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hey hm. can you help me?
im newbie writer. and i know nothing about creating titles and summaries, but i think i can get my way on that. So hm i want to write a muder mystery (just to my friends), the thing is, its all in my head and i cant write it down, besides that i wanna write it in english and im not fluent on it.
Another thing, it's that the plot looks too shitty... Like the murderer is a girl obsessed with her beauty and it's pretty vain, but you know the "murderer" it's to be reveled to much later, and it's too obvious it's her... Oh My what a shame...
Start by writing your ideas down (on paper, in a Google Doc, whatever). It doesn't have to be in English if that's not your most fluent language. Organize your thoughts this way. From there, you can try writing it. Don't worry if it seems terrible at first. The best way to improve is to practice. And again, the story doesn't have to be in English if that's not what you're fluent in. Write it in your native language, or whichever language feels most comfortable to you. The story can be translated later (if not by you, then sometimes you can find people online who can do it for you).
And as for how your plot looks, don't worry about that when you're a new writer. Write it anyway. If it's just for your friends, then it doesn't matter as much if it's an idea that's been done thousands of times before, because this is your story, and you can tell it the way you want to tell it.