ghostwaffleheimer - Rabbit Paws and Raptor Claws
Rabbit Paws and Raptor Claws

he/it | adult | Drawing, rambling, fandom AUs | please don't repost my stuff |(icon by my friend Kugonah)

326 posts

Ghostwaffleheimer - Rabbit Paws And Raptor Claws - Tumblr Blog

7 months ago


I, for whatever reason, did not realize until recently that I can make google forms surveys. I have already made two. I should not have this kind of power. Take my unhinged surveys. They're terrible.

Informing Good Ideas Survey
Google Docs
This form is to collect info from our users which may be useful and of use, for focus testing the market and surveying the wants and needs o
Probababilititty Mtetrics For Market Outreach
Google Docs
You will be asked a serious of questions on a scale of numbers to determine the likely hood of you doing or agreeing to a thing. Answer hoen

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7 months ago
This Started Out As A Very Self-indulgent Sanji Drawing And Turned Into A Wholeass Ref That I've Been

This started out as a very self-indulgent Sanji drawing and turned into a wholeass ref that I've been using for a while so, uh... here. It's a bit rough but I mostly just needed something to colorpick from and work out some finer details. This also may or may not be related to some sorta weird little AU or whatever.

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7 months ago
Snowstripe's Eyes Swept Across The Gathering Spot, Snagging On The Familiar Black And White Pelt Of His

Snowstripe's eyes swept across the gathering spot, snagging on the familiar black and white pelt of his colony's healer as he sat very cozily next to a stocky tom with thick grey fur. He squinted, trying to recall if he'd ever interacted with this cat, let alone what his name was.

Who but Robinswoop would hop by to sit next to him, chirping helpfully when he noticed Snowstripe's confused expression, "Oh, the grey tom is my brother's mate. Sootear."

"Hm?" Snowstripe blinked, getting Robinswoop's full attention now. Sootear... He sniffed thoughtfully, remembering how he'd been the first to pick up the scent of the cove near their borders. A sandy, salty scent, with something akin to seagulls mixed in. Then Mallowcloud had a large shell in his den and feathers in his nest, and he knew that Mallow, with his limp and preference for mice, was not one to be high-leaping for seafaring birds. "...Explains why his scent is familiar."

Being deputy and not much of a talker, Snowstripe had a reputation for being a stoic, closed-off character. Robinswoop, who had a way of making friends with ease, had known better. It was nice, actually, to just have someone to casually talk to. Robin had a tendency for making others comfortable around him, so happened upon all sorts of information by chance. Having family in charge must've made it easy, though his family was... eccentric, Snow had come to realize.

"Between my brother and your sister being... terrible parents..." It was a harsh way to put it, but he wasn't sure of another way. Smokestep was always a fool, and Honeysnap... well that wasn't his place to speak, but he'd noticed how Hallowpaw would stare after her, while Honeysnap blithely ignored her existence. Mallowcloud and Sootear were probably better parent figures to her. "And your brother being with a cove cat, that sounds--"

"Like quite a life, huh? Hahaha!" Robinswoop laughed, finding it funnier. He looked up at Snowstripe with sincerity. "But really, Snowy, I think you'd be a good dad. I see how Stormpaw looks up to you, and you're so gentle with him."

Snowstripe was taken aback. He knew about Stormpaw, that he idolized him from kithood, always talking about how he wanted to be deputy someday just like him. But he had never considered parenthood himself. Kits, huh? It didn't sound like a terrible idea. But there wasn't anybody... "...Thanks." After a moment of sitting with it, he figured he may as well be polite and return the conversation. "What about you?"

He thought he saw Robin's whiskers twitch as the small tom laughed again. "Me? No way! I'll stick with being the fun uncle!"

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7 months ago

was scrolling my dash and saw this and I love subjecting people to low res pictures of my rabbit so here ya go, his name is Hazel

Was Scrolling My Dash And Saw This And I Love Subjecting People To Low Res Pictures Of My Rabbit So Here

If you have a bunny please send me cute picture ** asking for me because I love bunnies

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7 months ago

It has occurred to me that I never posted the redraw I did of my old Cove and Quarry refs even though it's been a while since I made them... So here they are because why not (I deleted the original posts apparently idk so no link to those for reference).

It Has Occurred To Me That I Never Posted The Redraw I Did Of My Old Cove And Quarry Refs Even Though
It Has Occurred To Me That I Never Posted The Redraw I Did Of My Old Cove And Quarry Refs Even Though

So besides the fact that my cats are slightly less ugly and more expressive, the biggest change is that I'm not calling them clans anymore. QC is still sort of connected to the Warriors universe by way of "what if the clans fell apart circa OOTS, the survivors left to create the Quarry Colony, and the 3 plus Hollyleaf ended up becoming the new afterlife." (that's the short version, anyway) Which I guess technically makes this a post-cat-society-apocalypse AU?

Anyway because I am bad at brevity, change log below cut as well as a family tree (I have a version with spoilers but I will not be posting that).


Mostly a lot of design changes, clarifications on details, and for the tortie/calico characters they got a small reference of their other side because that was something the old sheets were severely lacking since none of them besides Robin are symmetrical. Basic rundown:

Marshflower is a dilute tortie. She looks more like an actual cat that could exist now instead of... well, this.

It Has Occurred To Me That I Never Posted The Redraw I Did Of My Old Cove And Quarry Refs Even Though

I decided to go with Robinswoop's second design I came up with. He is also a trans tom.

Honeyshine's name is now Honeysnap, as Cloudkit's warrior name was going to be Cloudshine and I didn't want too much overlap with suffixes.

Brackenkit is also a dilute tortie.

What was once a typo has now become lore for Hallow's name having been changed. That will be addressed as I have a story written for this. Hallowpaw is the lore-heavy character instead of Emberdusk now, really.

Emberdusk and Windsong are both colorpoints, and their parents are to match, though they're not the most realistic I guess. Emberdusk would ideally take more after his mom and be a seal sepia but I specifically wanted him to be dark ginger since he was originally bootleg Fireheart.

Turtlestar, Finchpetal, and Applepaw got design changes.

Cricketleap is supposed to be a Havana Brown, having been a housecat, though I'm sure that doesn't come across very well here.

Pebblesplash and his daughter Silverpaw got some adjustments. They (or at least, Silverpaw) also have vitiligo. Cinderkit might as well, though that's not clear yet.

Willowpaw is nonbinary, which I'd always felt like they should be, but never updated any of my notes until I redid all the designs.

Cloudkit! I've been feeling like Cloudkit is the Cove's equivalent of Hallowpaw and I want to do something with them eventually. He's a chimera and goes by he/they.

It Has Occurred To Me That I Never Posted The Redraw I Did Of My Old Cove And Quarry Refs Even Though

Here is the family tree without spoilers, though this was made before the redesigns and so has the older versions of the cats on it.

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7 months ago

Michael Monday

Michael Monday

Tags: @cynnamonpop

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7 months ago
Various reference sketches of Rookfrost. He is a skinny, dark grey oriental/american shorthair mix with big green eyes, white toes, black ears, and a black nose bridge with a small scar. His most notable features are an angular, vaguely bird-shaped white mark on his chest and his polydactyl front paws which make him look like he has thumbs. In the centermost sketch he is standing with his body to the side and his tongue sticking out. A sketch in the upper right corner has him looking down at a book with a perplexed face.
There is also a small sketch of a back alley behind a takeout place, notably some boxes and wood palettes covered with tarp, which is where he lives. 
In the bottom left corner in a sketch of his head with the subtitle "#livinglikelarry" that says next to it "When you escape a cult and live behind a Chinese takeout (the food is good and you have friends now + you find your long lost brother)."

I did a complete overhaul of Rookfrost and Minecraftpaw's backstory (I am not getting into it right now it is... a lot) and decided to redesign Rookie a little because his being some sort of odd partial colorpoint was really bothering me. I made the last minute decision to make him polydactyl since it added to his general theme of "not fitting in". And also I may have accidentally drawn a thumb while sketching him and liked it too much.

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8 months ago

they won’t tell you this but the ideal male body type is in fact fat + hairy + stretch marks + thighs and im being so serious

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8 months ago
Bug Week: Pondering Wurmple

Bug week: Pondering Wurmple

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8 months ago

I found this feathered T. Rex at Michaels today and absolutely lost my mind. I had to get it. She's gorgeous. And when I got home and stood her up on a flat surface SHE STOOD ON HER OWN, PERFECTLY BALANCED!!

I Found This Feathered T. Rex At Michaels Today And Absolutely Lost My Mind. I Had To Get It. She's Gorgeous.
I Found This Feathered T. Rex At Michaels Today And Absolutely Lost My Mind. I Had To Get It. She's Gorgeous.
I Found This Feathered T. Rex At Michaels Today And Absolutely Lost My Mind. I Had To Get It. She's Gorgeous.
I Found This Feathered T. Rex At Michaels Today And Absolutely Lost My Mind. I Had To Get It. She's Gorgeous.
I Found This Feathered T. Rex At Michaels Today And Absolutely Lost My Mind. I Had To Get It. She's Gorgeous.

Her name is Hamburger Meat and this is her next to some of my other, much older T. Rexes (the bright green one is actually an older toy from the same company)

I Found This Feathered T. Rex At Michaels Today And Absolutely Lost My Mind. I Had To Get It. She's Gorgeous.

LOOK HOW MUCH PROGRESS WE'VE MADE IN TERMS OF DINOSAUR TOYS (not counting Jurassic Park/World bc some of their new stuff is somehow worse)

I Found This Feathered T. Rex At Michaels Today And Absolutely Lost My Mind. I Had To Get It. She's Gorgeous.

she is shy, back to hiding behind the toaster

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8 months ago
8 months ago
He... Might Like The Suit... Maybe It's The Gloves? I Don't Know.

He... might like the suit... maybe it's the gloves? I don't know.

Either way, the bug where Sanji.exe malfunctions when complemented and aggressively flirted with is not getting patched out anytime soon.

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9 months ago

I like my gender rolls freshly baked in a 12-pack with raisins, walnuts, and cream cheese over the top, so good, so gender

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9 months ago
I'm Answering The Questions That Everyone's Been Asking : What If Circus Cookies Were Dinosaur?

I'm answering the questions that everyone's been asking : What if Circus Cookies were Dinosaur?

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