Dragon The Revolutionary - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

“crocomom” this “trans sir crocodile” that *WRONG BUZZER SOUND EFFECT*

what if i told you it’s actually the opposite!!! and dragon is the one who birthed luffy!!

thats why he was capable of hiding his pregnancy and luffy from crocodile!!!

that’s why crocodile didn’t know luffy!!! and was about to kill him!!!!

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2 years ago

I’m not saying I hate Oda…

I’m just saying that giving a no one king and a no one princess more bubble speech and screen time than fucking Dragon is a bit too much.

Oh, and he just killed Sabo. Again.

So yeah, I kinda hate Oda right now.

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2 years ago

To the Revolutionary Army’s Supreme Commander Monkey D Dragon and the Whitebeard Pirates First Fleet Commander Marco……


To The Revolutionary Armys Supreme Commander Monkey D Dragon And The Whitebeard Pirates First Fleet Commander
To The Revolutionary Armys Supreme Commander Monkey D Dragon And The Whitebeard Pirates First Fleet Commander

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2 years ago

Not me screaming and throwing my phone across the room when I saw this hot ass mf appear on my screen

Not Me Screaming And Throwing My Phone Across The Room When I Saw This Hot Ass Mf Appear On My Screen

FINALLY!!! Some Dragon content!!!

While reading, I was like is that Dragon’s silhouette and then WOW double page of Dragon and then I turned page and there was ANOTHER Dragon page and I was like I can die happy now

Dragon despising war and violence is great! I still remember back when we were first formally introduced fo him that he reprimanded one of his soldiers that were celebrating winning a war… it’s all coming together! I love it!

Nami and Robin’s reactions are the best!!! “He’s so passionate” I know right?!?!? I’m gonna use that line every time somebody asks me why I love Dragon. And are you really telling me that Dragon had Robin at his HQ for TWO WHOLE YEARS and never told her he knew Clover? Come on! Open up a little, man!

Also, Vegapunk seeing Luffy and going “Welcome Dragon’s son” had me! Now my new headcanon is Dragon calling Vegapunk in the middle of the night to gossip about Luffy. I’m obsessed!

Can’t wait for more! Good job Oda!

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1 year ago


Finally we are actually getting some info and not skipping to someone else!


I gotta say… I did not see that coming but I’m loving it!!! Some good old war tactics and not just charging in head first (coughLuffycough). Love it. It shows exactly how long this has been building up for! So far we have only speculated how good of a strategist Dragon was based on few little cues but to actually see the extent… I’m glad I was right! No offense to Luffy: it’s fun to see him punch people, but this is more my piece of cake. Also… KARMA IS COMING BACK BITCHES!!!


Anything that can make Dragon make that face is a big no-no in my books… This is going to be fun: I can’t wait to see them all fight seriously!!! Also… is that Shanks? Or his evil twin maybe?


LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!! Finally! Someone said it! People really need to take Dragon’s words here and tattoo them on their foreheads. We need more of him in the real world… I’m real glad we are getting some answers to the key questions we (o at least I) had on the revolution. Again, we always speculated and there were debates around but to have it put black on white is great!


This opens a whole fucking gate on how different the revolution is from what Luffy is doing, for example. They are an army: they fight a war that is bigger than all of them and it needs sacrifices, it’s not all happy-go-lucky. Yes, they know there are bad and good kings. Yes, they are saddened if something happens to the good ones. BUT! They know the general public doesn’t and won’t understand that. They know that things are too complicated to be just black and white but that sometimes that’s all people can see. And they are not above getting their hands dirty if it’s what is needed. They all have a heavy weight on their consciences but they will gladly carry it if it means that the generations after them won’t have to. Sabo’s cold statement here and Dragon’s sarcastic comment just a second later make that very clear. Their hands are covered in blood already. And I adore that Oda is going with this more realistic version of a war and has not just decided to put together a bunch of idealists that are destined to fail. I love how it all works as a sort of balance to Luffy and the Strawhats. The revolutionaries are older, more seasoned realists and the Strawhats, while not exactly idealists either, are more dreamers and optimists. I know I’m generalizing but I think it gets the point across well enough. And I’m in love with all of this. Good job Oda!


Yeah, I can see why that might look quite incriminating… I wasn’t so happy about the revolutionaries all just believing Sabo did it so easily if it was just a headline but I understand now that we know there was an actual picture. Like: boy, I raised you since you were a child, you are my most trusted and my second in command but wtf are you doing with a dead body in your living room?!?!?


Happy to see them holding their grounds on a one on one. Sure, there were handicaps and all but still! That’s no small feat! It took like a fuckton of samurais plus a dragon to do that before and Morley is just here swinging that trident around!


This is gonna be bad. This is going to be very, very bad. God, I hope we are sticking to this storyline and not cutting to someone else. I NEED ANSWERS ODA! NOW!

And now that I said it, next week we are going to see fucking everyone but this. You’re all welcome.

Love the Strawhats to pieces but I am realky enjoying these last chapters without them. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, right?

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