[DG!Swatch] - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago
This Is One Of The First Concept Arts I Made For The Swatch In My AU. When I Get An Idea I Usually Tend

This is one of the first concept arts I made for the Swatch in my AU. When I get an idea I usually tend to draw it and while I draw I fleshen out the story behind the idea in my head before actually writing about it.

For context, in my visual novel, many Darkners has creative in-depth backstories, and Swatch and the Swatchlings are not an exception. In this case here he is seen at the beginning of his career before becoming the head butler of Queen. All the Swatchlings were "born" from him (by means explained in the plot). He took good care of them and made sure to turn them into well trained butlers before they became the strapping servants other people grew to love to have around. They are like 28 Swatchlings, all with their own personalities, their own names, boons and flaws. Though they still change colour depending of the mood and other external factors, they all have fixed colours for their personalities. Their names are:

🟥 RED (Marama, Merlot, Carignan, Tempranillo) 🟧 ORANGE (Tartufo, Profiterole, *Tiramisu, *Zuccoto) 🟨 YELLOW (Ricotta, Caciocavallo, Ericino, Gorgonzola) 🟩 GREEN (Renet, Poirot, Chou, *Fenouil) ☄️ CYAN (Pierrot, Arlecchino) 🟦 BLUE (Frisco, Glace, *Ciel, *Brise) 🟪 VIOLET (Adonis, Patroklos, *Tartaglia, *Antipatros) 🌸 PINK (Pulcinella, Colombina)

((* the ones not shown on the picture because of being an early concept picture and I was still wondering about each of them))

The rainbow marks on Swatch's body are the scars left by the wires of Queen from the time she managed to "tame" him... The masks were created by Tasque Manager to curb their feral natures, as per orders of Queen.

For everything else, at least it was a first step into turning my AU ideas into a more visible form. It motivates me to go forward, and to practice more digital art. I still have one more concept art of Swatch to share. Will post it later.

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11 months ago
This Was Another Concept Art Of How Swatch Looked Without The Mask. He Still Retains Some Of His Former

This was another concept art of how Swatch looked without the mask. He still retains some of his former feral traits, but are more tame compared to his original EXCEPTION form, monsters that were queued for deletion as they were driven mad by pure undiluted Chaos when the Dark Fountain turned their original forms into Darkners.

This time it just shows how the mask (created by Tasque Manager to curb the feral nature of Swatch) actually hides a more fearsome countenance. His body is Darkness (as all Darkners are) sequestering all the colours of the light inside his body. With the mask on, all that storm of light gets balanced and his thoughts gets clearer, returning him to a more polite and suave demeanour (or as Tasque Manager would say, to a more "ORDERly manner"). Tasque Manager is charged to keep an eye out for him all the time, and to perform maintenance on the mask now and then to make sure the virus inside Swatch didn't manage to damage it.

I also learnt a little how to make the rainbow in him to look more hand-made and less procedural. At first I was using gradients, but it didn't look right to me so I made the stripes by hand. It was a nice experience to have 😊

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9 months ago


Desperation produces [[THE STRANGEST OF BEDFELLOWS]]… — Spamton

I keep practicing art, against my own best judgement, as it is 3:35 AM already as I type.

If there is something I know is that I need to keep practicing how to convey the concept of the protagonist of the AU. Spamton and Swatch work together in the same body in an uneasy truce, but all the other characters only see the head butler, which is a very convenient disguise for someone who will do everything to survive deletion.

<plops on bed>

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7 months ago



“From all the Guru Meditation EXCEPTIONS, this one was the most mysterious of all. It slumbered for a week at the Starlit Lake, then rose for a day, picked a random location in the world to rain destruction on it, paint it black, and finally return to roost. It would sometimes land on top of another rampaging EXCEPTION and whisk it away back to its nest. (…) We prepared for a year to deal with this one… Readied a trap to wake it up… And when we were close to victory, he begged to be deleted… However, Queen had other plans for him… Sometimes I wonder if we should have followed his request, but I don’t regret to be working side by side with him today. Perhaps it was for the best; ORDER never had a better ally than him after dispensing CHAOS mindlessly for so long...” — Tasque Manager

Link to the bigger resolution.

It’s been very busy days… What with work, family responsibilities, being driven into further debt by an obnoxious relative, and going to the doctors because everyone decided to take vacations on August and piled up all appointments within the first week. I only wanted to plop on bed and bite my pillow to kill my sourness, because I fear I'd end hurting someone in the process, thus I isolate myself as much as I can to avoid this...

From all of those turbulent emotions, I spawned this as a result. Here, enjoy a Swatch during his EXCEPTION days when TROIANUL had him in its thrall (he isn’t particularly proud of those times). And yeah, Swatch really shrunk a lot after Queen claimed him, and lost most of his feathers in consequence plus the wings (he ate them as a sign of fealty). My AU is weird, but so are battle butlers that happened to be “hunted” and “tamed” by their masters.

For good news, I was told I’m not at risk of getting a glaucoma, but that I need to control my blood pressure more (quite the feat to achieve with all the stress that surrounds me daily). At least I have that for a blessing, I was afraid I was going to become blind.

Let's see if I can have some peaceful weekend so that I can advance those pending things I owe. 3D takes long, and if you barely have the weekends to work on them... That's also another of the things that frustrates me a lot, not being able to use your spare time accordingly because someone else saw to take them from you (otherwise the guilt tripping is unbearable -- sometimes I wish I was the only sibling in my family...).

These sodding strings... When will they stop getting in the way and stop strangling my courage... Always a source of unending consternation... [[ANGEL -- BESTOW THIS SERVITOR THE FORTITUDE TO ENDURE THROUGH ALL THIS EGREGIOUS MONTH]] I could really have some vacations, but as it's usually said, no rest for the sinner, if one wants to have bread on the table and keep the internet working, walk forward forward [[FORWARD]].

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6 months ago

Rouxls' New Clothes

Rouxls' New Clothes

Finally, we [[WELCOME]] Rouxls Kaard to the cast of Delta-Gambit. He was like the third character I wrote scenes with in my first drafts of February, and had quite a lot of fun developing him and writing his first contact with Swatch and what it would entail for both of their fates. You might find him even more obnoxious than the original, but I added a personal twist that my proof-readers found quite interesting for him (may got a lil minuscule bit of Emet-Selch inspiration for him ngl), which elevates the character above being a mere comic relief without failing to still be comedic. I still don't have a final agenda for him as I'm waiting for Deltarune's Chapter 3, 4 and 5 to land and see if it gives more content about Rouxls, but so far his interest in Swatch's "dark-side" feeds Rouxls in his schemes (and Rouxls' particular type of personal pathos makes for interesting future scenarios).

Please enjoy this complimentary comic of practice. I needed to draw Rouxls and Swatch, so I scrambled a quick comic thing to use as excuse to draw them both together 👀

Rouxls' New Clothes
Rouxls' New Clothes
Rouxls' New Clothes
Rouxls' New Clothes
Rouxls' New Clothes

And yeah, that's my current avatar, a weird creature that can only be loved within tokusatsu circles, surrounded by my current brainrots 🧠

Like Akira Toriyama had his Tori-Bot, I interact with the actors and audience of my AU in that guise -- even if I still use Spwatchton or Spam as my main personas -- like some sort of Jiminy 🦗

This is a bug species I called Bahrolings that use their own blood as magical ink to travel between multiverses or to write their own (if you ever played Myst, Riven or URU you'll understand the reference). They are very smol, are able to fly and are usually beset by split personalities (that they hatch into new worlds to unburden their heads). The name of the species literally means "twelvelings", more or less they can hold up to 12 personalities with them being the 13th, before releasing them into a new or old universe. Yes I know, so weird, but I love bugs and monsters, and this idea came after my previous experience in college when we diaphonized a few fishes and amphibians to make them see-through. I still need to practice drawing them more (particularly translucent painting 🤔).

Well, that's all. This comes very late as I wanted to post it during the 21st but stuff happened and I got tangled in more family drama, delaying it further. Hope you enjoy what you see 😎

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