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7 months ago

The Seraphim & The Concept of Self

The Seraphim & The Concept Of Self

I wonder who picked the Seraphim's outfits cause at first glance when you only look at S-Hawk and S-Snake it feels like there's a standard uniform. then you see the whole group and there's definitely some individuality going on; like S-Bear just wearing a mini kuma outfit, S-Shark with the gi, my man Moria got a little suspender situation going on over there. S-mingo wearing a whole ass hawain shirt. So there's definitely some variety though they all incorporate white in some way. And I wonder if maybe they got some input into what they wore one of the only acts of "free will" they were allowed was choosing whether they wore shorts or long pants which is as adorable as it is sad.

Because think about the implications that they are dressed to the taste of their adult counterparts, right down to how doffy and mihawk like to open their shirts (except for S-Snake which thank god) but yeah what if it wasn't an allowance of free will but a test to see just how deep DNA ran. If it could influence something as simple as choice of clothing, just another fact for Vega punk to marvel at.

Or maybe the clothes were chosen by one of the Vega punks (I can imagine Shaka doing it) or one of the other various lab assistants. And it's just another way to get them to embody the warlords, to reinforce who they were cloned to be, impressing on them that they are not their own people, their lives are not their own. They are already predetermined; from what powers they get, to what weapons they use, even down to what clothes they wear. Everything reinforces that they are not people, just "better" "stronger" versions of someone else.

Either way, and It might have not have been purposely meant that way because I'm pretty sure Vega punk doesn't really register them as human (which is weird cause he treats stussy very humanly and a whole other can of worms seeing as they seem to be aware and possess a personality to some capacity) it's another way of dehumanizing them, reducing them to the people they are meant to become. They have no "free will" no illusion of choice; they have a predetermined destiny, a pre-determined order, there was never any room for choice even down to the shirts on their back.

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7 months ago

It might have been a joke, but something I saw on Reddit actually does explain why it was York who was far more dangerous and likely to betray everyone than Lilith was.

Vegapunk got where he was because he wanted money, he wanted to be able to fund his research and he didn't care where it came from or what the potential consequences of that would be. As long as he got what he wanted he was otherwise fine to not think of anything beyond that.

This is why York is the way she is, why she is Greed.

Then there is Lilith who, according to the joke I saw, "showcasing that Vegapunk's capacity for evil is schoolyard bullying". Lilith is rough, she likes using weapons and using them for solutions, and while's she's Evil, she's far too soft-hearted to be EVIL, she breaks down into tears when any of the other Punks are hurt.

Vegapunk never had ill intent, he always wanted his inventions to be used for good, but he never had the foresight to think of how these creations could be used by other people. He's a Franky who never learned how dangerous his weapons could be.

Both Lilith and York represent more negative sides of Vegapunk, but his Greed far outweighs his Evil because his Evil was not very strong to begin with. The thing that put him on the map in the first place was an invention that turns gunpowder into flowers.

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6 months ago

Something about Vegapunk using the dna and blood of a caged and experimented on child to create more caged child experiments and the cycles we perpetuate.

Because what does it mean that all that King has left as proof, that the lunarians were real, that they existed as a tribe, as a people, are seven manufactured children he doesn’t even know about, enslaved as weapons to the government that wiped out the culture they’ll never get to be a part of, and Alber himself another enslaved child lost to something he’ll never fully know.

And what of the warlords? Already young once and hurt by their government, young again and slaves to it. Boa looking at a version of her practically pulled out of time stuck in her worst nightmare or Jimbei looking at a version of himself living out a past he escaped by the skin of his teeth but so many he loved didn’t, even Doffy once again at the mercy of the people that already abandoned him, has Kuma not suffered enough? Given enough, is this child version of him doomed to repeat the same path he already could not escape from . Property of the world government, beholden to the celestial dragons, this version of me that cannot go free?

It’s interesting that Vegapunk joined the government so that he could do the most good, but look at the long line of people right infront of him that he’s hurt with his own hands.

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6 months ago

The fact that transponder snails are apparently also just captive wild snails. Is……..a choice.

Because what even are the logistics of this? Can all snails become transponder snails? How do they change clothes so quickly? Is there a transponder snail accessory store where you can get matching outfits and accessories for your snail like we do with phones? Are they sold or can you catch one wild? Do you need to train it? Just on what airwaves are they opperating. Is there a radius they can only take a call within? Do you have to pay for connection like are the snail 🐌 plans? Do you have to buy all the accessories the snail would need to change into or are they home made? Or does it just do that. Do you have to have a phone dedicated to people you call often so the snail can constinstently stay dressed that way? Because Doffy had hundreds. Are snail phone accessories a billion dollar business?

And finally what are the ethics on breeding snails soley for communication? And how do you even begin to do taht? Who was the first person to look at a snail go; you, 🐌? I have have plans for you. Who was that crazy bastard.

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1 year ago

Decided to put a small portion of what I got done of that One Piece fic I mentioned in an earlier post. I'm mostly doing the fic for the fun of writing.

The Seraphim. Cyborgs made from the blood of the Shichibukai and the Last Lunarian. Intended as living weapons utterly loyal to the World Government. They are programmed with knowledge of their Warlord source and that source’s powers and abilities. Programming is a complex thing though, adding in how the living form likes to throw a wrench in the plans of many, and now the Seraphim have slowly gained their own sense of self. 

S-Crocodile knows that compared to the other Seraphim she stood out. They all stood out in their own ways. S-Bat stood out due to his odd form. S-Shark is part Fishman. S-Bear is large yet very docile. S-Flamingo’s bombasticness, to put it one way. S-Hawk will freak out if you even just touch his sword. And don’t get her started on S-Snake, the only other female of their little group of Seraphim. Yet she feels like an odd one out.

The Warlord she is modeled after, Sir Crocodile, is a Logia user. Sadly, Logia’s aren’t a fruit that Doctor Vegapunk has figured out how to replicate. And more importantly to some, Crocodile is a man. How is she who she is? The other Seraphim matched their Warlord source, the main differences coming from their Lunarian side. So why is she different? Did Vegapunk make a mistake? Or is this intentional on the Doctor’s part?

She did not know for certain, none of the other Seraphim do, and asking the doctor or his assistants is tough, they are either distracted or change the topic. None of those that they have met from beyond Egghead can answer, for they are not privy to that information themselves. Snapping S-Crocodile from her thoughts, a voice sounded over the speaker system.

“All Seraphim report to the assembly area! Repeat! All Seraphim report to the assembly area!” 

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1 year ago

I KNOW!!!!!!!!! I just love that choir at the start and end. and I love that there is SO MUCH STORY HAPPENNING!!!! you get so much in just one minute and 30 seconds

The new OP opening looks so fucking cool

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2 years ago

Not me screaming and throwing my phone across the room when I saw this hot ass mf appear on my screen

Not Me Screaming And Throwing My Phone Across The Room When I Saw This Hot Ass Mf Appear On My Screen

FINALLY!!! Some Dragon content!!!

While reading, I was like is that Dragon’s silhouette and then WOW double page of Dragon and then I turned page and there was ANOTHER Dragon page and I was like I can die happy now

Dragon despising war and violence is great! I still remember back when we were first formally introduced fo him that he reprimanded one of his soldiers that were celebrating winning a war… it’s all coming together! I love it!

Nami and Robin’s reactions are the best!!! “He’s so passionate” I know right?!?!? I’m gonna use that line every time somebody asks me why I love Dragon. And are you really telling me that Dragon had Robin at his HQ for TWO WHOLE YEARS and never told her he knew Clover? Come on! Open up a little, man!

Also, Vegapunk seeing Luffy and going “Welcome Dragon’s son” had me! Now my new headcanon is Dragon calling Vegapunk in the middle of the night to gossip about Luffy. I’m obsessed!

Can’t wait for more! Good job Oda!

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2 years ago


We can take Shaka off our list of suspects.

And living people.

Damn, that was brutal.

But nothing new… just another character that joins the list of “people that I liked that are now dead because the universe doesn’t want me to have nice things”.

Great. Keep it up Oda.

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2 years ago



I for sure did fucking not…

Damn, well played Oda.

Also, bye bye to any hope I had for Shaka being alive.

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