Dl 6 But Reversed - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

hear me out, I have an idea about Reverse AA-AU where everything is somewhat similar, but characters are switched. It's kind of reversed DL-6. Gregory and Von Karma switch places, and Franziska takes Miles' place. Yet there's where I propose a somewhat interesting concept, mb?

What if instead of Miles and Franziska having their dynamic reversed, it was Eddie/Ray who wants to know which one of them "deserves the Edgeworth' name" More.

In this AU Miles becomes an attorney, and was tutored by his father. But before Miles, Gregory was a Eddie's/ Ray's teacher. Gregory was famous for his perfect defense and thorough belief in his clients. And now Eddie strives to be like this, and, much like his mentor, hasn't lost any cases this far.

This au might include Gregory forging evidence and this was found out during the case he and MVK were investigating. Though Manfred couldn't prove it fully in court, it has shaken Gregory's reputation and he was penalized (basically he couldn't do his job for a few weeks). This drove Greg to insanity which is why he shot MVK.

Basically, imagine how funny it would be if Edgeworth couldn't escape this petty competition in any universe.

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6 months ago

Continuation of this post with some new ideas. I'd really want to see OG Phoenix, Maya and Edgeworth to meet this reversed people they long new. Because it would be so hilarious to have MVK be our assistant.

Like imagine Phoenix trying to defend Franziska in Reversed DL-6 and hitting the dead end. Phoenix reaches for the court record, but it isn't where it was last. He turns to Maya, who was unusually quiet for quite some time. But it isn't Maya anymore, it's MVK's ghost, that she channeled. And he took the court record to examine the case for himself. He explains to Phoenix that he suddenly awoken in these strange clothes, in the middle of the court case with a crumbled paper in his hands. There was simply "I'm Maya Fey, channeling you to help Phoenix to win the trial. Your daughter is the defendant, crazy, right? Anyway, we're stuck, please help." So he helped himself to the court record to at least understand what's happening.

Now in this AU MVK is a good person, but still a jerk at times. Like, if Phoenix gets something wrong Manfred would be at his limit.

Phoenix: "And the real culprit is.... Franziska von Karma! "

Judge: *shocked*

MVK: Sorry, I guess the defence is an absolute buffoon who humiliates both himself and this court. Allow him to think again, though.


Phoenix: The victim in DL-6 incident was killed... With the glass shard!

Phoenix: (why do I feel that my temple burning..?)


Phoenix: This is the proof that Ms von Karma wasn't there during the crime!

Phoenix: (if the looks could kill, we'll have a trial with me as the victim.......)


But the other times he helps very much. Despite staying stoic ans unfazed, MVK tries his best to protect his daughter and find the truth. And when prosecution (OG Edgeworth) or witness (Gregory) tries to push defence around, he usually helps with his mere presence. When Judge tries to end the trial MVK does smt similar to his OG counterpart and literally stops him mis sentence.

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