Weregarurumon - Tumblr Posts

Oops, there I go sewing again... A follow up to last year's MetalGreymon plush, what would be more appropriate to follow up with than WereGarurumon?
This came out to be a bit taller than I wanted, measuring about a foot tall if you don't include the ears, but I am incredibly happy with how it turned out! Its a MUCH smaller project than the last one, so it took just over four weeks to complete, and could have been done faster if life hadn't got in the way. But I love how detail dense it is, especially the pants! I also experimented with a new technique of using the string itself to make some of the details, like the scars and mouth, and I'm pretty pleased with the results. Once again, this model is made entirely out of felt and was entirely hand stitched (I don't know how to use a sewing machine...). This was a lot of fun to work on and I love how both figures look standing next to each other. Guess I'm going to HAVE to make four or six more...
Fun Fact: Apparently there are two designs of WereGarurumon. One with a tail and one without. I always assumed that art Ive seen of it with a tail was just an artistic choice or mistake, because the anime never gave it one, nor does the figure I used for reference. BUT the original artwork for it does have a tail, even if 99% of it is covered up. Anyway, I didn't realize this until the 11th hour, made one, and decided it looked better without one. I'm just obsessed with the fact that it took me about twenty years to figure that out...
Fun Fact 2: A lot of the comments on the MetalGreymon plush were asking how I'm able to make this sorts of things when I don't use any sorts of patterns, and I never really had an answer. I just understand how to material works, and that comes with experience. HOWEVER, I learned from my aunt, my Mom's sister, that she is able to do something similar and can recreate a pocketbook from just seeing it. And she told me that her grandmother, my great-grandmother, who immigrated from Cuba close to a century ago, and who died long before I was born, was also able to do this with dresses. So combine that talent with an ADHD fueled ability to sit and do a simple task for hours and hours, and you get an ability to make things (tm). Anyway, just a cool story about where my talents might come from that makes me feel connected to parts of my family that I never got to know.

Garurumon evolves to Weregarumon!!
Digimon Adventure (1999)

Ultra level digimon signature moves! Champeon level moves here!!
Digimon Adventure (1999)
Featuring from top to bottom: MetalGreymon, Weregarurumon, Garudamon, Atlurkabuterimon, Lilimon, Zudomon, Angewomon & HolyAngemon.
Pokémon could never

More people need to understand how hilarious Digimon is
Dinosaur king DIGIMON AU Owen and metalgarurumon





With spike wargreymon then do the jogress and become omegamon

Weregarurumon Awooooooooooo!! In honor of August 1st/Digimon day, I present to you my all time favorite digimon made out of pipecleaners. I would say approximately 75 to 90 something pipecleaners were used to make him. Was going to draw something, but it was getting late and I realized I had not shown off this beast yet, so I figured as a sign of friendship (only Digimon fans willbfetvtyat joke ^^) I'd show him off. Tried to go for the him howling right after he became the awesomeness he is now. Happy Digimon day everyone! Weregarurumon© Digimon

In honor of the first of 2, count them, 2 supermoons this month and Digimon day, I did the very necessary thing and drew GramGarurumon who was co-created by RupertBukowski RupertBukowski. I decided to add a few things to him. He is a mega level digimon, because yes. This is what happens when WereGarurumon gets the data of Forest wolf from Yugioh.(My favorite Yugioh card of all time, even if it is filler) And now, for the attacks.
Level: Mega Type: Beast Man Attribute: Vaccine Field: NIghtmare Soldiers Virus Busters Nature Spirits
Min Weight: 30g Height: 12'0", Weight: 1256lbs.
Attacks: Great Grimm Clash: Uses his claws to create a huge pink destructive wave in the shape of a wolf Victorious Vaccuum: Inhales enemies in this mouth and swallows them. Even if they are larger than him. Great Grimm Belch: Can use this right after "Victorious Vaccuum". Can either belch a huge shockwave or who/whatever he just ate. Sweet Banquet: Tosses food from the basket he has and stuffs opponents expanding their stomachs. Beast Asteroid: Jumps in the air and come crashing down like an asteroid surrounded by energy. Dreaded Threads: Uses Extremely strong yarn ropes to tie up enemies, as rope, or to tie things together.