Dexter Alvin Dizznee - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago
Dex Dex Dexipoo Deck For Day Two Of Attempting Inktober (lazy Attempts, Ill Admit)

Dex dex dexipoo deck for day two of attempting inktober (lazy attempts, I’ll admit)

Tag list: @aspenaspenaspenaspenaspen @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1 @wow-youre-so-pretty @myfairkatiecat @stars-and-stuff

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3 years ago


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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Bruh sometimes I just think about keefex and cry a little inside like just Aaaaaaaa they'd be so perfect for each other like srsly- just them supporting each other- they already do that and like AAAAAAAAAA I'm crying over keefex a g a I n ok bye-

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3 years ago

Bruh sometimes I just think about keefex and cry a little inside like just Aaaaaaaa they'd be so perfect for each other like srsly- just them supporting each other- they already do that and like AAAAAAAAAA I'm crying over keefex a g a I n ok bye-

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2 years ago

Dex dizznee

Who is dex dizznee?

Why was he born?

What was his purpose?

He isnt that exceptionally smart, isnt talented, doesn't have a fancy talent like telepathy or empathy, all he got was a lame ol technopath ability.

Yet, he craves for attention, craves to be someone Great, to receive love and acceptance from the society…he deserves it…doesnt he? Or does he?

He has amazing supportive parents, three chaotic yet caring siblings… it should be enough… he thinks. He loves his family to the moon and back, he would do anything for them, to keep them safe, he thinks.

When he was a little kid, he always thought that once he went to school, he would make his parents proud, make tons of friends, keep his grades up and become something admirable and amiable… but he didnt know the monstrosity rhat was waiting in school. He didnt do anything, yet he got contempt, glares, pitiful glances and teachers eyes which expected nothing from him, they had already given up. He wasnt even given a chance, his life, his potential was already decided for him, which was nothing. Everyone thought that the dex dizznee could not do anything, couldnt be anything ever, the moment he fails theyll be there to sneer and laugh and say that it was expected. He asked himself over and over again why? Why was so much contempt and hatred directed towards him? What did he ever do to the world? It was because of his parents? The caring, kind, lovely parents? He couldn't think of better parents, of better people than his parents and yet the world hated them for loving each other?  Isnt it taught in school that love is good, love is peace, and we should always love each other, love can never be wrong…the answer is always love? Wasnt that the basic principle of life? Of humanity? And yet the "society" hated dex because of love? He couldnt understand it, he couldnt grasp it, just why? It didnt make sense. It was not fair. And dex dizznee understood that day, that nothing would ever be fair for him, nothing would be easy… if he failed, it was what was expected of him, if he succeeded, it was luck, a mere coincidence, he still amounted to nothing. Everyone expected, even waited for him to fall, his fall would give others pleasure and satisfaction of being right, and he decided that say, he would never let them have that satisfaction. He loved his family, he was proud of his family, and he would make his family proud, he would never let the cruel unjust society have the satisfaction of being right, because they werent. He couldnt ever understand how the society was right, all he saw was his parents were lovely and kind and caring and there was nothing wrong with them, or him, or his siblings. They were right, the world was wrong, and he would never let the world have things the way it wants. No matter what he has to do to achieve that.

He still has his doubts, he doubts himself every step of the road. He spent every day before manifesting praying, and doubting. When he manifested he doubted his talent. Technopathy? Why did he have to get the lamest of all abilities? When he got anything under a good grade, he doubted his ability. Is he really dumb? Was the society right all along? No. He cannot afford that. He cannot afford to let the society be right about him, because if they are…then…he doesnt know…. He doesnt know the answers to a million things. But he knows, he cannot let the world win. He pushes himself to his limits, he is the hardest on himself, he doesnt want his siblings to experience the same thing he experienced. He doesn't want anyone to go through it ever again. He would protect, he decided, he would protect anyone and everyone against the society in his control. He couldnt let his siblings have the same experience, he will shut the society up for them. He wont let his friends have the same experience, he would plug their ears and shut the society up for them too. The moment he became a big brother, he knew what he had to do, and he would never let anyone else be alone through the hell that the "society" has made his life. 

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2 years ago

My routine is


Get up

Check the dex dizznee tag

Check the keefex tag

Occasionally eat but while checking the Dex dizznee tag

Check the dex dizznee tag



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2 years ago

Damn son

Not me thinking about how granted for dex is taken all the time- and I think Dex also just thinks he is for granted like- AAAAAAA

Like imagine- he just keeps working on gadgets and wot not like 24 7 and people just keep telling him to make more and more and he tries to even add things like the panick switch and the thing he made for keefe and just sjsjnssnsnsnsjsjs

Dex baby you dont HAVE to work that much but he does- because he might think that's all his value is- and if he doesnt he will be out of the group or irrelevant so he keeps working without question or complain and keeps adding on and on and on and never even stops to think that all the fatigue hes been taking- its not that necessary-

Like Dex is expected to nonstop use his ability, whereas all the others dont just nonstop keep working and using their abilities they have limits- but dex is expected to just keep on making stuff without question or any hesitation and hes just taken for granted by everyone. Damn son- aaaaaa I just wanna give dex a hug and a good nights sleep and tell him that he deserves everything in the world even if hes not working on something or making some gadget to help others😭

Like imagine if dex fell sick or in coma or smth and he cant rly work and hes like dw you can find another technopath I'm replaceable ahhahah because yes- I'm pretty sure he feels that way like all the time :') and maybe the others even find another technopath and then they realise wtf dex had been doing because the normal technopath tells them that they cant just use their abilities non stop and keep making stuff for them- they have their limits and they need rest too- and the speed dex had been working on was probably not healthy. And the technopath makes em realise that dex had just been doing so much more and putting so much effort into everything- just- dex deserves a break okay- he deserves everything my baby-

Everyone overlooks how hard dex always works and just :')) I'm gonna go cry someone go give him a hug and tell him he can sleep at night without having the worry to always finish something and do something for the others that marks his worth T_T

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2 years ago

Damn son

Not me thinking about how granted for dex is taken all the time- and I think Dex also just thinks he is for granted like- AAAAAAA

Like imagine- he just keeps working on gadgets and wot not like 24 7 and people just keep telling him to make more and more and he tries to even add things like the panick switch and the thing he made for keefe and just sjsjnssnsnsnsjsjs

Dex baby you dont HAVE to work that much but he does- because he might think that's all his value is- and if he doesnt he will be out of the group or irrelevant so he keeps working without question or complain and keeps adding on and on and on and never even stops to think that all the fatigue hes been taking- its not that necessary-

Like Dex is expected to nonstop use his ability, whereas all the others dont just nonstop keep working and using their abilities they have limits- but dex is expected to just keep on making stuff without question or any hesitation and hes just taken for granted by everyone. Damn son- aaaaaa I just wanna give dex a hug and a good nights sleep and tell him that he deserves everything in the world even if hes not working on something or making some gadget to help others😭

Like imagine if dex fell sick or in coma or smth and he cant rly work and hes like dw you can find another technopath I'm replaceable ahhahah because yes- I'm pretty sure he feels that way like all the time :') and maybe the others even find another technopath and then they realise wtf dex had been doing because the normal technopath tells them that they cant just use their abilities non stop and keep making stuff for them- they have their limits and they need rest too- and the speed dex had been working on was probably not healthy. And the technopath makes em realise that dex had just been doing so much more and putting so much effort into everything- just- dex deserves a break okay- he deserves everything my baby-

Everyone overlooks how hard dex always works and just :')) I'm gonna go cry someone go give him a hug and tell him he can sleep at night without having the worry to always finish something and do something for the others that marks his worth T_T

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1 year ago

What if

Keefe like hand stitched a stuffed animal for dex

Cuz everyone has it except dex soooo oops going crazy about it👌👌

And dex holds it dearer than his life because keefe frikin hand stitched that for dex shjejsj

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1 year ago

What if

Keefe like hand stitched a stuffed animal for dex

Cuz everyone has it except dex soooo oops going crazy about it👌👌

And dex holds it dearer than his life because keefe frikin hand stitched that for dex shjejsj

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1 year ago

Ok so I think dex would be good at maths cuz he likes alchemy+engineering basically, but that's where keefe would be weak at cuz he has a photographic memory which can help him in everg subject except maths cuz u have to solve Maths, but with dex its opposite and he struggles to remember all the text, Sooooo

They both help each other out in these subjects cuz yes. Bonding. Hehehehe

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1 year ago

Ok so I think dex would be good at maths cuz he likes alchemy+engineering basically, but that's where keefe would be weak at cuz he has a photographic memory which can help him in everg subject except maths cuz u have to solve Maths, but with dex its opposite and he struggles to remember all the text, Sooooo

They both help each other out in these subjects cuz yes. Bonding. Hehehehe

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1 year ago

Dex dizznee, I think I know why I like him so much, maybe somewhere I am him, and somewhere I want to be like him, or maybe I want to have someone like him so I could just hug him and keep his precious self in my embrace, protected from the cruel world. Dex is everything, or maybe I'm keefe and I want a dex in my life, maybe I relate to keefe more and so I want to find comfort in dex, I dont know, my love for him and jis character is so absurd I dont even understand why I really love him but I just do. Hes just amazing. And he deserves the world. Hes the most human character of them all I think...

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