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1 year ago

during the making of my custom skin mod, i dug through RW files these are some notable graffiti i found !

During The Making Of My Custom Skin Mod, I Dug Through RW Filesthese Are Some Notable Graffiti I Found

this one is labeled as "godofeyes" which i find very interesting!!! this may show that some ancient religions worshiped something other than the void??? or maybe this guy AND the void too???? no clue!

During The Making Of My Custom Skin Mod, I Dug Through RW Filesthese Are Some Notable Graffiti I Found

this little image here titles as "iteratorsaint" this looks like moon, however i do doubt it as the mark on the forehead is a bit more oval shaped with a dot in the middle, where as moon's mark is a circle with no dot in the middle. could this be another iterator?

During The Making Of My Custom Skin Mod, I Dug Through RW Filesthese Are Some Notable Graffiti I Found
During The Making Of My Custom Skin Mod, I Dug Through RW Filesthese Are Some Notable Graffiti I Found

these two creep me the hell out what is this first one is labeled "sittingman" and the second is "boxbird" i do not like these they creep me out :( well at least sitting man does show us that maybe ancients can be bald? as well as just the intricate pattern

During The Making Of My Custom Skin Mod, I Dug Through RW Filesthese Are Some Notable Graffiti I Found
During The Making Of My Custom Skin Mod, I Dug Through RW Filesthese Are Some Notable Graffiti I Found

these two are rather interesting to me!!! labeled "pilothelmet" and "gasmask" look at them!!!! interesting guys!!! the pilothelmet and gasmask show more examples of ancient masks that aren't just the standard gold ones we see in game!!! also look at the ancient's eyes in gasmask! silly thing ..... i love this graffiti!

During The Making Of My Custom Skin Mod, I Dug Through RW Filesthese Are Some Notable Graffiti I Found

another one! this one is labeled as "faceandtag" i find this one interesting as it shows what looks like a cartoonish ancient head??? either way look at the nose!!! do ancients have dog noses then??? if so then omg they're even sillier ............ love the messed up guys

During The Making Of My Custom Skin Mod, I Dug Through RW Filesthese Are Some Notable Graffiti I Found

lastly this one wtf is happening here!!!! it is called "faceplug" what. is. happening i am so puzzled this looks like an iterator, except with whatever this is happening to their face??? is this normal behavior??? is this messed up?? huh anyways thats about it

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