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Moments of Stupidity 6

Well, things are still going strong and I don't got much to say so here we go!

Truth Seekers -

First up, I.M.P. not wearing any disguises. Yeah, eventually disguises won't matter in the grand scheme of things but I guess I'll bring up ultimately irrelevant things when it makes a difference to the plot. And if I.M.P. had worn disguises, then this whole damn episode was bound to have never happened. In fact, all the images that D.H.O.R.K.S. had were images of before I.M.P. bothered with disguises so that just increases my sureness. There isn't any throwaway line as to why there's no disguises this time, like how all of them were destroyed and they can't afford more or that all the disguises were rented and they didn't have it in the budget this time

Millie for letting her emotions entirely dictate her actions and so demand that Loona opens the portal and likely demanded Loona's help, since Loona went ahead and packed up and did more help than open up the portal. Not that Millie can't do anything - it does feel unfair to just want her to wait for her husband to maybe come back - but there's no point in helping people if you're not gonna think it through. I know that Millie never thought of anything beyond just kill and she's lucky that her opponents are just as stupid or even stupider. And of course, it's because of Millie not thinking that she, her husband who she was so damn worried about, and the other two members of I.M.P. were in trouble at the end

Moxxie and Blitzo when they were antagonizing Agents One and Two. Sure, they shouldn't have been cooperative since they were impnapped, but they did suffer the effects of the truth serum because they angered One and Two so much and ruled out physical torture as an interrogation tactic. Really, Blitzo and Moxxie were lucky that they angered their captors so much that they forgot to ask questions while the imps were under the effects of the truth serum

Agents One and Two when they went about their investigations. Like Moxxie said, physical torture would have just gotten him and Blitzo to say anything to end the pain. And Agents One and Two don't have anything to confirm what's the truth and telling it apart from the lies regardless. Are they really supposed to just take their captives at their word? Then they don't interrogate them at all when unleashing the truth serum or while the serum was still working on Moxxie and Blitzo

Agents One and Two and their fellow agents when it came to their organization and how it runs. They thought of a password consisting of one number and one number only, they use impractical weaponry against more experienced assassins or assassins with firearms just for the sake of being cool, and no one ever brings out any guns until only two are left and those two are just incredibly lucky I.M.P. was completely tapped out at that moment

Stolas for fucking sparing the last two agents of the organization. Or, if you're so convinced and if you're actually right about how One and Two are kooks who'll never be believed, then fucking check if there's any damning evidence, like video cameras that's been recording the whole damn massacre. Just because Viv will take for-fucking-ever, if at all, to acknowledge D.H.O.R.K.S. again doesn't mean it wasn't incredibly stupid to leave some loose ends laying around

Oh, and Stolas was stupidly hypocritical chewing Blitzo out for not being careful. You're the one who took until Blitzo was gonna die to fucking do anything! In fact, how long were you fucking watching? The further back you go, up to the very start of this episode, then youu cared more about watching Blitzo deal with the D.H.O.R.K.S. agents like you thought it was just your favorite show. It's still the same even if you just watched as far back as the start of the massacre. Yet you criticize Blitzo and the others for not being careful? And you're still the one who gave Blitzo the fucking grimoire so you're stupid to act like it wouldn't be your fault whatsoever should you get in trouble (Not that it has ever mattered before. Seriously, the whole thing about Stolas and Blitzo dating or having an affair has mattered for one episode, even if it's just been one; there hasn't been a single episode yet where it matters that Stolas lent Blitzo his grimoire and no, I'm not at all counting the vague threats or consequences Stolas says in this episode and maybe Seeing Stars)

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9 months ago

Moments of Stupidity 16

Well, since Full Moon came out, it was probably only a matter of time before this, huh? I guess I wanna say first is, I'm feeling rather different than when I first started.

At the beginning, I just wanted to vent. Let anger out. I mean, as much as I have people on the lookout for my posts - which I'm flattered by - I'm still just one of many posting stuff on this site. I'm definitely not the first one to share their dislike over what goes on in Helluva Boss and I doubt I'll be the last.

Over time, I watch the shows more and more and now pretty pictures and some good songs are the standard I have now because, irrational and angry or sane and calm, I still can't get behind the writing at times. Still, I continued this series of posts about stupidity in the shows because I was being fueled by people liking these posts.

Now I'm wondering if I'll just be disappointing one of my parents if I make these posts. Because I talked with them about something and they were right. No matter how much people don't like Vivienne, she managed to be successful and do something right, if she's managed to get A24 interested in airing her show and get that show on Amazon Prime. No matter who doesn't like that, that's still what happened.

Like Stephan King and J.K. Rowling, for example. Those two got their haters but they still got their fans because they're still doing something right, especially writing wise. You might not think that's a good comparison considering the examples I'm using but it's true in the sense that they and Vivienne still are successful due to their works because they all got their fans who helped them get that successful.

So yeah, I know that I can seem disappointing to my parent that I've been angrily posting about a successful show despite how it's not going to change that success and there's a very real chance that I will, should I tell them about it. Especially since I'm still doing at least this post. I guess I can still do this for fun or because I know people will still look forward to these moments of stupidity. I'll have to think on it

In any case, I started this post to still talk about how actions in the screenplay are dumb so I might as well deliver on what I promised. Thanks to anyone and everyone who bothered reading all of this, as well as those who don't get upset over the above.

Full Moon -

So there's D.H.O.R.K.S. first. They not only didn't get any better at interrogation since they got no real way of knowing that Keenie and Cletus were really telling the truth - and they weren't, especially about the exorcists - but there's also the suits. The suits obviously fit the cherubs but Agent One and Agent Two reasonably would never expect to meet them to give the suits to so that the battle suits could be used. I can't even think of kids being sent because they decided not to after last time. So who the fuck would Agent One and Agent Two put in those battle suits?

I guess there's the cherubs, too, for having been stealthy enough with the 'worried mother' bit but then be obvious as fuck when following Blitzo. I mean, the disguise as the mother was kind of strange but like Moxxie said, they weren't exactly covert. How could the cherubs think they would never be spotted when their upper halves were sticking out of the damn bushes?

Other than that, then the biggest moment of stupidity goes to none other than Stolas. Starting up the conversation the way he did is one thing (yes, really, it could be chalked up to Stolas being severely sheltered and alone growing up) but it's another thing entirely to make it sound like Blitzo is the one who makes it all about sex and getting upset about it. Seriously. Stolas is the one who made the deal that centers around sex. He's the one who always spewed sexual shit out of his mouth in most of season 1 and a couple episodes in season 2. He's the one Blitzo was talking about when he said 'don't make it anything more than you (Stolas) wanting me (Blitzo) to fuck you'. Even at the very first meeting that Stolas and Blitzo ever had, Stolas was the one who thought of taking Blitzo to his room and say that he's there to ravish him. How was it Blitzo's fault that that was on Stolas's mind? Yeah, Blitzo may have been the one to initiate sex but it sure seems like to me that he only did that because Stolas gave him the idea of sex being a possibility. Even if Stolas just said the 'ravish me' line as a joke, it still gave Blitzo the idea to have sex. (By the way, that's a very weird joke to make with a friend, especially one you had literally only one playdate with over twenty years ago). Naturally, by this episode, Stolas has practically conditioned Blitzo to make everything about sex when Stolas is in the picture yet this damn owl is upset that his confession wasn't being taken seriously

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6 months ago

Don't worry, Debbie, my birthday is also in December we can take them together. We'll win for sure (because they're definitely not professionals or anything 👀)

You are in a boxing match against the character on your birth month.🥊 pic.twitter.com/lpMN217Hxx

— Cait-lyn ♡ (@MisssCaitlyn) September 17, 2024

@rpking99 @freeusemuses

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"Dhorks pulling the "we're from the (American) goverment" card while in Mexico is bad writing."

Or maybe that's the entire point, because Dhorks are supposed to represent the kind of Americans who think the entire world resolves around the USA and are so high up their own horse they think pulling that card works outside of the USA, too.

Like, you're delusional as hell if you dare claim Americans like that don't exist in real life, so how is it suddenly "bad writing" if characters like that are portrayed in fiction?

There's literally a term for it; Americentrism/US-centrism.

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