (Like despite everything I just said about the ending it was still unhinged as fuck. Light Making L Shoot Him and then Making L Shoot Himself with L's Own Hand?? Holy shit man. What the fuck /pos)
Musical Light and L your game might've been shorter but you'll always be famous <33 Please never inflict what you had on anyone else ever please stay in hell forever thank you
Korean Musical Analysis 2-2
Yay, @casuistor, have some Part 2-2!
Part 1 is here, and Part 2-1 is here. Let’s get started:
(If you’re on mobile, be careful of your data usage: I found out that tumblr actually does let you post more than 9 images in a text post in the middle of writing this, so I got excited and added a bunch of more gifs. xD;;)
Keep reading
storyboard/animatic to "Stalemate" to celebreate the Death Note Musical's London premiere!
i first came across this album back in 2015 when I adopted a very niche fixation for Korean-adapted musicals (mostly XIA/Junsu) (which then made me a fan of so many of Frank Wildhorn's works) so tribute is well overdue lol :)
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Fandoms I’m in part 2: Musical theatre edition
To the Chief, If He Can Hear Me.
There are lines you can’t cross,
But they’re fine ones, and blurred.
There are things you can’t do,
But that you’d much prefer.
As the orange sun sets,
And the time rushes by,
My hands remain wet,
Though the blood’s long since dried.
You can’t justify means
Just to serve all your ends,
But the law’s long been smashed,
And all good men condemned.
Because blinded by Light,
We saw not what we should.
And his smile seemed so bright
When his teeth glowed with blood.
It’s true you can’t load a gun, go blind, and shoot,
But betrayed in the warehouse,
‘Twas all I could do.
I had no more words,
So I fired with all might.
Gun in hand, vision blurred,
With my target in sight.
And backwards he stumbles,
Downwards he falls.
One more Yagami gone from the frame on the wall.
You explained all the lessons and lines long ago,
And I had believed them, cause how could I know
That you’d die at the hands of your pride and your joy?
That I’d be relieved to shoot your little boy?
Why did I do it, and what was it for?
Am I better than he was, or evil therefore?
No answer will come,
And you’re ash in a pot,
So I’ll down some more sake
And drown all my thoughts.