[DG!TROIANUL] - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago



“From all the Guru Meditation EXCEPTIONS, this one was the most mysterious of all. It slumbered for a week at the Starlit Lake, then rose for a day, picked a random location in the world to rain destruction on it, paint it black, and finally return to roost. It would sometimes land on top of another rampaging EXCEPTION and whisk it away back to its nest. (…) We prepared for a year to deal with this one… Readied a trap to wake it up… And when we were close to victory, he begged to be deleted… However, Queen had other plans for him… Sometimes I wonder if we should have followed his request, but I don’t regret to be working side by side with him today. Perhaps it was for the best; ORDER never had a better ally than him after dispensing CHAOS mindlessly for so long...” — Tasque Manager

Link to the bigger resolution.

It’s been very busy days… What with work, family responsibilities, being driven into further debt by an obnoxious relative, and going to the doctors because everyone decided to take vacations on August and piled up all appointments within the first week. I only wanted to plop on bed and bite my pillow to kill my sourness, because I fear I'd end hurting someone in the process, thus I isolate myself as much as I can to avoid this...

From all of those turbulent emotions, I spawned this as a result. Here, enjoy a Swatch during his EXCEPTION days when TROIANUL had him in its thrall (he isn’t particularly proud of those times). And yeah, Swatch really shrunk a lot after Queen claimed him, and lost most of his feathers in consequence plus the wings (he ate them as a sign of fealty). My AU is weird, but so are battle butlers that happened to be “hunted” and “tamed” by their masters.

For good news, I was told I’m not at risk of getting a glaucoma, but that I need to control my blood pressure more (quite the feat to achieve with all the stress that surrounds me daily). At least I have that for a blessing, I was afraid I was going to become blind.

Let's see if I can have some peaceful weekend so that I can advance those pending things I owe. 3D takes long, and if you barely have the weekends to work on them... That's also another of the things that frustrates me a lot, not being able to use your spare time accordingly because someone else saw to take them from you (otherwise the guilt tripping is unbearable -- sometimes I wish I was the only sibling in my family...).

These sodding strings... When will they stop getting in the way and stop strangling my courage... Always a source of unending consternation... [[ANGEL -- BESTOW THIS SERVITOR THE FORTITUDE TO ENDURE THROUGH ALL THIS EGREGIOUS MONTH]] I could really have some vacations, but as it's usually said, no rest for the sinner, if one wants to have bread on the table and keep the internet working, walk forward forward [[FORWARD]].

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