Dmc5 - Tumblr Posts
Fits him so well! He could have rocken that black coat in DMC3 already

this was supposed to be DMC3 Vergil... that's why he looks so young.... but the DMC5 outfit's just too fun to draw....... you can't blame me !!!!

I'm back with more V art! (Definitely not because I needed a new pfp)

Vergil & V || I like my lineart more than my colors..
Love the one with Nico and Nero

I think calling it idiocy is a bit harsh... people should let others enjoy their games the way they like it and obviously that goes for both sides
Brief rant about Devil May Cry dorks and gamers in general
[...] There's moments of calm in well designed combat, not just screeching, roaring, flailing on your controller until the encounter is over. None of you would know anything about that though because your Smokin Sexy Style combat is boring and offensive to look at.
You look like nerds when you're doing a 75 hit combo with Dante screaming out style names every 2 seconds, and you call that fun because you *are* nerds and think fun is a mindless and emotionless activity where you conquer something. Then you logic and rationalize your way into believing that idiocy is somehow superior to the way casuals play, which is actually difficult.
I hate these things

These are like bookmarks. If you can't find merch on DMC - do it yourself! (I drew Nero much later)

5 doodles ^w^
Vergil would be enraptured by the internet i think

sparda family gathering time

Best boi from dmc, pls consider sharing. This motivates me a lot <3

=v=; it will be really funny to see this scene if Nero equip the Mega Buster
my first ever contribution to DmC, eat up vergil lovers (he's my wife fr..)

so um

i’m sorry. somebody take my phone away from me.