Dr3 Future - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Not directly Seiko related, but something about Ruruka finding and recognising the candy next to Seiko's body as the one she gave her?

A/N I forgot to post this earlier!

Bittersweet Candy - Ruruka finding Seiko’s body 

In the end, Seiko never ate Ruruka’s candy.

But even so she held on to it all this time. Even when she couldn’t eat it, even when they were wavering as friends, even when they were fighting at each other’s throats– even after all that, Seiko still kept the candy Ruruka gave her ever since the day they first met.

Even as her corpse hang on the wall, the candy was still there beside her.

It was mocking Ruruka.

Although Seiko couldn’t eat it, she still had kept it all this years and brought it with her all this time. Seiko truly believed in her, she trusted in her, and she was earnestly trying hard as her friend. And Ruruka knew that. She knew that which was why she took advantage of that. It was because she knew that Seiko would always do anything Ruruka told her to so she ended up relying on her more than often.

Then somewhere in the middle, everything went downhill.

Where did she go wrong?

They were just fighting some years ago then they were literally fighting just a few minutes ago. And now Ruruka was just staring in disbelief at Seiko’s corpse. And at the candy beside her corpse. The symbol of their friendship. Even in her last moments, Seiko had cherished their broken friendship and here was Ruruka who had been thinking about no one else but herself.

Seiko truly was a hero.

But Ruruka would never get to tell her that. Not anymore. All she could do was cry and mourn over all the missed opportunities they had, over all the things left unsaid between them, over all the regrets that just kept piling up. Ruruka cried and cried as if she believed that if she cried hard enough, Seiko would wake up and give her some medicine to soothe her.

It never happens. No one was going to help her this time like always. Now she has to face the irrevocable truth of her situation. With one less person on her side.

She lost a friend.

In the end, Seiko never ate Ruruka’s candy. And she never will.

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4 years ago

Day 15 : Outpost

Here, have my... uh... attempt at drawing the future foundation building... I really suck at drawing stuff other than characters 😣😣😣

Didn't really have much time today either, so I made this pretty quick... I hope it's still okay though. It's definitely not

Day 15 : Outpost

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