Dipperpines - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Swooning Over Stans!!!

An amazing dating sim by @gfdatingsim

I’m sorta late to the #swooningoverstans party. Whoops. Didn’t find this game until I was mindlessly scrolling on tumblr and I knew, that I had to play it immediately. Thoughhh Stan’s route is longer, quite carming, and he always tended to make me laugh. I just love Ford as well. He tends to be easily flattered, blushing a l o t. Not a fan of jokes like Stan though. His route is still just as fun and the game is worth playing. I legit just finished playing it. It was an awesome experience. And the art is incredible!!! I love everything about this game!!!!

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9 years ago
#slash #yaoi #boys #gravityfalls #dipper #bill #dipperpines #billcipher #bipper #billdip ,

#slash #yaoi #boys #gravityfalls #dipper #bill #dipperpines #billcipher #bipper #billdip ОТП, просто ОТП ❤️

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9 years ago
, . . #gravityfalls #dipper #dipperpines #cosplay #dippercosplay # # #

Боже, моя любовь к этому персонажу никогда не угаснет. Аааа. #gravityfalls #dipper #dipperpines #cosplay #dippercosplay #косплей #закос #япытался

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9 years ago
Fuck Me Isosceles Triangle. #gravityfalls #dipper #dipperpines #bill #billcipher #billdip #bipper #cosplay

Fuck me isosceles triangle. #gravityfalls #dipper #dipperpines #bill #billcipher #billdip #bipper #cosplay #косплей #закос #япытался

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9 years ago
-? -, . -, . #gravityfalls #dipper #dipperpines #dippercosplay #bill #billcipher #billcosplay #bipper

-Читаешь? -Да, Билл. -Окей, я вздремну. #gravityfalls #dipper #dipperpines #dippercosplay #bill #billcipher #billcosplay #bipper #billdip #cosplay #slash

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9 years ago

Видео тайм. 🎬 #gravityfalls #bill #billcipher #dipper #dipperpines #bipper #billdip #slash #cosplay #billcosplay #dippercosplay #lol

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9 years ago
 #cosplay #dipper #dipperpines #dippercosplay #bill #billcipher #gravityfalls #gravityfallscosplay #boy

Ахаха #cosplay #dipper #dipperpines #dippercosplay #bill #billcipher #gravityfalls #gravityfallscosplay #boy #cute #kawaii #lol #me #cosplayer

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@bluefrosty I love you for making this masterpiece.

Ok This Has Nothing To Do With What I Post But BEAR WITH ME

Ok this has nothing to do with what I post but BEAR WITH ME


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6 months ago
I Know Their Birthday Was Yesterday, But Happy Birthday To The Pines Twins!! This Is How I Imagine Them

I know their birthday was yesterday, but happy birthday to the Pines twins!! This is how I imagine them at 25 years old.

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