Distortion Detective - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


Since there’s too much of my old art to be posted normally (It’ll come off spammy…), if anyone is interested to look at all my old-ish art done before starting up this blog, here they are in their full glory↓ -> https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/107517014 log①

-> https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109730013 log②


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1 year ago

Oh yeah almost forgot tumblr existed

happy birthday to our beloved chaotic workshop owner bear 🧸🧸

Oh Yeah Almost Forgot Tumblr Existed

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1 year ago

ok someone has taken it upon themselves to translate the rest of leviathan so i'll make a more comprehensive post now 🫡

helloooooo limbus fans n non limbus fans, limbus company is the third game in a series, projmoon has been building this world for years so i am once again asking everyone to check out the whole series!! it discusses the horrors of capitalism and each game has multiple, very emotional stories that can resonate in all sorts of ways

warnings for the series as a whole

psychological horror, body horror, gore, cannibalism, drugs, cults, suicide (+ more under cut)

lobotomy corporation:

available on: windows (steam)

the beginning of the series; monster management simulator. there are multiple no-commentary playlists of it on youtube if you end up not enjoying the gameplay since it can get pretty hard, but if you do play it yourself you get to make your own lil employees ^_^. you reveal who the person you're playing as is and how the facility came to be in it's current (at the time) state, as well as the origins of the other people (and abnormalities) there

Ok Someone Has Taken It Upon Themselves To Translate The Rest Of Leviathan So I'll Make A More Comprehensive


official postype (note, postype might make you create an account but that shouldn't be a problem?)

a comic following the employees in a different lobotomy corporation branch; expands on the concepts you see in lobocorp

library of ruina:

available on: windows (steam), xbox one

deck building rpg + visual novel. takes place right after lobotomy corporation. here you learn more about the world outside that facility. it summarizes what happened in lobocorp as you go along and carries over tons of lore from it. it has both returning characters from lobocorp and a bunch of new ones. a major part of it is inspired by a poem(s) but i won't tell you which ones hehe. also there's a lot of modding you can do

Ok Someone Has Taken It Upon Themselves To Translate The Rest Of Leviathan So I'll Make A More Comprehensive
Ok Someone Has Taken It Upon Themselves To Translate The Rest Of Leviathan So I'll Make A More Comprehensive

extra (외전):

official postype

has a cute side story for lor that released after the game came out of early access. there's also a video version. not sure if they'll add more extra stories to this spot later.

the distortion detective:

official postype

web-novel; at the time of this post the novel has stopped because they're planning on making a game for it. takes place during ruina and focuses on the phenomenon of the distortion specifically, following the titular detective (who is an old lady btw)


official postype (book 1-15)

twitter thread with SnakeskinFS's translation (book 16 - end)

started as a comic but became a web-novel. the official english translation had stopped towards the end but now we have a fan translation! it follows vergilius before he joined limbus company, and it appears to take place after library of ruina (based on the beginning, since i haven't finished). has characters that appear in lor and limbus

limbus company:

available on: windows (steam), google play, app store (honestly i recommend pc)

dungeon rpg + visual novel (+ gacha. sorry). the latest in the series right now and the latest chronologically. you play as a nonbinary clockhead with no memories, exploring abandoned lobotomy corporation facilities. the story is built really heavily on what was introduced in previous entries. it also takes very direct inspiration from classic books such as the metamorphosis. a recent update added notes where you can read lore in-game -- fans have also created resources where you can more easily read these along with what doesn't have in-game logs


Ok Someone Has Taken It Upon Themselves To Translate The Rest Of Leviathan So I'll Make A More Comprehensive
Ok Someone Has Taken It Upon Themselves To Translate The Rest Of Leviathan So I'll Make A More Comprehensive

Ok Someone Has Taken It Upon Themselves To Translate The Rest Of Leviathan So I'll Make A More Comprehensive

This is an image of the official limbus company trigger list. These triggers apply to the rest of the series. It lists: animal cruelty, drug use, references to alcohol and tobacco, injury and dismemberment, homicide and suicide, violence and torture, cannibalism, kidnapping, abduction and captivity. As well as: psychosis, diseases, seizure, and dyspnoea, familial homicide and domestic violence, clowns, themes of occultism and spiritualism.

On the opposite side reads: audiovisual depictions of gore, uses of sharp and pointed objects. Hospital and medical references. References to gaslighting and bullying. Body modification and/or deformation. Flashing lights and a shaking camera. Swears/strong language and demeaning words. Reference to traffic accidents. Guns, weapons, discriminatory violence, religious torture/violence. Enforced ideology, war and mass conflict.

yeah they covered as much as possible in this one list whew

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2 years ago

do u think that in the city there r memes like "the head assigned agent watching me through the computer screen:" or some shit. what memes r there in the city. this is very important world building i need to know.

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1 year ago

project moon please give us a design on edgar from distortion detective. i want to know what that dog looked like so bad.

Project Moon Please Give Us A Design On Edgar From Distortion Detective. I Want To Know What That Dog

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