Diego Castillo - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
If My Maths Are Correct, Diego Wouldve Been Around 4-5 Years Old During The Events Of Far Cry 3.And Thus,

If my maths are correct, Diego would’ve been around 4-5 years old during the events of Far Cry 3. And thus, this drawing was born

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3 years ago
@broken-balance-baby As Promised, Here It Is. Vaas, Little Diego And A Glock.

@broken-balance-baby As promised, here it is. Vaas, little Diego and a glock.

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3 years ago
Im Starting To Like This Whole Vaas Babysitting Baby Diego Thing.

I’m starting to like this whole Vaas babysitting baby Diego thing.

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3 years ago
Smoke.More Of The Vaas & Baby Diego Stuff (AU??). I Realised That 5 Year Olds Are Probably Larger. And

Smoke. More of the Vaas & Baby Diego stuff (AU??). I realised that 5 year olds are probably larger. And that I sometimes forget how to draw hands.

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3 years ago
POV: Your Cool Babysitter Is Dead.

POV: Your cool babysitter is dead.

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3 years ago
This Whole AU Has Made Me Headcanon Them As Brothers.

This whole AU has made me headcanon them as brothers.

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3 years ago
Grabby Hands.Finally Got Photoshop Working Again, So I Tried Drawing Something In A More Realistic Style.

Grabby hands. Finally got Photoshop working again, so I tried drawing something in a more realistic style. 

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3 years ago
Couldnt Decide If I Should Draw Some Little Diego Or Even More Ajaas Stuff.So I Did Both!

Couldn’t decide if I should draw some little Diego or even more ajaas stuff. So I did both!

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3 years ago
Well, This Took A Couple Days To Make. Probably My Longest Digital Drawing(s) Yet!These Three Connect
Well, This Took A Couple Days To Make. Probably My Longest Digital Drawing(s) Yet!These Three Connect
Well, This Took A Couple Days To Make. Probably My Longest Digital Drawing(s) Yet!These Three Connect

Well, this took a couple days to make. Probably my longest digital drawing(s) yet!  These three connect to my FC3! Diego AU, because I wanted to draw something for it in a fully realistic style (and also because I wanted to draw something cool)

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3 years ago

FC3!Diego AU headcanons

Whoooo boy, ok this is long! It migth take a few minutes to scroll through 👀

Vaas was born in Yara, rigth in the Castillo residence. Both Antón and her wife were fairly young, just in their 30s and recently married. The residence - once a summer house in Antón’s chilhood - was given to them by Antón’s brother as a marriage present (The same house Antón shows Diego in the Rite of Passage comics)

Mama Castillo was a very soft spoken, polite woman. Her family was on the poorer side, being one of many siblings. So, when she announced her engament to Antón her family was more than happy to accept their marriage.

Antón being an up-and-coming politican at the time, just staring to plan out how he would run for presidency, made sure to get brownie points any way he could. And this was what caused the start of the strain on his marriage. He got in touch with a wrong people and stacked up an insane amount of debt, which he couldn’t pay. 

It turned out that those people were slavers (an early version of the Pirates basically), and since Antón couldn’t pay they demanded him to give over something entirely else. That being a now six year old Vaas.

Agreeing was the worst decision and nor Antón or Mama Castillo ever recovered. Mama Castillo fell ill a few days after after all the stress and worrying for her boy. Antón? Ofcourse he was worried aswell, but didn’t want to show this infront of his wife. He made sure to hide any uncertain emotions just to seem calm and collected. And he carried this with him all the way to his presidency.

Meanwhile little Vaas gets taken to the Rooks, where he ends up in a prison camp. He’s scared shitless, but which six year old wouldn’t be? You’ve just been taken away from your parents, you don’t know where you are and you don’t understand what they’re saying to you because you don’t speak the language. Luckily the Rakyat was already at war with the slavers and liberated the prison camp just a week later.

Vaas was already covered by smaller scars by the time the camp got liberated. He couldn’t stop shivering, didn’t even let a Rakyat doctor touch him until the doctor spoke to him in spanish. Since he was so small and already showing signs of malnourishment the Rakyat took him in, specifically Citra’s family who was nine year old small girl at that time.

He learned to speak english from Citra and the other children but he never actually learnt how to read or write. 

Citra was already fascinated with the perfect warrior story even as a little girl, wouldn’t stop telling about it to her new little brother. And when she was chosen as the Warrior Goddes - as per Rakyat - and tradition her first fitting candidate for a perfect warrior was none other than said little brother, now in his teens.

Vaas was completly oblivious until Citra made him drink something. Going through the worst possible drug trip of his life the next thing he knew when he regained conciousness was his own sister, well, taking advantage of him. Even he doesn’t know how but he managed to escape, now with a gaping slash wound above his brow stretching up to his scalp from a kukri. (The same knife both Buck and Citra are looking for.)

Back home, Mama Castillo falls pregnant again, despite reaching her 50s. Antón is happy to say the least, but Mama Castillo? All the memories of her sweet boy that was taken from her flooding back all at once wasn’t healthy for her. She didn’t live through childbirth and Antón was left as a widow with a newborn son named Diego.

Due to his wife’s passing and the fact that he willingly abonded his oldest Antón becomes overprotiective of Diego, almost helicopter parent like (but in a strict way) not willing to go through the pain of losing a child again.

Half a month after his escape from Citra and the Rakyat, Vaas meets Hoyt who recently came into power after killing the previous overlord (The man Antón became indebted to). Hoyt recognized Vaas, hearing about him from the previous overlord and seeing how the freshly twenty year old boy was desperate he offered him a job as a right hand man and thus, the Pirates were formed.

Hoyt took the first oppurtunity he could get to pump Vaas full of drugs, make him addicted so he couldn’t escape. This was also the perfect time according to Hoyt to tell Vaas how his real father willingly gave up on him.

Vaas, now going through existential dread since both of his families betrayed him starts destroying himself with anything he could think of: smoking, stronger/heavier drugs, self harm even. He found the most comfort in drugs, since whenever he was high, going through various trips an image of a younger woman would always comfort him, talking sweetly to him and he knew this woman was familiar. But he just couldn’t figure out why.

During the start of the summer of 2012 (roughly a month before Far Cry 3′s events) Antón visited the islands to conduct business with Hoyt, brining a now five year old Diego with him. Hoyt wasn’t exactly fond of the idea of tolerating a little shit of a toddler while they talked business, so he tasked Vaas with the lovely task of babysitting a toddler while his father discussed a drug deal.

Ever since Hoyt told him about his real family, Vaas despised the name Castillo. When he learned that the five year old he had to look after was a Castillo too, he thougth about drowning him right then and there. But, he soon changed his attitude when he figured out that Diego, was in fact, his little brother.

Vaas quickly grew fond over Diego. From taking 2 hour naps with him (even though Vaas was probaly passed out and Diego just cuddled up to him) to showing all the cool little places he found when he was in his teens. He’s just happy to have a family member than didn’t utterly disappoint him.

When Antón and Hoyt finally finish business after week, Vaas brings Diego back but before Antón could leave he calls him aside. At first Vaas is screaming, throwing everything he could at him and then breaking down, almost on his knees begging his father to take him back home, how he hates this island, how he hates the people here, how he hates Hoyt and so on and so on. Once Diego chimed in Antón didn’t really have much of a choice.

Hoyt was furious, how couldn’t he be? The most valuable little puppet was ditching him rigth infront of him. But did Vaas care what Hoyt think? No he doesn’t. Not anymore. Once he arrives back to Yara he notices the pictures in their home. A woman with long, loosley braided brown hair. Vaas instantly recognizes her as the woman from his various drug induced trips. Findig out that woman is Mama Castillo, his mother was comforting. And probably for the first time ever, he could relax.

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3 years ago

The urge to write short fanfics of Vaas and Little Diego’s shennigans is strong. VERY STRONG

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3 years ago

Any ideas, if I do write some oneshots with Vaas and lil’ Diego 👀? My mind is barren.

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3 years ago

omg 😭 you can’t hurt vaas, vaas is the gay disappointment sibling so he’s already bulletproof from ANY roast that isn’t from his father (or Hoyt. Roast him on anything but about his dad and he’ll walk away on the verge of a meltdown)

I feel like he’d always have something stronger to say back, but when it comes to Antón or his other family members (aka Mama and Diego) that’s where he would get angry.

The ones about Antón, he gets because his dad is a piece of shit, yes, but it still hurts. The ones that pick on Mama or Diego? That’s where I imagine he’d be at anyone’s throat with a knife in hand. Because first, they’re talking shit about a dead woman who’s son never got to meet her, and second, they’re talking shit about a kid who’s the only decent person in Vaas’ life

And Hoyt likes to take advantage of that.

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3 years ago
@broken-balance-baby Its Rushed Af But Its Done

@broken-balance-baby it’s rushed af but it’s done 😭

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3 years ago

god imagine how hilarious and messy it would be for bhadra to go eat dinner with the castillos alone just by virtue of vaas being who he is and anton being well... anton

Ohoho it would be! If Mama was there, she would be the chattiest! Mostly asking Bhadra about her life in Kyrat. (I think she would also pester Diego into asking Bhadra her favorite food so she could make it when she comes over.)

Antón would be a little intimidating at first (probably reminding Bhadra of Pagan). He would also ask question mainly about how she met his son and so on, so on. In the end I wouldn't say they'd get along but atleast she wouldn't be as scared of him.

And then there is Vaas. The island life (mainly Citra) did him dirty, so he doesn't really trust women/girls around him nor his little brother. He would be suspicious of Bhadra first and maybe he'll always be, just a little bit but atleast he's happy that Diego's happy.

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3 years ago
DAY 2 - Fear

DAY 2 - Fear

At one point in the AU, Vaas only looked away for a second and the next thing he knows is Diego getting chased by a cougar. Ofcourse, the cougar was quickly dealt with but Diego didn’t get to walk away without some minor injuries. He spent the following two days practically glued to Vaas, fearing that the big, evil cougar will come back.

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3 years ago

more thought: do you think diego would be the type to spoil bhadra since their family is obviously rich? i feel like vaas wouldn’t approve but diego’s just doing it out of love

I think he migth! Mostly clothes or accesories, poor girl has worn the same clothes for who knows long. On the other hand, I think he'd try not to do it as much because that would seem a bit desparate?

As for Vaas, I think his and Diego's way of showing affection is very very different. That's why I think he wouldn't really approve of Diego wasting - Vaas' words - money on a girl.

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