Draco Malfoy X Slytherin!reader - Tumblr Posts
Sooooo excited for part 2
Love bipolar, Draco Malfoy x reader
Hi! So this is going to be a longer series with multiple parts and it's kind of a slowburn at least at the start but it'll get good later on I swear!
"I could kill you right now, y/l/n"
He pressed the knife deeper in to my neck, forcing me to tilt my head up. I opened my eyes and met his cold grey eyes, he was smirking. My eyes had started to tear up from frustration and I cursed myself for showing any weakness.
"…if I wanted to" he continued, letting out a small chuckle as he leaned forwards, close enough that I could feel his cold breath on my face and his hair tickling my forehead. The knife still pressed on my throat, he let go of my arms and lifted his free hand to wipe away the tear that had started its journey down my cheek.
"And nobody would even know"
Part 1, New beginnings
Word count: 1,7k
I shivered as I walked down the platform 9¾. The weather was starting to get chilly again.
I hopped on the train and felt the warmth seeping back into my body. I looked for a place to sit and found an empty compartment since I was among the first people coming in the train.
I sat down and let out a deep sigh. I was going to an entirely new school and leaving behind all the memories and friends I had made in Beauxbatons.
The train had started moving and I was starting to feel anxious. I would be the new girl coming to the school in their third year when everyone had already made friends. I was scared I'd get too many eyes staring at me and make no friends at all. I hated this. I wasn't really the outgoing type but I also didn't deal well with loneliness.
I was getting lost in my thoughts when I felt a tug on my sleeve. I looked down and smiled when I saw a small furry creature tugging my sleeve and trying to nip at my hands. My ferret Kelmi had climbed out of my pocket and apparently gotten tired of me not giving her enough attention.
"Hey don't bite me!" I shook her off of me. She had sunk her teeth into my hand when I hadn't pet her. I gave her an offended look and lifted her on my lap. She looked too cute to be angry at.
"At Least I have you with me right?" I scratched her back and she relaxed in my arms. I looked out the window and my thoughts started drifting.
I had fallen asleep at some point and when I woke up, Kelmi was gone. I assumed she had climbed in my trunk where she had her own little magic-made bed and cage.
I pulled out a book from my bag and started reading it. Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, I had always been interested in magical creatures and animals in general.
I didn't get far in the book though, when the train stopped. I looked out the window but we weren't at the Hogsmeade stop yet.
All the lights turned off and the temperature dropped. Screams were heard throughout the train. I saw a hooded figure floating towards me and I heard spine-chilling raspy breathing as the creature entered my compartment. I closed my eyes. I started feeling weak and helpless and felt as if all the joy in the world was fading away.
It ended almost as fast as it started. The creature had gone by the time I had opened my eyes again. I noticed the tears in my eyes threatening to spill. I felt numb. I sat there trying to get myself together for the rest of the train ride. Students were walking in the corridor and there was a slight feel of panic in the air. By the time the train stopped I had calmed myself down.
I got up and walked out of the train with the crowd. As I was heading towards black carriages that had horse-looking creatures pulling them, I heard my name being called.
"Y/n? Y/n y/l/n is that you?" I turned around to find the source of the voice and saw a curly headed girl staring at me with a shocked look on her face.
"Hermione?" I was taken aback. I hadn't seen this girl in three years. I ran to her and hugged her as she did the same.
"What are you doing here? I haven't seen you since primary school! Wait, you're a witch?" She seemed to be as confused as I was. We were best of friends in primary school before my family and I moved to france. I had no idea that she was a witch.
We hopped on a carriage together and she introduced me to her two friends, a ginger boy named Ron and a black haired boy with glasses, his name was Harry. We spent the whole ride catching up, trying to tell everything that had happened in the three years we hadn't seen each other. I told her how I got a letter from Beauxbatons and how we just recently moved back to London.
I hadn't been this happy in a long time. We were still talking excitedly as we got into the castle. We had to split up as I was instructed to go straight to the deputy headmistresses office to discuss my exchange and house sorting.
"See you at the feast?" Hermione asked
"Definitely!" I smiled as we parted ways.
I knocked on the door and came face to face with a tall and stern-looking woman.
"Come in, y/n y/l/n is it?" The tall woman said.
"Yes professor..."
"McGonagall", She smiled
"Come in and have a seat, please"
She opened the door wider and motioned towards a soft looking cushioned chair. I followed her inside and sat on the chair and felt myself sink into the soft velvet cushions. She followed and sat on a chair opposite me.
"You sent a letter asking us if we could have the sorting arranged privately, am I correct?"
"Yes," I said. I didn't like to be in front of a big crowd and even the thought of being the only third year in the middle of first years made me anxious. I didn't want people looking at me and definitely didn't want people mixing me up with first years.
"It is a tradition that first years get sorted in front of the school with a sorting hat," She started.
I shifted uncomfortably and started nipping away my nail polish nervously.
"But since you're not a first year and there's no other older students coming to Hogwarts this year we might be able to have your sorting arranged privately after the feast."
It felt like a weight had been lifted from my heart, I had never been good in front of big crowds and a private sorting was all I wanted at that moment.
"That would be amazing, thank you." I said.
She smiled down at me and said "Wait in the great hall after the feast ends, i'll help with the sorting"
"Thank you professor McGonagall" I said as I started getting up from my chair.
"No problem Miss y/l/n"
I was scanning the tables wondering where I should sit when I spotted Hermione. She met my gaze and smiled at me, motioning me to sit next to her. I walked over and sat down next to her, in front of her friends Harry and Ron. We didn't have the chance to talk much as the headmaster started his speech.
He introduced a new defense against the dark arts teacher and everyone started clapping.
"Of course, that's why he knew to give you the chocolate, Harry" Hermione said to Harry while still clapping. I didn't have a clue of what they were talking about but stayed quiet.
I heard a voice from the table in front of me. It belonged to a platinum blonde boy with blueish-gray eyes and green robes. I seemed to be the only one who noticed him though, so he started again:
Harry and Ron turned around to look at the guy who was calling for Harry.
"Is it true you fainted?" a friend of his put a hand on his forehead and mocked Harry.
"I mean you actually fainted?" he laughed and for a split second I met his cold blue, almost gray eyes.
"Shove off Malfoy" The ginger snapped at him. And they both turned back towards us.
"How did he find out?" Harry muttered while hanging his head.
"Just forget it", Hermione said.
"You fainted? Are you okay?" I asked
"Yeah I'm fine" he replied quickly and I realized he didn't want to talk about it.
"Who was that guy anyway, what's his problem?" I asked
"Draco Malfoy, he'll find any reason to piss us off. He tried to make friends with Harry in our first year and Harry denied. He has held a grudge since " The ginger said
"He's that petty?" I laughed
"It's not just us who dislikes him, he bullies people, mostly muggle born since he's what they call pureblood" Hermione scoffed
The headmaster interrupted our chatting by continuing his speech about the teachers.
Then he got to talking about the creatures in the train, dementors. Whispers were heard throughout the hall. I had to admit, they freaked me out but I knew that I'd be okay as long as I stayed away from them. He finished his speech and so began the dining.
I got to know the two boys in front of me a little better. They both liked playing quidditch, Harry told me he was the Gryffindor seeker and Ron told me about his family and how he plays with his brothers, the ginger was very eager to get to know me as well, Harry on the other hand was less talkative, I figured it was because he still felt bad about fainting.
We had finished eating and Hermione wished me good luck when the trio started heading towards the doors.
As every student had left I started thinking of sorting. I wished I'd be in Gryffindor with Hermione. I'm not really that good at making new friends and I'd really love to catch up more with her.
Ron Weasley told me about how he despises the Slytherins and the idea of becoming one didn't sound that tempting. My thoughts wondered and I remembered the blonde boy from earlier. Was he really as bad as they made him be?
My thoughts were interrupted as I saw McGonagall carrying an old, dirty looking hat into the great hall and I got up from my seat and started walking towards her. She motioned me to sit on a chair near the teachers table. She then placed the old hat on my head. To my suprise the hat started talking and moving around.
"Hmm, interesting, very interesting" the hat started.
I felt anxious. What if I didn't make any friends in my new house? What if they were all horrible? What if I got sorted into slytherin? I started thinking about how much I missed my friends back in Beauxbatons when the hat started speaking again:
"Very brave I see, also a lot of ambition.. I think you ought to go in... slytherin!" it yelled.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and please let me know if you want a part 2!
domino effect.
draco malfoy x slytherin!reader
Draco’s blood is not pure, has been contaminated with bittersweet toxins that feather his veins and stain his wrists a terribly virulent shade of black. He can feel the Yew digging white-hot into his flesh, has to bite his lip and choke on the bile ascending his esophagus to defuse the pain.
Accepting the mark was his first mistake, an inevitable fate, a terribly hideous disillusionment he cannot erase.
He sees that now.
Draco doesn’t exactly forget the summer of his sixteenth year, no.
Not quite.
Because there’s a succession of nightmares spinning round and round his peripheral. A woman, and a teacher, and an innocent fragment of collateral damage levitating ten feet from the dining room table, flames licking her face, eyes glossy and lifeless and perpetually fearful.
The memory is the first of many.
Fragmented and enigmatic and easily misunderstood. They begin as ink-stained silhouettes that eat up the walls in the dead of night. They’re fuliginous and obscure and only reside within the back of his head, or so he says.
Because now he’s doubled over in a wicked, wretched pain, has a prayer like a kiss falling from his lips and blood dribbling down his hands like an omen.
He pinches his skin.
Feels the pain.
Draco’s sixth year at Hogwarts is unlike the other five, is more like handcuffs and confines and secrets that morph into pretty white lies. He has splinters in his palms and ink between his fingers, vitriol in his veins and words stuck between his teeth.
Amortentia never did smell so sweet.
He inhales the saccharine aroma of honeysuckle blossoms, heady wood polish, and the summer nostalgia of his fifteenth year spent languidly sprawled across the serrated shingles lining the roof of Malfoy Manor. Summer had felt infinite then, with the days melting down the hills and the jut of her chin, suffusing the lilac currents of her wrists and spewing out the ends of her fingertips. He remembers feeling the desire to kiss her - hard, soft, asphyxiating, inebriating. He did, and it was exhilarating.
But summer is gone, has faded with the dusk, has been replaced by perpetual nightfall and a bitter, biting chill that slips through his spine and the teeth of his ribs.
“I smell,” she begins, tucks a strand of hair behind her ear so he can see the potion catch in her eyes like dewdrops on spider’s silk. “Eucalyptus and sandalwood and something,” she stops, closes her eyes, inhales, “Something sweet. Like freshly fallen rain.”
It rained earlier that morning.
The cabinet is broken, is nothing more than dust mottled crevices and musty drawers that don’t even open.
And time is not on Draco’s side, no, for he can feel the hands of his grandfather's wristwatch slipping down his wrist and into his veins. Can feel the burn, burn, fucking burn searing his flesh and boiling his blood.
It’s poison, and he’s drowning.
He can still taste the toxicant bite of the witch’s apple fresh on his tongue as a heavy curse hangs from his fingertips and comes undone at his lips. He peels back the starch of his sleeve, digs his nails into his flesh, prays, hopes, wishes that maybe, just maybe he can turn back the hands of time and change his mind.
She’s a daydream caught between a labyrinth of ancient incantations and finger-smudged ink.
He thinks he may as well be dreaming.
Because the last light of day is catching fire on the ends of her hair as kaleidoscopic shadows race down the notches of her spine. Her wooly skirt brushes up against the sides of her thighs as an emerald green mosaic paints a landscape of shadows across her face.
Draco feels his equilibrium slipping off its axis.
Because he’s chasing her like he once chased those sultry summer sunsets from the roof of Malfoy Manor, can feel her melt like wax between his fingers, and her lips pressed to his. Can taste her lipgloss dribbling down his chin like sticky sugar liquor and gossamer candyfloss.
He’s running out of time.
Can feel the sand slipping through his grasp and filling up his shoes. Can feel the water crashing against his lungs and crushing his ribs and oh, God, oh, God, this is what it feels like to die, isn’t it?
He’s certain this is a dream. A bitter, bittersweet reverie.
He closes his eyes.
Sees the world in colors he’s never seen before.
Draco watches as the sun slips between the fingers of the pines lining the horizon, watches as the syrup-thick rays catch in the murky window panes of the fourth-floor corridor and spill across the timeworn stone, across the patent leather of his Brogues.
Within minutes, the stars coagulate in an array of constellations as the night saturates the sky in caliginous shades of violet. The time has come to do what must be done.
“Draco, there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.”
The moon drags its teeth across her face, stars bleeding out, dying, in her eyes. “Where have you been?” she asks, again, differently this time.
"There's something I need to tell you." He says, twists his fingers behind his back, and slides his teeth across his tongue, and feels the earth tremble beneath his feet.
She takes a tentative step forward and angles her head. Draco can see her wide eyes gleam beneath the midnight sheen of the balmy June night, can see the silver dollar smile of the moon reflect off her emerald green tie.
“What’s wrong?” she no more than whispers.
It sounds like a scream.
And he can hardly fucking breathe as he drags his arms from behind his back, wholly bare and visibly bruised, laid out explicitly for her to see.
She's quiet for a moment, a minute, a heartbeat, a lifetime, and he's desperate for her to speak, to say something, anything, everything, or maybe nothing at all.
She reaches out, brushes her fingers across the roadmap of his veins, drags her nails across the ink, across the teeth of the stain that mars the flesh of his left arm. He feels the sting, then the bite, then the forest fire burn of her touch.
She’s intrigued, he thinks.
“When?” she whispers, not quite letting go of his arm, holding on just a little bit tighter. “When did this happen? When did he do this to you?”
“Last summer. Right after I turned sixteen.”
She nods and he swallows, suddenly feeling as though he’s choking, or suffocating, or drowning, maybe. He takes a step back, states his desperate need to leave and turns around before she can blink and he can cave.
“Wait, no, I’m not letting you leave like this,” she says, snatching his wrist and pulling him back into a tender, bittersweet kiss.
All Draco can taste is a tangible, decadent doom. A premonition of the end. Her lips are soft and their kiss is sacred and this moment is fleeting, fleeting, gone.
He pinches his skin.
He's sitting on the edge of the Astronomy Tower balcony and all he can think about is falling.
Falling for a girl.
A girl in a pleated plaid skirt with pristine blood and a family name to uphold. A girl standing in the library of his family's estate, a waterfall of curls cascading down her back and a plethora of pearls draped across her neck.
It was the middle of June. It was hot. He was cold.
It's October now, and there’s a serpentine grin eating away at his skin. It's a branding, a message, a sentence to death.
He can still feel the burn in his bloodstream, can still see the electric green reverberating off the walls. He traces the blue river of his veins.
"I looked everywhere for you, but then I realized where I'd find you." she says behind him.
He always did love the stars.
She sits down beside him. She's close enough that he can smell her perfume.
She twists the button on the cuff of her sleeve. Draco catches a glimpse of a familiar black curl on her forearm.
He didn't -
He had no idea.
"Does the pain get better?" She says.
He wants to lie.
"It becomes numb, eventually."
Her skin is red, rubbed raw.
"Just," she begins, pauses. "Hold me. Please."
He nods and slips his arm around her shoulders. He waits for her to lay her head in his lap.
All he can think about is falling.
It's a long way down.
girl friend (draco malfoy x reader)
summary: dating draco malfoy was always within pansy’s plan to ensure her future. there’s only one problem; she underestimated just how intertwined (y/n) was on draco’s life.
pansy tries to ensure her relationship with draco but he always seems more interested in his best friend.
warnings: none

i. Prologue: a match made in hell.
Draco Malfoy and (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
Prince and Princess of Slytherin.
A match made by the devil, Weasley would mutter under his breath whenever he caught a glimpse of them walking through the corridors.
(It was rather much a match crafted by their parents, but same difference really.)
Families that belonged to the sacred twenty eight tended to stick together— with fake smiles and the desire to keep their bloodlines pure acting as the glue— so it was only reasonable that (Y/N) and Draco would grow up together. After all, in the words of (Y/N)’s mother, “keep your friends close and your possible suitors closer.”
Keep reading
dating draco headcannons pleasee
𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤 𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙛𝙤𝙮
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- draco malfoy
a/n: favourite blondie and tysm for requesting, p.s requests are open luv you, teddy
currently playing- forever favourite by t i y a
warnings- none i think-, suggestive thoughts at mos, i believe its gender neutral but there are mentions of the hips and waist? do what you will with that information

he's such a dashing boy i swear to merlin-
okay so starting of i know how he comes of as a idgaf and i don't show love to anyone but my mummy when i get tucked into bed
BUT if you tell me that he is not an absolute simp for you then i will come and find you cause baby you deserve the simp, even if it slightly resembles a ferret
but everyone knew before u oml. Blaze be tellin everyone but you. its giving "i know something you don't knoww"
bestie is smitten with you but he's so confident about it, like he knows you're into assholes who are simps for u
you get lots of advances, don't lie. Draco is usually very confident about you cause he knows he is the one. he is it
but obviously Malfoy has a jealous streak and i am here for it.
i think of him as to be morally gray, you always had a thing for those (remember kids this is only for fictional characters)
he loves you and he's gonna make it everyone's problem
attention whore Draco Malfoy all the way mfs. he just has to bask in your attention, its a need not a want
HIS WINKS. they are so adorable and it just opens up a zoo
his hands everywhere. thighs, waist, hips. everywhere.
just very touchy
okaokau his way of flirting will be so top notch, he'll will be the most massive flirt but i can see him also flirting w insults in the initial phase.
like a third year malfoy trying so hard to get you attention but not confident enough to fully just flirt
but most of the time people cant tell if you're flirting or arguing
yk he's always looking at you (when will it be my turn)
his go to would be the origamis and you would keep them cause they smell like his cologne
next comes the vibe, this man has the big dick energy oh my god. he gives the old rich boy vibes and you live to see him suits heheh
he literally could get you anything u want so miss you're pampered
fussy blond who needs you to keep him in check is the only way to describe it
quidditch matches. he looks so fine in them god help me
he may be a seeker but he's your golden snitch (get it, cause he's blonde, I'm funny okay)
steel those jerseys, its gonna be your last name anyway
he's so good u wish u could ride him like dat
would do you to your favourite song
*added to the friend group*
forget boyfriend material, he's husband material
cheek kisses with dracoo
m w w a h h h
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- draco malfoy
a/n: I'm starting of my inbox cleaning with this trope since this was the most looked forward to. tysm for taking the time to request, I appreciate it and I hope you find some hidden joy while reading this, requests are always open, with love, tiya
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope

draco malfoy was one to be up after lunch if he could help it. he had such a gravitational pull to his bed that he'd never want to leave it alone. but i suppose you had different plans on how the day would be spent.
he's grogilly woken up with someone towering above him. he was quite happy with the position as he lifts himself up abruptly. you were very close, straddling him while he's just having the most intrusive thoughts run around that pretty head of his.
wonder what she'd look like without the blouse?
he pulls you closer with ease, his hands going under your thighs. ypur knees buckled. who could'nt help but smile to be woken up like this.
"can we leave now?"
draco just burried his face into your and all to be heard was a mhmmm. my draling was'nt fully awake, for this could've easily been mistaken as one of his many dreams.
she used her hand to raise his jaw to her sight and peppered his cheeks with kisses. a lazy smile had scrambled to his face now, draco malfoy had been officially been waken without a fuss in the morning.