Dsmp George - Tumblr Posts

Day 10:
The one. The only. GeorgeNotFound. Gogy.
I honestly like how I got the hair in this. I struggle with short hair and drawing it so yay!
3am: Eurovision and George was live.
So I pick Eurovision. so its 5am when it ended so i check George stream and I lucky I pick Eurovision. In George's stream, he kinda prank the dsmp fans by him fakeing lore.
It’s the mushroom man. 🍄

George drawing before Tubbo brain rot returns

god wears a skirt send tweet (ft. the favorite)
To the people saying caiti has changed her story you guys are fucking idiots. Either you failed English class or never actually watched her original stream. In her original stream she had heavily implied that he touched her boobs.
“His hand went up my shirt”
“Touched me in places I’ve never been touched before”
Indicating that she was talking about him touching her boobs. Anyone with common sense can put the two and two together. Clearly if you can’t you must have failed English class. She didn’t change her story she just made it more explicit; cause you fuckheads took everything out of context and claimed “he just tickled her”. He touched her boobs without consent.
Also shaming her for not remembering a lot of what happened that night is ridiculous. 1, she was fucking drunk, I’m not surprised that her memory is a little hazy. 2, people who experience very traumatic experience that cause them to feel absolutely terrible tend to have their mind almost delete some of the actual memory to help make you feel less terrible. There’s an actual psychology study on this. As a victim myself of sexual harassment and abuse since I was a literal kid there’s a lot I feel I can barely even remember and even if I do it’s super hazy and I have no details. Our brain’s makes us forget certain things so you don’t have to feel the overwhelming pain it causes you. Our brain’s also tries to make us find excuses to make it feel or sound like it wasn’t as bad as it actually was.

An article that explains it better than I can and has more information.
Asking other people who weren’t even really in the fucking room if caiti was comfortable is so incredibly stupid.
1. This guy wasn’t even there during the assault so why is he being mentioned at all?
2. Why make other people speak for caiti? Caiti was the one who knew how she was feeling since she is the actual victim! so it’s stupid to ask people who weren’t even really there and don’t know her!
3. You did it in front of other people. If someone started touching me sexually in a room full of people, especially people I barely know, especially people who are fucking friends with him. I think I would pretend I’m fine as-well. I wouldn’t know how to fucking react either!
4. Most people who have been sexually assaulted and raped knows the feeling of your body being still cause your scared and don’t know what to do.

Here’s a article about it as-well.
5. Just because she smiled at you or looked ok with it doesn’t give you the right. You met her a day ago and she was drunk meaning you can’t just assume. That’s like me going over to my friends house and smiling and joking around with them and suddenly his hands is down my pants cause “I looked ok with it”. Ridiculous logic when you know peoples brain is actually complex and jus cause someone looks like they might want it doesn’t mean they actually want it. Have you failed kindergarten? Keep your hands to yourself!
6. She was drunk I’m sure if most people know that when you are drunk your brain and body is all over the place. Some people are more giggling and bubbly when they’re drunk, from my own experiences I know I am that person.
7. ‘Well George was also drunk’ Alcohol doesn’t make a person sexually assault someone. It’s just an excuse sexual assaulters use.

Am I the only one lost on how caiti suddenly changed her story?
I feel like saying someone put their hand up your shirt is a clear implication that they touched your boobs? Especially when you’re claiming it was sexual assault, obviously if he just touched her waist she wouldn’t have claimed it to be sexual assault. Like I’m sorry but I genuinely can’t understand how she changed her story when it was so very directly implied, like did you guys fail English class?
“I was sexually assaulted, he put his hand up my shirt.” Like if someone told me that I’d automatically assume that the person touched their boobs.