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8 months ago

Laios' Half-Footed Meal (M/M; Digestion Implied)

Laios' Half-Footed Meal (M/M; Digestion Implied)

“L-Laios... what are you doing?”

Chilchuck’s back hit the wall of the dungeon as he found himself being cornered. His chest wheezed with fright and his eyes darted back and forth for some method of escape befitting the Touden party’s trapmaster. However, the tallman was bigger and much stronger than the half-foot would like to admit. Even if Chilchuck humored the idea of running, Laois’ meaty body and bulky armor was blocking the exit. His sights darkened as Laios’s imposing shadow engulfed him. As was often the case, the tallman was smiling ear to ear, but this time... there was something about it that looked sinister. Predatory even.

“Remember how we met those Lilliputians a while back on one of the floors of the dungeon?”

The half-foot thought back to that dungeon level. His ears twitched at the implications. “Laios... I don’t think I like what you are going with this...”

The blonde man stared at his little friend in much the same way a lion does when stalking an antelope that strayed away from the pack. Pangs rippled the tallman’s walls giving away what his intentions were for his teammate. The sound of Laois’s hands hitting the walls reverberated off the ancient structure. “I’m sorry, Chilchuck. I’m just... awfully hungry.”

His large hands rolled down the wall and groped the half-foot's shoulders. Laois did not have a harsh grip over him, but he put in enough pressure to keep Chilchuck from running and alerting the others about his sinful display. “I know we said we would not eat humanoid monsters... but I just had that curiosity...”

“Laios, you’re insane.” Chilchuck tried to peel himself free to no avail. “I mean you always are, but... can we not do anything too rash?”

The tallman chuckled in amusement at his friend’s hopelessness. To be completely honest, he always saw him as being somewhat cute. His diminutive size, combined with those large ears of his, came together to create an adorable creature. One that Laios was certain would taste incredible. Chilchuck felt violated from the persistent, uncompromising stares wanting nothing more than to shield his body.

“Laios, you’re better than this...” Beads of sweat rolled down the half-foot's forehead. He had faced many of the monsters in the dungeon from the dreaded cockatrice to the Red Dragon itself, but never had he felt truly in danger. Laios’s golden eyes bore holes into his body and sensed his fear welling to the surface. “Besides... Senshi probably found some more harpy eggs somewhere, so we could wait around.”

“Heh... as tempting as that would be... why not whet my palate... I am curious what flavors are packed away in that cute body of yours...”

“L-Laios... you can’t just go and – GAH!!”

A jet of hot air assaulted his left ear. The tallman crouched to the half-foot's level and lustfully blew into his ear. A cute squeak escaped from the deepest pits of Chilchuck’s gut and echoed on the walls. Chilchuck slammed his hands over his mouth to hide his embarrassment. How could Laios do it? Surely, he knew how sensitive that half-foots' ears are. “Why... why did you do this?”

The blonde man was so close now he could hear a low moan melt from his stomach. “You look so cute, Chilchuck... mmm... I want to feel you squirming around...”

He bit Chilchuck's ear causing his hapless victim to squeal again. There was something about frightening him that made the tallman feel alive. He gently bit into the cartilage of Chilchuck’s ear relishing the flavor. Before the half-foot could protest, Laios slipped the tip of his tongue into his ear and relentlessly sucked and probed.

“GAH! Laios! No, not...” Chilchuck’s eyes rolled back as his body tensed up. “Not... there...”

Instinct would rule that he push the bigger man away, but the more Laois slurped and suckled on his ears, the further it enhanced his pleasure. The constant probing drilled into his mind lowering his defenses. Such boldness made the half-foot feel weak as he stumbled while trying to keep himself up. Chilchuck wanted to protest about being treated as nothing more than a slab of meat, but Laios’s confidence was overpowering his fight or flight responses. Hoot drool oozed from the tallman’s mouth and smeared the ground. “Forgive my greediness... but... try not to be too much trouble for me...”

“L-Laios! No! Wait, wait, you can’t -!”

Chilchuck fumbled his words upon seeing Laios’s jaws unhinged. The hot steam of his breath wafted over the half-foot's face as he stared into the vast darkness tucked behind the tallman’s uvula. Strings of drool dangled down from the roof of his maw to the base of his tongue. Without warning, Laios seized the back of his head and catapulted his face on his rough tongue. Reflexively, Chilchuck tries to pry himself from his friend’s hold, but it was of no use. He felt vibrations rumble around him as Laios let a sensual moan slip out.

Laios’s upper teeth scraped Chilchuck’s crown, keeping him in place so he could enjoy his taste. His eyes glazed over in astonishment. The thought of devouring the little people he and his party encountered earlier was the farthest away from his mind. He couldn’t have considered himself more blessed that he would be the one to savor such an exquisite taste. No wonder other adventurers would use half-foots as lures for monsters such as succubi or sirens. His lean, pork flavor was so rich, it melted in his mouth.

He squeezed Chilchuck’s arms to the side and pushed the smaller man deeper into his fleshy dungeon. The half-foot's petite shoulders popped into Laios’s mouth like a ripe grape making the chance of the brown-haired man breaking free further out of reach. Inside, Laios’s organ lavished him in humid, slimy affection with copious amounts of slobber drenching Chilchuck’s eyebrows and hair, transforming the latter into small clumps of soggy mounds. The half-foot slid past Laios’s uvula accompanied by his delicate neck.

“Laios! Stop it! You’re freaking me out!!”

His screams came as muffled shrieks behind Laios’s sternum. The tallman giggled at how ticklish the sensation felt, but he only doubled down on claiming the tall humanoid as his own. Tugging and grappling with Chilchuck’s attire, Laios started tearing at the seams until Chilchuck was rendered nearly nude aside from his undergarments and shoes. Chilchuck gasped in shock at how bold his teammate was being, but... it was not his place to complain since food doesn’t talk after all. A red blush spread across his face to the tips of his large ears. “H-How can you just strip me naked without thinking too much about it!?”

Laios’s hand dipped down and cupped the bottom of Chilchuck’s undergarments hoisting him in the air. Being rough housed like that led to a shifting in the frontal view of the half-foot's attire. He only shared his goods with his ex-wife... at least Laios could have asked him out to dinner before groping him. His head slid past Laios’s chest as his screams became more distant. The tallman ruthlessly ate, sliding his tongue on Chilchuck’s chest.

The two men were as different as night and day. Largely because of his experience fighting as a soldier, Laios had a beefier build and was reasonably healthy. That being said, even though there was little noteworthy muscle on Chilchuck, he was rich in protein. That was all that mattered as far as the tallman was concerned. The slightest flicking of his tongue caused Chilchuck to buck at how remorseless Laios was being. He could have sworn that he was teasing him from his actions, but Laios lacked self-awareness to consider that.

His tongue swirled around on Chilchuck’s bare nipples revealing a hint of salt that contrasted with the rest of his frame. Drool oozed from Laios’s mouth and crept down the half-foot's exposed back. As he chewed, Laios was met with wave after wave of flavor. He licked and slurped while adjusting his jaws to squeeze more of his unwilling victim inside. Each impassioned gulp dragged the tiny man deeper into his core.

Panting, Laios’s lips stretched to the end of Chilchuck’s spine and greedily wrapped around his hips. A noxious fume entered Chilchuck’s nostrils upon being ushered into his new home for the next 22 hours or so. The pink, rubbery walls of Laios’s stomach lining rumbled in anticipation at breaking down its halfling meal. The brunette thrashed his legs around in hopes of striking the mad tallman, but Laios was expecting some resistance.

A quick succession of swallows pulled the half-foot's legs inside. The appendages bulged crudely and stretched until Laios’s throat returned to its true state. Drool rolled down his lips and puddled on his breastplate. As he licked his chops, more drool rushed from his parted lips. His torso became heavier with his meal finally settling in. Since Chilchuck was smaller, Laios could easily keep him hidden since the half-foot would hardly make a dent on him. His belly jutted slightly over his upper hips, but nevertheless not enough to make someone question if he had something stowed away in there.

Chilchuck was forced into a squatting position his movements limited due to being wedged between Laios’s stomach and the armor rubbing into him. Laios tapped his fingertips on his belly, moaning at the slightest movements coming from his captive. He smacked his lips hoping to hold on to the last hint of flavor lingering from his half-foot meal.

“Wow, Chilchuck, you tasted better than I imagined.” The tallman belched unwittingly expelling a huge percentage of oxygen from his gut. “Definitely better than a Lilliputian!”

Curves and indents of Chilchuck’s body stretched from Laios’s taut skin. “How the hell is that a compliment!? Let me out!!”

“Senshi must have found some ingredients for our meal today,” Laios explained absentmindedly, “but you feel so good...”

The temptation of keeping his friend in his digestive organ crossed his mind as he plopped on the ground and caressed his veiled gut. “I’ll let you out... don’t worry...just settle down.”

Chilchuck’s ears twitched in horror as he heard the exhaustion in Laios’s tone. “Laios! Laios!! Don’t you dare sleep! Idiot!”

He swore in different languages Laios couldn’t recognize and thrashed around as hard as he could, but his worst fears became realized as he heard the steady snoring coming from the tallman. No amount of kicking or punching would be enough to wake him up. “Shit...”

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