Digivolution - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I just like kifunemon as a dark biomerge for miyuki minase and renamon

Dark Biomerge For The Main Digimon Tamer Cast For My Recent Youtube Video
Dark Biomerge For The Main Digimon Tamer Cast For My Recent Youtube Video
Dark Biomerge For The Main Digimon Tamer Cast For My Recent Youtube Video
Dark Biomerge For The Main Digimon Tamer Cast For My Recent Youtube Video

Dark Biomerge for the main digimon Tamer cast for my recent youtube video

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8 years ago
Weregarurumon Awooooooooooo!! In Honor Of August 1st/Digimon Day, I Present To You My All Time Favorite

Weregarurumon Awooooooooooo!! In honor of August 1st/Digimon day, I present to you my all time favorite digimon made out of pipecleaners. I would say approximately 75 to 90 something pipecleaners were used to make him. Was going to draw something, but it was getting late and I realized I had not shown off this beast yet, so I figured as a sign of friendship (only Digimon fans willbfetvtyat joke ^^) I'd show him off. Tried to go for the him howling right after he became the awesomeness he is now. Happy Digimon day everyone! Weregarurumon© Digimon

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3 years ago

snowagumon and digivolution

i don’t think snowagumon would have a wargreymon type digivolution, because of ancientgreymon... in ancientgreymon’s description it says that he gave his flames to the DRAGONS of the greymon-species... dorugreymon (yes, i know this feller is an ultimate), ShineGreymon, wargreymon, blitzgreymon (i, think...), victorygreymon, and Samudramon are the dragons of the greymon species. greymon, blackgreymon, and geogreymon are dinosaurs. metalgreymon, metalgreymon virus, risegreymon, and zekegreymon are cyborgs. All the variants of agumon are reptiles. snowagumon’s mega would likely not be a dragon type, but maybe a dinosaur or cyborg.

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3 years ago

... how about instead of the icy greymon variants, how about icy tyrannomon variants? like a dragon-type tyrannomon wouldn’t have the problem of dragon-type greymons with ancientgreymon’s blessing. I mean agumon can (and originally) digivolved into tyrannomon. instead of a snowgreymon, have a snowtyrannomon

snowagumon and digivolution

i don’t think snowagumon would have a wargreymon type digivolution, because of ancientgreymon… in ancientgreymon’s description it says that he gave his flames to the DRAGONS of the greymon-species… dorugreymon (yes, i know this feller is an ultimate), ShineGreymon, wargreymon, blitzgreymon (i, think…), victorygreymon, and Samudramon are the dragons of the greymon species. greymon, blackgreymon, and geogreymon are dinosaurs. metalgreymon, metalgreymon virus, risegreymon, and zekegreymon are cyborgs. All the variants of agumon are reptiles. snowagumon’s mega would likely not be a dragon type, but maybe a dinosaur or cyborg.

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2 years ago

look at this lil’punky-boi!

so, ever heard of tuskmon? may i request a rookie for it, please?

So, Ever Heard Of Tuskmon? May I Request A Rookie For It, Please?

Here you go!

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if I could a digimon series, the 3-queal i guess.. mayhaps

Note: i came up with another-nother 1 and typed it up, also the quote marks are still because these tamers don't actually have crests, but that they fill similar narrative roles.

Goggle-head Rookie: Bulucomon botched: Chamelemon - note: came after Paledramon champion: Paledramon dark: WaruSeadramon ultimate: CrysPaledramon MEGA: Hexeblaumon MTG colors personality: blue/red

"love" crest rookie: Muchomon botched: owlmon champion: Kokatorimon/Akatorimon ultimate: parrotmon MEGA: Eaglemon MTG colors personality: white/red


rookie: Chamblemon

botched: Kabukimon

champion: Yakiimon/RedVegiemon

ultimate: Blossomon

MEGA: Hydramon

MTG colors personality: green/white


rookie: Dokunemon

botched: Searchmon - note: came after Kuwagamon

champion: Kuwagamon

Ultimate: Okuwamon/MetallifeKuwagamon

MEGA: GrandisKuwagamon

MTG Colors personality: blue/green


rookie: Sangomon

champion: Shellmon/morishellmon

ultimate: Calmaramon - note: it's kinda treated as an ultimate

MEGA: MarineAngemon

MTG colors personality: blue/white

"Hope" (Younger brother of Goggle head)

rookie: Candlemon

champion: Wizardmon/Sorcermon/FlameWizardmon

ultimate: Mistymon

MEGA: Lampmon

MTG colors personality: white


rookie: Tsukaimon

champion: Devidramon/icedevimon

ultimate: MarineDevimon

MEGA: DanDevimon

MTG colors personality: white/black

notable not-partnered digimon: Kongoumon, Doumon, RedVeedramon, Ekakimon, footmon, Leomon, and banchostingmon

Main BBEG minions: Troopmon, Tuskmon, Wendigomon, Airdramon, Porcupamon, mimicmon, Darktyrannomon, Soulmon, SkullKnightmon, Darkmaildramon, SkullGreymon, Dragomon, Raremon, rareRaremon, SkullSatamon, seadramon and its digivolutions, Tankmon, ogremon and its variants, Gesomon, Manticoremon

Generals: Duskmon - note: it's kinda treated as a champion, Astamon, Gryphonmon, Velgemon - note: it's kinda treated as an ultimate, Zamielmon, ChaosGallantmon, JumboGamemon, and Olegmon

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