Derek Venturi - Tumblr Posts

there isnt even like a theme going here
Dasey is the only thing that makes any sense
I will never be fully convinced that Dasey wasn’t planned from the start because Derek and Casey’s characters are very clearly written to only work with each other.
Casey is never satisfied with the way her boyfriends treat her, because she’s always conflicted between her feminist and traditionalist ideals. Sam was respectful, but too passive for her to feel secure in the relationship. Max was less passive, but also less respectful. He expected her to play the subordinate role, and for her life to be less important than his, and she went along with it for awhile, but ultimately she couldn’t stand it. Truman won points by being the only one of the three to actively pursue her, and also by challenging her and being openly impressed when she rose to said challenge. But he only respected her as an opponent, and once she stopped fighting him, he went right back to being a disrespectful jackass.
On top of that, none of them were ever able to match her intensity. They all genuinely liked her in their own ways, but they were never going to be as invested as she was, because they just weren’t capable of it.
Derek’s problem with Kendra was kind of the reverse of Casey’s problem with Truman. She captured his interest very intensely in the beginning, but once the novelty wore off, he was over it.
His problems with Sally were kind of a combination of Casey’s problems with Sam and Max. Derek liked and respected Sally’s independence and level headedness, but was ultimately frustrated and insecure in the relationship because she was so independent and level headed that he didn’t feel needed or like his feelings were fully reciprocated. And then he got his heart broken because Sally wasn’t as invested as he was.
So, who does Casey know who is assertive enough to make her feel wanted and secure, respectful enough to see her as an equal, challenging enough to keep her interested, and with enough depth to not get bored once the chase is over?
And who does Derek know who demands his respect and refuses to put up with his crap while still relying on and prioritizing him? Who does he know who can keep his interest and reciprocate it with an equal level of intensity? Who challenges him to grow and be a better, kinder person without turning him into a different person entirely?