Draugr - Tumblr Posts
Ok I think I fixed Skyrim everyone we just need more draugr
A Lot more draugr
I am not kidding for all the fucking draugr to work, we need a full-on end of days scenario with the dragon-cult draugr gradually waking up and everyone's like "that's weird- oh shit dragons!" and so the shambling undead get put on the back burner
But they don't stay there because gradually as you complete the main questline the tombs start to look less like tombs and more like staging grounds. Then the draugr start raiding towns like the Companions claim they do (but they never actually do in-game). So now they're pouring out in crowds then in droves then full-on battalions because Alduin's back. He's here to devour the world and these guys chose their side thousands of years ago.
It might be retreading ground but the named dragon priests should get a mechanic like the ash vampires from Morrowind where you can kill them to reduce Alduin's power, but instead of just him literally getting reduced health or whatever it mostly throws a major wrench in the localized draugr activity so you have more of a reason to seek out and kill these guys beyond a secret mask (though that should be kept, that is still a neat concept and I like it).
Regardless of that, when you traipse off and get your hand on the scroll all hell breaks loose and draugr start pouring out of every secret tomb and temple the dragon cultists buried, because Alduin knows what's up and knows what's coming for him so he gives the go ahead to take hold of everything while he goes to challenge the Dovahkiin at the Throat of the World so even after you beat his ass and he flees to Sovengarde you come down from the mountain and there are armies of the dead besieging every major city. I'm not talking about knockoff zombie apocalypse I'm talking full-on The Last Fuckin Battle to Decide the Fate of the World. Every area with a dragon priest that's still kicking is getting the worst of it because now the draugr have heavily armed soldiers, they have cavalry, they have siege weapons, and they fully intend to take control of first Skyrim and then the world.
Because Alduin is their god and their god says take it.
So the dragonborn is tasked with breaking these sieges maybe even something like when you free up Solitude/Windhelm you can use speech skill to convince Imperials/Stormcloaks to help the other side because right now the alternate option is everyone dies and the world ends.
Personally I think it beats the hell out of "yeah well the world is ending but we still gotta go up to High Hrothgar and squabble like children."

faendal dead, sven glad, dovah sad

My favorite draugr screenshot.
(I already shared this to reddit, but thought it belonged here.)

Lich and their Planets (PSR B1257+12 system)
The Pulsar, Lich, along with their planets, Draugr, Poltergeist, and Phobetor, are located 2,300 light-years away from the Sun in the Virgo Constellation. Lich was discovered on February 9, 1990, Poltergeist and Phobetor on January 22, 1992, and Draugr on April 22, 1994.
Poltergeist, Draugr, and Phobetor were one of the first exoplanets discovered, while Lich was the first pulsar found to have planets.
~~~Notes Under the Cut~~~
I find Lich's system quite fascinating! Being a pulsar, Lich is undead. The original star is gone, now only its fast spinning core remains. And the planets are slowly fading in a sense. Draugr is the closest and Poltergeist is second, being even closer to Lich than Mercury is to our sun.
Lich: I didn't quite know what I wanted to do at first. They are an undead creature and are typically wizards, but I wondered what one would look like as a fighter from DnD or a knight.
I don't know the relationship between Lich and his planets here. I imagine he's either their father or simply a protector of them.
Draugr: They're a Viking! I wanted to draw them as androgynous as many warriors in Nordic Cultures had men and women. I drew them as more "fresh" as Draugr wasn't discovered until much later compared to the rest. They are undead, but only the cataracts and scars are seen as of now.
Poltergeist: I'm going to be honest, she's inspired by the little girl from 1982's Poltergeist. Although I did add a little bit of Wendy Darling and myself to her
Phobetor: What can I say? I like the game Hades. I kinda wanted to round up the quartet with Phobetor but still add his own flair. The thing is, Phobetor isn't undead. In Ovid's Metamorphoses, Phobetor is one of the sons of Somnus (or Hypnos in Greek Myth). While he lives in the Underworld, he technically isn't dead like how Hades and Nyx aren't dead.
That is all.