District 6 - Tumblr Posts

Haven’t really drawn anything new these past weeks because of school so have a compilation of Hunger Games art of some of the Victors both OCs and canon
"Even the Morphlings who with Peeta's help paint me into a field of yellow flowers" A little video inspired by this scene in Catching Fire Because I thought it was sweet :]
and I sometimes make tik toks so here is one of them

compiliation of drawings from my fic that I haven’t posted those here yet so can have that (except the first two but I really like them so I don’t mind posting them again)
The old familiar sting
district six → transportation

“our hovercraft, our high-speed trains, and our cargo trains come to us from district six. ironically, the citizens here have little love for travel.”
i like this one :)

Katniss x fem reader
Fluff and angst
Tw: Mention of Prim reaper
My first langauge isn't English, So apoligizes if theirs any misspellings, or bad grammar

Katniss had been sitting in district twelve incredibly stressed. After he first games she had been more alert, more stressed, More on edge. She could barely get any sleep at night, but at least she had you. You calmed her and helped her remember to keep her head space clear. She tried to be around you as much as she possibly could.
She remembered during the first reaping, when her sister got picked she was stood beside you. When Effie had her hand in the bowl to pick the female tribute she had grabbed your hand out of nervousness her eyes still fixated on her sister. She remembered it like it was yesterday. Her sisters name being called her volunteering for her. She remembered looking at your face the entire time she was on the stage, It brought her comfort, and helped her keep her voice steady when she had to talk. When she was in the arena you were most of what she could think about. Your h/c Hair, Your e/c Eyes, The way
Your smile went on your face when you talked about something you enjoyed. All she wanted was to get home, Get home to you. The day she came back she saw Prim on gales shoulder's and smiled at her, then her eyes searched for you, once she set her eyes on you, she felt hear body relax.
Coming back to the present moment she had been up all night, not being able to sleep from all the stress she had been under, she had decided to head outside and pick some roses for her sister, as she crouched down started to pick some she heard a familiar voice, It was your voice. You sat down beside her and placed a hand on her back in a comforting way, "How are you holding up?" You asked She turned her head to you giving her full attention.
"I'm alright. Are you alright?" she asked, You nodded your head "Yes, I'm alright thank you for asking". she picked a few more roses and handed you one "Keep it, it's for you" She said. You smiled and held it before standing up "It's beautiful Kat, thank you". Katniss smiled putting the others ones she had in her hand together so she could carry them all in one hand. "could you.. come back with me? Hang out for a bit? Prim's been asking about you, she wants to see you." It wasn't a full lie, Prim had been asking about you, But mainly she wanted you to come over. however she wouldn't admit it if asked.
She waited for an answer and once you nodded she practically snatched your hand and started walking back inside. Katniss saw Prim in the kitchen and smiled at her. "I'll be right back" katniss said to you, heading into her room to grab a few things. You sat down at the kitchen table "Hello y/n!, How are you" Prim asked "I'm good, how are you prim?" You asked, Prim smiled "I'm doing great! I've been working more on my medical knowledge!", "amazing job prim" you told her, you started tapping your fingers on the table. Katniss came out of her room she had changed clothes and put her hair in her usual braid. She knew the capitol wanted to say some words later and she wasn't very happy about it. When the time came and you had left, she was sitting in the living room with peeta and haymitch watching the tv, and when it was announced that they'd be going back she freaked out.
She didn't know what to do, She got up and left, Heading out of district bounds like she usually would to clear her head. When she came back she saw you waiting by the fence for her return. She looked at you "What are you doing?" she asked. "I was waiting on you, finally your back" You said, katniss looked at you and sighed. She walked up to you and wrapped her arms around you in a hug.
"I'm sorry, I panicked." she said, you nodded and hugged her back "It's okay, I promise" you said before continuing "Your sisters been asking for you, go see her okay?" Katniss nodded at your words and headed back. She talked to prim, and then haymitch, before lastly talking to peeta. She didn't like the whole fake dating thing, mainly because she didn't have feelings for peeta. As much as she wanted to lie to herself the person she had feelings for is you, But she knew their wasn't much she could do, she had to keep on this acting facade with peeta or things would come crumbling down. However she was determined, Absolutely determined to tell you before the quarter quell reaping.
A few hours before the reaping she made her way to your house, she knocked at the door several times, it felt like she was waiting for years, when you finally opened the door she grabbed your hand "can I talk to you?, please?" Katniss asked. You stared with confusion "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready?" you asked. Katniss shook her head before replying "Yes but I want to talk to you". "Katniss, go get ready. we can talk af-" She cut you off by putting one of her hands on your cheek and kissing you. It was passionate, and sweet.
She stopped after a couple seconds, taking a deep breathe and looking at you. You stood their not really knowing how to react, a smile crept onto you face and katniss sighed in relief before hugging you "I had to see you one last time before I left" She said she kept her arms wrapped around you for a bit. Mainly what you loved about her is how she acting towards you, She was super mysterious, and sometimes cold to people she didnt know or like, But her deamoner was entirely different around you.
To katniss, you were the girl of her dreams. The love of her life. And to be honest she was the love of yours. Katniss finally let go and kissed the top of your head before walking off. You smiled and headed inside wondering if what just happened was you dreaming or not. When the time came for the quarter quell reaping katniss stood on the stage staring blankly. She was zoned out,
She didn't know what to do. When her name was called she just stood their. And after peeta volunteered for haymitch they started being tooken away, She started hitting their arms "No! no! I get to say goodbye! I want to say goodbye!, Bye prim!, Bye y/n!" she screamed as she was dragged off with peeta, Only to be put in a train headed to the capital a few minutes later.

Hunger Games Distircts + the Capital. (Part 1)
- Part two.
Sorry these arn’t that good but I did my best. I hope these reflect the Districts alright.