Dinosaur Au - Tumblr Posts
what if they were dinosaurus..?
Tw: blood

dinosaur au continues

Tv time

Finally got to design "prehistoric" Mary Poppins. Now she's an arctocyon (or bear dog)
X-men (but dinosaurs, and pterosaur thanks to Storm)

List of which character each dinosaur is:
Gambit - Olorotitan
Yukio - Caihong
Negasonic - Proceratosaurus
Colossus - Volgatitan
Storm - Tupuxuara
Deadpool - Utahraptor
Professor X - Troodon
Wolverine - Therizinosaurus
Jean - Gallimimus
Laura (X-23) - Therizinosaurus
Cyclops - Dilophosaurus
Rouge - Homalocephale
Beast - Majungasaurus
cherry tree (I know that's officially October aka they spooky season, buut come on..)

just a creature

Tw: blood, death

just some guys and gals

Kitty - Graciliceratops
Iceman - Nanuqsaurus
Glob - Brachytrachelopan
Angel - Rahonavis
Jubilea - Stygimoloch
tw: blood

That feeling when you wake up from a nightmare and find out you've accidentally stabbed your boyfriend...
Late night snack