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2 years ago

Double Trouble [SAGAU Imposter Edition]

Aka the- I got tired of the angst that is imposter au and present to you a more positive, chaotic approach- edition. Featuring you and your doppelgänger tricking everyone into believing you're not the Creator by pretending to be a body double.


Double Trouble [SAGAU Imposter Edition]

After being unwillingly transported into Genshin Impact, you bumped into someone who... looks exactly just like you??

There's a brief moment of shock (and anger because your doppelgänger was the shoot first ask questions later type of person) before you two decided to settle down to answer each other's questions.

The two of you didn't like the answers though.

"... so in your world, Tevyat and everyone in it is part of a game." Your doppelgänger summarised, "But here in Tevyat, you're known as the adored and worshipped Creator who ascends above Celestia."

"But I don't want to be this 'Creator' person." You pointed out, "And it seems unfair to appear out of nowhere and steal your life from you since you're the-"

"A puppet? An imposter?" Your doppelgänger scoffed, "It's literally in my job description, pretend to be you until you return."

"Hey, you have your life and relationships here and I got ripped away from mine." You snapped back, "And I was going to say that since you're known as the all-powerful Creator, can't you send me back home?"

"... about that..."

Long story short, you're stuck in Tevyat for an indefinite amount of time.

The train of bad news got longer when your doppelgänger decided to fill you in on how much the Creator of Tevyat was... worshipped and adored.

To sum it up, you're stuck in a world where you bearing the face and name of the Creator is an instant execution.

"... how in the absolute fuck did you gain a harem of yanderes." You whispered, horrified and terrified for your life.

Your doppelgänger merely shrugged in response, not quite understanding half of what you were saying but it sounded relatable enough after recounting some memorable details of their faithful acolytes.

But seriously? Making the Creator's name a taboo to be used for children; having shrines, statues, and festivals held by the Archons dedicated to the Creator; the stalkerish worship and overprotectiveness of every. single. acolyte. to the point your doppelgänger resorted to running away for a breather.

It's a literal hell on earth for an introvert like you.

"I will die when they assume I'm your imposter." You announced, finally gathering your thoughts together, "But you will die if they find out you're the imposter."

Your doppelgänger nodded, a look of dread on their face that you can't bear to look at.

"... but, that is only if they find out the truth." You started, forming an idea that sounded so impossible, so outlandish, that it might actually work if you guys think it through.

Your doppelgänger flinched at the maniac stare you sent to them, "How well do you know about the history of the two Electro Archons?"

And thus, the body double story was created by two desperate individuals.

Your doppelgänger had created you, their body double/twin, in both image and name to split the work of the Creator as they were growing tired and numb after centuries.

You would travel around Tevyat secretly to help your doppelgänger in international relations while hiding the true reason: to find your way home. Your doppelgänger, on the other hand, will have more time for their adoring harem and have the opportunity to relax and have fun.

Safe to say, the adoring acolytes fell for the story after your doppelgänger mentioned 'more free time with them'.

"Oh dear Creator, you could've told us of your burdens instead of resorting to this." While you appreciated not being objectified, you preferred being alive more as Zhongli glared holes into your back.

Your doppelgänger gave him a shy smile, "I wouldn't wish to burden you like this, Zhongli, you deserve your retirement. Plus, having my sibling around would be more fun." They chirped.

Someone in the background choked.

If possible, Ei's eyebrows rose higher, "Your... sibling?"

Your doppelgänger -god you need a name for them- nodded excitedly, causing a few coos from the weaker acolytes at their adorableness, "My sibling! I created them from my flesh and blood so they're like my twin in some sense, isn't that right dear sibling~"

You flashed them a smile and a thumbs-up, pretending that the suspicious glares aimed at you were pratically non-existence while wondering when can you escape this place to travel this brand new world you're in.

Double Trouble [SAGAU Imposter Edition]

Doppelgänger: prepare for trouble!

You: and make it double!

Doppelgänger: to protect the world from devastation!

You: to unite all peoples within our nation!

Doppelgänger: to denounce all evils of truth and love!

You: to extend our reach to the stars above!

Doppelgänger/You: (Y/N)!!

Doppelgänger: Team Creator blasts off at the speed of light!

You: Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Traveler: ... I would appreciate the slogan more if this weren't the eighteenth time you two barged in

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2 years ago

Falsifying Identities is a Crime [Double Trouble SAGAU]

-> 《Traveler, Albedo, Zhongli, Heizou》

As your doppelgänger now twin remains stuck in their golden cage being worshipped, you travel around Tevyat to find more clues about the being known as the 'Creator'; the lore of Genshin Impact -because that's what got you playing the game in the first place-; and warding off suspicion that you're more than a mere body double for your twin.


Falsifying Identities Is A Crime [Double Trouble SAGAU]


The one you need to watch out for the most was, surprisingly, the Traveler. They were there since the beginning of the game, your first vessel as the two of you travel across Tevyat with Paimon to discover the truth of Tevyat. While the Traveler wasn't as close to the Creator as some of the acolytes; wasn't as worshipful and dogged every step of the immortal, they were very much attuned to the Creator's energy and warmth presence.

So when the Traveler felt more drawn towards the 'body double' moreso than the Creator themselves, suspicion quickly formed.

"You and the Creator share many similarities." You jolt, turning to face the Traveler as they lean against a bookcase, golden eyes narrowed at you with a wary gaze. The Traveler managed to corner you in the corners of their mansion in the Serenitea Pot, having sent Paimon to Xiangling prior for a 'commission'.

Now it was just you, them, and the book in your hands detailing Zhongli's failed attempts to hide the fact he's the Geo Archon amongst his people.

You laugh, trying to brush off the panic which was quickly settling in your mind. "I was created in their image, the fact that we are similar in both looks and nature should be logical enough," You excused.

The Traveler let out an indifferent hum, "That is true, the both of you do have your differences though."

You nod, "Of course, the Creator once told me that having some differences would be good for the both of us. They said something about 'growing' and 'independance', but it was said so cryptically that I didn't quite understand." That's a complete lie, but the Traveler doesn't need to know that. "It's kind of like you and your sibling, Lumine/Aether. Although the both of you are similar in looks and nature, you are two different people in the end, right?"

The Traveler gave a nod, smiling in understanding, "I see where you're getting at. I do have one last question however."

They took one step closer, eyes shinning a predatory gleam as the articial sunlight bounced through the window.

"The Creator themselves didn't know the name of my sibling, so how did you know?"

Later on, as your twin tended to the forming bruise on your forehead, you confessed throwing a book at the Traveler as a distraction and ran- only to slam headfirst into a wall in the midst of your panic.

If the Traveler was more attentive to your presence the next day and after, it went completely unnoticed as your twin blew up the kitchen as a distraction.

Falsifying Identities Is A Crime [Double Trouble SAGAU]


The second person who might deconstruct the story you and your doppelgänger created piece by piece and drag the truth to the light. As a homonculus himself and the lore regarding Durin and Rhinedottir which you are aware of, this man would be wary of you right from the start as 'someone made of the Creator's flesh and blood'.

If it weren't the fact you were announced to the acolytes as 'The Creator's Darling Twin/Body Double But We Don't Talk About That', you would've been kidnapped and experimented on.

... thinking back on it, wouldn't it be easier to have Albedo as an accomplice from the start so they could have some sort of alchemy excuse?

For the past few days you had a stalker as you traveled through lnazuma. The person had skillfully hid their presence, disappearing before you could notice them and convicing any witnesses that the two of you were well-acquainted and playing a demented game of Red Light Green Light.

Unfortunately for your stalker, the Inazuman gossip mill about a young man painting hillichurls in the wild managed to reach your ears.

You could've confess the entire situation to your twin, of course, but they were too busy reining in their darling acolytes that the two of you had less time to spent together. (You won't deny the fact you'd also been avoiding Traveler and Paimon, their all-knowing eyes could mean a slip of a tongue and ruin everything you two were working towards.)

After a couple of days, you decided to handle the problem by yourselves. This meant cornering and interrogating your stalker head-on.

"Why are you following me?" Albedo's inquisitive eyes seem to tear you apart layer by layer. There was no witness to you pointing a sword at the Mondstadt Alchemist in the middle of the field except the beaten up hilichurls.

"The Creator assigned me to guard you." He finally answered. The smooth, dulcet voice had you nearly captivated as he pinned you down with a sharp gaze, "It's a mere matter of safety, especially for you."

"If it were a matter of safety, my Creator would've told me from the start instead of hiding it from me." You countered, "What's more, why would they assign you, the Chief Alchemist and Investigation Captain of Mondstadt, of all people as my bodyguard?"

The monotoned expression on his face lightened up, revealing a cunning smirk that disappeared as quick as it had appeared, "You are well-informed."

"The Creator might have informed you about my history, as a fellow synthetic human I would like to exchange notes about the process."

"... excuse me?" Process? Does he mean the lore about how Gold created the homonculus?

You blink, putting on an apologetic grin as you bowed to him, "Apologies, I am unaware of the process myself. Perhaps you can ask my Creator when you have the chance, they're more knowledgeable about Rhinedottir's research regarding the Primordial Human Project than I am."

"... I see, I would like to have more enlightening conversations with you in the near future. You're quite an interesting converser."

Falsifying Identities Is A Crime [Double Trouble SAGAU]


As the oldest of the Archons, he has followed and worshipped the Creator of Tevyat as long as he could remember. He was knowledgeable about the history of the Creator, their passions and their faults, their dreams that lie beyond Celestia's reach, and so much more.

With the appearance of his Creator's 'body double', however, he starts to question if he truly knew his darling immortal.

It was a mistake. A stupid, foolish mistake that not even a monkey with zero common sense would commit. You could've walked off the second he approached you with that cheery grin; the second he opened his mouth and sprouted about 'bonding' and 'getting to know each other'.

But the Anemo Archon was as charming as he appeared in-game, and so you were dragged into a drinking contest with Venti at Angel's Share.

Now, you sat with a massive hangover but petty pride over your win against Venti and patiently waited for Zhongli's tea to finish brewing. You assumed Mihoyo had overestimated the time taken for Zhongli's tea, but looking at the ticking clock for the past two hours you knew better.

"... may I assume the reason you pulled me aside for your hangover tea was not for the sake of niceties?"

Zhongli paused, you realised that angering the oldest Archon was a huge mistake before he spoke, "I would like to make a contract with you."

You blinked, spots appearing briefly in your vision, "Contract? What for?"

The immortal took a seat facing you, cat-eyes holding a dangerous gleam as though he would tear you apart at any moment, "To ensure the safety of the Creator and your chances of being a traitor of Tevyat null."

You shrugged, "Ok, can I have time to read through it and ask Yanfei for a second opinion?"

Zhongli blinked, likely surprised at your admission, before he pulled out a ready-made contract, "I had assumed you would be more offended at my words."

"Your concern for the Creator is valid. Plus, as the Yanwang Dijun of Liyue and the God of Contracts, I trust you would not trick me so easily." You answered as you skimmed over the contract, missing the wide-eyed look the Archon had given you.

You noticed something in particular and blinked, "Can I ask for clarification on the Time of Performance Clause 1 (b)?"

"Of course." Zhongli hummed, leaning forward.

"It says here that 'I must cease all contact with the Creator for at least 11 months every year to perform my duties as an international ambassador'. Can you remove it in case the Creator requires my assistance or an emergency happens, I need to be there as the Creator's body double."

You must be hallucinating the bashful look the Geo Archon had as he took back the contract, "Apologies, that one was a spur of a moment decision."

Falsifying Identities Is A Crime [Double Trouble SAGAU]


Ranking second after Albedo who would see past your lies with a quick and simple deduction, the detective is a terrifying foe to have if you're trying desperately to keep a secret. You, however, were in his sight the moment your doppelgänger introduced you as their body double- a fascinating mystery his darling Creator had practically gift-wrapped for him to solve.

He knows all your little habits from playing the game down to every last detail: which acolyte you favoured the most, your favourite meal to cook, which nation's stories you enjoy the most based on your adventures... be careful to not slip up or you'll end up in his handcuffs.

Inazuma was a truly dangerous place. Asides from the murderous lightning trees and lightning water which you fell prey to multiple times while adventuring, the Inazuman acolytes were a different breed of terrifying all together.

Currently, you were hog-tied to a chair in the middle of the woods by the one person you were told to avoid at all costs. Granted, you had been ambushed and drugged the second you pass by the Tenryou Commission headquarters but you didn't think anyone would try to kidnap you in broad daylight.

"Your attempts to hide from me were truly impressive, especially the time you jumped out of the window of a second floor building." Heizou purred, a playful smirk on his face as he stalked in front of you, "Man alive, our little game must come to an end, unfortunately, as I am on a tight deadline."

I really hope someone reports me being kidnapped, you mourned. Unfortunately, judging the fact none of those Tenryou soliders stepped in when Heizou kidnapped you, your chances of rescue were null.

Your head hit the back of the chair as Heizou continued to stare at you like an unsolved murder case, mind drifting back to your doppelgänger's words a few weeks back before your departure to Inazuma.

"I don't know how he interpreted my words, but avoid Shikanoin Heizou at all costs." Your doppelgänger warned, bright eyes darkened as though they were haunted by certain memories, "That detective... has a particularly annoying habit of 'investigating' everything about me no matter what."

"The Creator surprised all of us when you were first introduced." Heizou began, "The flimsy excuse they gave about your 'birth' wasn't a complete lie, but it wasn't the complete truth either."

Heizou stepped closer, his stormy grey eyes were unreadable and utterly terrifying the longer you stared, "How much do you know about the Creator?"

You blinked, "Huh?"

"How much do you know about the Creator?" The detective repeated, a sickly sweet smile on his face, "As their 'body double', you're privy to many of their secrets and habits which remain hidden from even the most trusted acolytes: their favourite meal; their favourite perfume and outfits; the acolyte they dote most upon; their sleeping habits and favourite position to sleep in which I wasn't quite able to figure out after I got caught-"

"Hold on, you spied on the Creator when they were sleeping?" You were absolutely horrified.

Heizou blinked out of his trance, giving you a confuse look, "Yeah? The Creator is most vulnerable in their sleep, as a detective it's my job to protect the Creator from any criminals who dare to disturb their rest."

He calmly puts a hand on his chin, "I wasn't the only one, that adeptus Liyuen who keeps stalking the rooftop has been caught multiple times now."

You stared, "... you really do have sensitive emotions for people you think shine the brightest."

Heizou paused, staring at you unblinkingly before he shoots you a smile so innocent, so bright, that is sent shivers down your spine.

"Interesting~ it'll be so much fun uncovering each and every one of your secrets~"

Falsifying Identities Is A Crime [Double Trouble SAGAU]

Doppelgänger: I heard you won a bet against Venti in a drinking contest, s p i l l

You: If he won, I had to leave you and sleep for a hundred years with a spell he's creating. If I won, he would help out at Angel's Share in a maid outfit to pay off his debt

Doppelgänger: ... is it a french maid outfit?

You: absolutely who do you think I am

Traveler: I don't know either of you

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2 years ago

A Series of Sumeru Mishaps [Double Trouble SAGAU]

A body double takes on the land of wisdom and dreams. Meanwhile, the ordinary and extraordinary folk alike are swept into the maelstorm of chaos that is their Creator’s ‘international ambassador’.

Aka the -Sumeru 3.0 update consumed me like fungi so here we are- special edition. Also known as -Tighnari didn’t come home and threw a Jean at me so I’m venting- edition.



Sumeru was brimming with both life and death, which you came to learn when you stumbled onto a patch of land reeking of absolute corruption. It was a horrifying yet heartbreaking sight, where the vitality of nature was poisoned by the strange red plants, the air itself suffocated your lungs with the stench of death.

“This looks really terrifying realistically…” You murmured, about to bolt the other way when you noticed something peculiar and green dogging your footsteps, “Huh?”

Patches of fresh grass trailed behind you, like you had purified the very land you stepped on. It was quickly overtaken by the withering again but you had enough time to process what you just saw.

“… can I simply stomp out those withering tumors?”


“Someone already dealt with the withering zone in the southeast?” Tighnari questioned, ears standing rigid in his confusion as he stared at the forest ranger.

“Huh, how strange… whoever our little helper is they are either unfortunate enough to stumble into the withering zone or foolish enough to deal with it on their own.” Tighnari didn’t mince his words.

In the back of Tighnari’s mind, he wondered if this had any connection to the appearance of the Creator’s sibling before he shook his head. While the sibling has proven themselves to be highly troublesome- the sibling’s tendency to tackle and cuddle the wildlife instantly came to mind- they wouldn’t be that reckless, right?


Somewhere, a sneeze sounded from amongst a cuddle pile consisting of Rishboland tigers and a tired body double.


The customers of Lambad’s tavern have grown used to the sight of the Creator’s international ambassador lounging around like a sun-tanning cat. What they haven’t grown used to, however, was the utter strangeness of their actions.

Every evening, the ambassador would walk into the tavern and take the empty table in the far corner. Ordering only a drink and dessert, they would blankly stare at the wall for hours before they leave.

One day, Lambad decided to finally ask about his strange customer’s behaviour- it wasn’t because several concerned customers gave him an exorcist’s phone number, of course not-.

The answer Lambad received only unnerved him even further.

“Oh, the music for your tavern is quite soothing to listen to.” The ambassador replied nonchalantly.

Somehow, Lambad felt cold amidst the warm atmosphere of his own tavern.

The tavern owner stumbled, confused and a little terrified, “But- the tavern doesn’t play music?”

A cryptid smile was his final answer, and Lambad ran away under the guise of getting more food. The ambassador’s humming haunted his retreating figure.

The gossip rushing through Sumeru that evening only strengthened the rumours of a 'mad foreigner’ or 'the Creator hears the music of the winds, serenaded by the adoring Anemo Archon’.

Surprisingly enough, those two rumours never got connected to one another.


“As the Creator’s ambassador and body double you must be aware of the dangers the rainforest presents, correct?” Tighnari’s ears twitched in irritation as you guiltily knelt dogeza-style before him.

“So why would you fool-hardily run to a ruin drake and let it attack you? Have you lost your sense of awareness? Did you perhaps eat one of those mushrooms I specifically told you not to?”

The forest ranger’s calm voice took an underlining growl, stifling his instincts to lock you in his room and prevent you from running headfirst into danger.

Perhaps you won’t notice if your injuries took you a little longer to heal?

“… OST.”

Tighnari snapped out of his thoughts, “Pardon?”

You sheepishly avoided his stern gaze, “The battle OST was so good that I have the habit of… finding new enemies just to listen to it?”

“… so you did eat those hallucinogenic mushrooms.”


Port Ormos was no stranger to eccentric individuals, especially since it readily welcomes and houses Akademiya students who had to trade their genius minds for something- if you’d questioned the older folk around the docks, they would tell you of a strange Akademiya student who used to come around the evening to throw bags into the river while cackling. It was only after that student’s expulsion did people realised those bags he threw were his failed experiments: dead mice, dead fungi, missing people, etc.-

It was quite normal to see a student from the Akademiya having an existential crisis or being arrested in public. But the person wildly dancing in the middle of the street was not from the Akademiya.

In fact, the madman strangely resembled the tiny memorial statues of the Creator.

“Mom, is that person alright?” A young boy innocently pointed at the twirling figure.

His mother quickly ushered him away, “Ignore them, sweetie, and pray to the Creator that their troubled soul is laid to rest.”


“If fungi bad, why cute?” Arapaha had no idea how to deal with the Rainbow Not-Nara. The trees had welcomed the Not-Nara with wealthy growth, the winds joyously sang and the waters have turned a pure blue for the return of the Rainbow Not-Nara.

And yet-

“Release the bad shroom-kin, Rainbow Not-Nara! Shroom-kin bad, and not cute!” Aragana, their youngest, fumed, bouncing as they angrily waved their stick at the Rainbow Not-Nara.

This particular group of Aranara had stumbled upon their Rainbow Not-Nara by accident, having followed the sound of someone singing Arana’s music off-key.

They expected to find the Golden Nara and Paimon, though the Golden Nara’s singing was more harmonious and deeper than this particular voice.

The Rainbow Not-Nara choking cuddling a group of fungi in the middle of a cave was certainly not what they expected to find.

The Rainbow Not-Nara’s aura turned gloomy, like blackened skies and red cubes descending, as their grasp around the unusually still fungi tightened, “Fungi is cute!”

“That’s not true!” Aragana blustered, “Aragana is way more good than that bad shroom-kin! A-And way more cuter!”

Silence descended upon the clearing.

“Aragana, if you wanted me to hold you too you could’ve just say so…” Rainbow Not-Nara spoke gently, like dewdrops upon the fragile leaves in the midst of a rainstorm, loosening their grip to make room for the stuttering Aranara.

The fungus made its move at that very moment.



You: it’s an onion

Doppelgänger: for the last time it’s a tree-

You: *waves at the Tree of Dreams* it’s just a gigantic space onion, you can’t change my mind

Doppelgänger: You- Traveler, tell them!

Traveler: … Paimon thought it was a giant onion when we found it too

Paimon: You traitor! You asked that Aranara if the tree was edible!

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