Vergil Dmc - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago


Vergil overhears a father and son talking about their recent fishing trip while at the grocery store. He decides he and Nero should go fishing together. It goes horribly these two do not know how to fish.

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9 months ago
Today I Gift You: The Shit Twins, Ft Slut! Vergil (affectionate)

today i gift you: the shit twins, ft slut! Vergil (affectionate)

And some Dante/Trish fluff

Today I Gift You: The Shit Twins, Ft Slut! Vergil (affectionate)

Tomorrow? Who knows.

Might actually post some content abt my dmc oc soon so :]

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8 months ago

I am so into the headcanon that Sparda actually managed to talk with the baby twins, even if they're just all about babbles and coos, he will be there for his sons.

Now picture this: a tall demon on his human form, sat on his favorite couch, holding two chubby and devilish adorable babies on each arm while having a whole conversation with them.

"Tell me, Dante. How is it like to share a crib with your brother?"


"I see."


"Don't be so harsh on your brother, Vergil. He may chomp on your feet, but it is his own way to show affection for you."

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8 months ago

In my own hc for Vergil, i think he'd be weary of Trish at best post-rebirth.

I think as V he was a little desperate in one way or another. He was alone, weak and literally dying, he wanted to cling on to anybody who could help him both so he could survive long enough to merge back with Urizen, and like he says in game, because he wanted to be protected and loved.

Ofc like op says he wouldn't despise Trish, i dont think he'd try to avoid her outright either, but i dont think he'd be 100% trusting of her either (at first that is). Theres a lot of baggage there after all, what with Trish looking like his mom, Trish being a ex-servant of Mundus like he was as Nelo, Trish possibly being used against him while he was Nelo (a theory i first heard from an analysis of DMC 1 that i really liked, he mentioned it briefly that Trish could have been used to make Vergil more docile and complacent toward Mundus.), and maybe even Trish being a demon.

Over time i think he'd grow more comfortable with Trish, but i think their relationship would be strained at first. Maybe Dante could even help his emotionally constipated brother learn to trust her too, considering he knows her a lot better than Vergil does.

Waving the Trish and V scene in DMC 5 in your face desperately trying to convince you that Vergil would not in fact despise Trish

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7 months ago

It’s almost two in the morning, and I just had the most amazing thought of an animatic of this song for Vergil

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7 months ago

Excuse me for a moment

(Thinking about the fact that Vergil threw away Yamato's sheath/saya in the ending of DMC 3 when he charged toward mundus.

He knew he wasn't going to come out of that fight, much less alive; he was either going to win and be trapped in hell for the rest of his life or die to Mundus. Though i dont think he ever anticipated being turned into Nero Angelo, he never thought about the possibility of being captured and tortured untill he was nothing but a husk of his former self.

He went down there knowing he was never going to come back. He threw himself at Mundus to kill Mundus knowing either way he would lose. For his family, for his brother, for himself.

He also throws away the saya in DMC 5 when he splits himself with Yamato. Whatever happens in his mind when he went through with that action, he had no intention of going back on it. Wether it killed him or not.)

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6 months ago

Finally, Vergil.

Finally, Vergil.
Finally, Vergil.

His hair and eyes glow a little and he gets those arm flames, which is what Yamato becomes in this form iirc. I didnt actually see if Yamato went away or not but id assume this is him absorbing it.

Finally, Vergil.

Also i find it very interesting that Vergil closes his eyes as he transforms, whereas the other two keep theirs open.

Finally, Vergil.
Finally, Vergil.

No magical circle as he transforms, even that explosion doesnt have it. However

Finally, Vergil.

It is there as he changes out of DT.

Finally, Vergil.
Finally, Vergil.

Lastly a couple of interesting bits. I only just noticed the front of his SDT has a V on it. And the second pic is what happens the moment the SDT gauge is primed to activate.

I Thought The Sdt Model Is Just Appearing Above Him, But He's Literally Transforming????
I Thought The Sdt Model Is Just Appearing Above Him, But He's Literally Transforming????
I Thought The Sdt Model Is Just Appearing Above Him, But He's Literally Transforming????
I Thought The Sdt Model Is Just Appearing Above Him, But He's Literally Transforming????

i thought the sdt model is just appearing above him, but he's literally transforming????

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5 months ago

I actually do think that Vergil's devil form in Devil May Cry 5 being an inferior imitation of Dante's Sin Devil Trigger makes sense.

While Vergil doesn't have a self-named devil sword like Dante does, it can be assumed that consuming the Qliphoth fruit gave him a comparable (but still inferior) power boost. And as a friend reminded me, demons are speculated to evolve based on what they desire, and one of the things Vergil wants most is to compete with Dante.

I just wish it actually looked like an inferior imitation of Dante's devil trigger. Because Vergil having what is, by all appearances, a canonical Sin Devil Trigger that doesn't play like a Sin Devil Trigger really bothers me. I think it should have looked more unique, like a standard Devil Trigger trying to disguise itself as something more.

Maybe he has a humanoid face, like Dante's standard devil trigger, but he's missing his eyelids, nose, and lips to give a somewhat skull-like appearance.

Since this "Psuedo-Trigger" is likely the result of the Qliphoth fruit, perhaps his body is covered in roots much like Urizen's was, to imitate the scales on Dante's Sin Devil Trigger. If not roots, maybe something with a more ghostly aesthetic, suggesting that his apparently equivalent power to Dante is an illusion. I'm reminded of the armor on Dante's Dreadnought form from Devil May Cry 4.

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6 years ago
What Can I Say? I Love This Cold Man.

What can I say? I love this cold man.

Yap, also for sticker pack.


The first version of this art was so disgusting so I redraw it.

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1 year ago

attention devil may cry fans. lookie here

Attention Devil May Cry Fans. Lookie Here
Attention Devil May Cry Fans. Lookie Here

I bought a white kitty plushie... and made him coat and vest.. (he is vergil)

thought you guys would think he's cute <3 he's very soft and goes everywhere with me #comfortobject !!!!

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1 year ago
Emo Emo Emo
Emo Emo Emo
Emo Emo Emo

Emo emo emo

Colorful emo

Сидит грустный эмо в кабаке перед кружкой пива, подсаживается к нему гопник и не спрашивая выпивает пиво. Эмо вдруг заплакал. Гопник раздраженно:  — Чего ты, нытик, сопли тут распустил?  — Да блин, хотел под поезд, отменили. Хотел повеситься, веревка порвалась. Хотел отравиться, да ты, придурок, пиво мое отравленное выпил..

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