Naegi Makoto - Tumblr Posts
oh my god josh actually posts? REAL artwork??

1. ice cream

heeeeellooo leonaegi enjoyers
Protagonist Leon AU:
“After Makoto dies as the first Victim, Its up to Leon to protect Makotos Lover and best friend as the mastermind is still among them All…”
((Note - Makoto is the first victim and Junko enoshima is the killer))
((Kyoko would also be the Mastermind like in the Original concept of DISTRUST))
((Murkuro is also not in this AU and Junko is like herself in canon))

Dangan! Distrust AU
Because I am a starving man and need to craft my own content with my two bare hands
Im back,,,,,,,, yay??????
Junko: guys we are the livestock of trees; they feed us and give us air knowing we will die soon! Chihiro: I am going to cry. Kyoko: I am so sorry but this is probably true. Plants co evolved to reward us for cultivating and propagating them. its called exorphin theory, and plants are pretty much using us. That's why humans show nearly every sign of species domestication. Kokichi: They are our supreme overlords and i accept this completely.
Naegi: I am not out of control! I'm a law abiding citizen! Hajime: Really? Name one law. Naegi: Don't kill people? Hajime: You kill people. You are in jail for killing people.
Hajime: What’s in the suitcase? Junko: Vodka! Celestia: You brought an entire suitcase of Vodka?! Junko: Of course not. I brought mixers as well, Im not a savage.
Makoto: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Hajime* Chiaki: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of God, Please be good.’*
Teruteru: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste Hajime: We got spring water Teruteru: NO. Akane: with EXTRA minerals Nagito: it's like licking a stalagmite Teruteru: DON'T COME HOME. Akane: Mmmmm cave water

House husband x Very worn out Prime minister
Headcanons coming soon!
Househusband x Prime minister naeishi headcanons
Main roles in house:
Makoto: Cooking, getting groceries, Cleaning and taking care of Taka when he works too hard.
Taka: Main Bread winner, “killer of bugs” and takes care of their small garden on the weekend.
General hc’s:
Makoto definitely joined Taka in the political field in the beginning to help boost Taka through the system but eventually quit when the duo got engaged. That doesn’t mean Makoto doesn’t work he actually takes on a lot of part time jobs through the week so that their finances aren’t completely dependent on Taka and so Makoto has something to do during the week once he’s gotten the majority of the housework done.
Makoto attended many cooking classes in the beginning of their marriage so that when Taka came home always had hot meal awaiting him.
Taka is always the one awake first (even on weekends) as he wants to get to work early. Sometimes he can rope Makoto in to do radio exercises with him, other times Makoto with brush him off in favour of making breakfast and Taka’s lunch.
Speaking of Taka’s lunch most of Taka’s co workers (mainly the ladies) complement the arrangement of said meal saying that they would kill to have such a sweet partner like Taka’s that would do things like this for them, which makes Taka’s face go as red as his eyes.
Taka definitely has a thing where he over works himself due to his family’s past so when this does happen Makoto has to force him to relax by locking the door to his home office and doing hourly check in’s to make sure Taka isn’t over exerting himself.
If Makoto and Taka ever have kids they either adopt or ask Komaru/ one of the girls from the 78th class to be their surrogate (y’all can decide which option they go with).
Toko and Taka are in laws thanks the Naegi siblings which is something they bond over in the beginning when they had to be around eachother during family holidays.
Taka and Komaru get on quiet well as Komaru gives Taka all the info on her and Makoto’s childhood together that Makoto tries to not talk about as well a look through the Naegi family photo book (yes Taka asked for a copy of it).
Toko and Makoto get on like a house on fire thanks to Toko’s misjudgements of Makoto’s words.
Taka definitely cried when he and Makoto were discussing who’s last name they were going to have and Makoto told Taka that he wanted his.
Makoto was absolutely terrified of Taka’s dad when they first met and he still is kinda scared of him.
Twice a month Ishimondo hangs out either at Mondo’s place, Taka’s place or some local establishment just to do some casual check in’s with how the other is doing as well as some light goofing around.

The Corpse Groom - Au
Victor - Makoto
Emily - Kiyotaka
Victoria/ Barkis - Junko
The only real change that comes from this au is that Junko (Victoria/Barkis) is a serial groom killer will go more in depth with this whenever I get around to actually writing this au.
For my request, based on Danganronpa, can you write a oneshot/mini series where the original 6 survivors discover that the killing game was actually a tv show like in v3 please? So now they've been declared as winners and are struggling to coming into terms with their new reality as celebrities. What do you think?
I think it's such a cool idea! I will make six different parts for this, each one will focus on one of the original six, and I thought it is only fitting I start of with Makoto himself. Hope you enjoy!
Genre: angst
Warnings: Major Danganronpa spoilers, mentions of death, depressive thoughts?, self-doubt?
It was just...a lie?! | Part I | Makoto Naegi |

“So, Mr. Naegi, how does it feel to win the first-ever Danganronpa game?” a reporter asks Makoto
“Uh, well, if I'm being honest...” Makoto looks over to someone who is a part of the Danganronpa team who's off stage
‘you can't tell the public everyone who died is actually dead, just, play it cool. You're a celebrity now. You've got nothing to worry about, enjoy it’ was what a producer told him once he found out that, what he thought was his world, was actually fiction.
He was shell-shocked when he found out his entire life was a lie. He's pretty sure everyone else was too, I mean, who wouldn't?
“If I'm being honest, it feels awesome”
No it isn't
“The team worked really hard on the CGI and I think that came out the most on the executions”
It wasn't CGI
“The executions were amazing. All the actors made it seem so real, including you, I mean, when you were on your way to getting flattened, it seemed so real”
It was
“Yeah, and it's all thanks to the Danganronpa team. They are the ones who brought everything to life and really made the show what it is”
More like no thanks
“Yes, now, we asked the people of Twitter to submit questions for Makoto Naegi and here is the first one from @kyokokirigirisupremecy” a screen came down with the first question
“A question for Makoto Naegi” the host read “will you be in the next Danganronpa series?” Makoto feels himself drop. There's going to be another killing game?!
“I-I don't know” he answers honestly. Everyone in the room laughs
“We get it, no spoilers, no spoilers” the host laughs “right the next one”
“Is it real that you wet the bed till 5th grade? Says @danganronpalover64”
“...yes” Makoto shyly agrees
Idiot. You just admitted to peeing the bed till 5th grade on live television
“Hoho boy, you heard that here first everyone” the host turns to the camera “Makoto Naegi really did wet the bed till 5th grade”
Now Makoto can't really remember the rest of the interview (mainly because he was so mortified he actually admitted to that second question) but he knows one thing for sure, he was happy when he got into his limo home.
Everything has changed so much since he got out of the killing game. So much. One thing from the interview that did stick with him and forever will is the fact that there will be a second killing game. If there's a second, will there be more? If so, how many?
Makoto starts to have a throbbing headache
“We’re here Mr. Naegi” the driver is now holding open the limo door for Makoto to get out. When did he get here?
“Oh, um, thank you” Makoto thanks. The driver nods as a reply.
Makoto steps out of the stretched car and walks up to his house. Boy is he relieved to be home. His life has become a lot stricter since he's come back. Everything he does and says he will probably find a couple days -- sometimes even a couple hours -- later on the internet somewhere.
Don't get him wrong, he loves his fans and he's very grateful for them. It's just such a weird scenario. He went from a killing game to being told his life was entirely fiction.
Makoto goes upstairs to his en suite bathroom and hops into the shower after stripping off his clothes.
When the hot droplets hit his skin he lets out a sigh “what has my life come too” he says to no one in particular. As the hot water becomes harsher, he starts to wonder how the others are...
Naegi: Okay. The victim was stabb-
Kirigiri: Got it, know the killer. See you later.
Naegi: Wh-What? You just saw the crime scene for 4 1/2 seconds!
Kirigiri: Naegi, stop complaining. Now when the class trial rolls around I will know everything but I'll pass it onto you whilst you're still in the dark about this.
Naegi: Dammit...
Kirigiri: No pressure!
Kirigiri: Also if you mess up I'll vote for you even though I know the real blackened.
when the danganronpa protagonist swears in the final trial

Endless List of Favourite Ships
Makoto Naegi and Kyouko Kirigiri (Danganronpa)
“The reason I’m not willing to talk about it isn’t because I don’t trust you. In fact, I do have faith in you. Which is why I decided to tell you what I have. I want you to understand why I can’t tell you. I can’t show you myself, just like I can’t show you what’s beneath these gloves. I can’t imagine a point where I would show them ever again. Only someone I could call family would be worthy. Would you like to sign up?”


Nobody can say this is the same boy from the first game anymore.
He’s grown, he’s matured…but the greatest thing about him never changed.
Mitarai and Munakata can’t fully understand because they haven’t been through any killing game outside of this one. But if they had, they would realize that Naegi didn’t survive without losing something along the way. And how much has Naegi lost, those who know are only too aware.
He lost his classmates and friends. He lost almost all his family. He had to watch as the people he wanted to save kill each other in another twisted game and couldn’t do anything about it until the very end.

And now, he’s lost the most important person to him.
But Naegi still keeps going. What’s more, he carries this burden, this pain from all his losses, with him. He made the decision not to forget them. He doesn’t want to forget them.
That’s the difference between him and Munakata.
Naegi doesn’t run away. He faces despair even when it’s already beaten him in numerous times over. He continues to have hope even though having hope also hurts him.

Naegi stays true to himself and he keeps the memories of the ones Despair has claimed alive because those were the times when they were their true selves. No greater kindness or honor can be given to those who died than this. To be remembered as the people they really were.
And no greater peace can be given to the dead than knowing those who mourn for them will try to make sure that no one else suffers their same fate.
Naegi chose to live. He chose for a future to exist. That’s why he’s so strong. That’s why he’s SHSL Hope.