fxingdead - Thalia

She/They or They/she

40 posts

Fxingdead - Thalia - Tumblr Blog

11 months ago

I just wanted to say thank you for the well spoken words on the Caiti situation, as a victim myself in almost the exact same way minus the alcohol, the rhetoric going around on this situation is so incredibly harmful.

There are so many obvious logical fallacies that will now just be used on other victims after this in the impact zone of the internet involved.

People saying that if it was actually bad, then someone in the room would have put a stop to it, when bystander effect, normalized bad practices, and alcohol exists.

People saying that since George didn’t do it purposefully without consent means it isn’t SA.

People saying that if it was serious she would have gotten the justice system involved when most cases aren’t going to be prosecutable in a court of law with minimal proof, and in general often damage the victims more without an outcome that helps anyone, and is often morally objectionable due to the inhumane aspects of prison and US punishment without good rehabilitation.

People saying that she’s either too much or too little traumatized for the experience to be valid, when the incident being morally wrong doesn’t require more or less of an impact.

People saying that people supporting Caiti are saying it’s exactly the same as Shelby’s situation and because it’s not, it’s less valid, when although abuse and SA can have different scales of harm caused, doesn’t mean that SA doesn’t deserve condemnation. Weaponizing someone’s lengthy painful experience to say that we shouldn’t treat another’s seriously is awful. Her story is exactly what Shelby meant to inspire sharing, because this stuff happens in all shapes and forms.

People saying that being emotional or not describing every part in excruciating detail when coming forward for the first time is manipulative and proves bad character or smth.

People saying that because a perpetrator is drunk both sides were equally as wrong and no one can be held accountable.

People saying that cuddling, flirting, being friendly before or after, freezing, not immediately leaving, not saying no, is consent.

People saying that this must be for clout or money because subs are turned on.

People saying that George’s response was a good apology when he said that because the act wasn’t extreme for him he didn’t think much of it, and focusing on many details not actually related to the incident or on other general hatred for dteam to imply bias against them, and generally implied that he was sorry that she felt uncomfortable rather than for what he did. And accepting the apology for Caiti.

People saying that to come forward (especially while not even naming the person) was only to ruin their life, and that that’s the only thing you can get out of coming forward publicly instead of support, peace of mind from not keeping something inside so long, and awareness so other people could come forward etc.

People saying that it was wrong to not handle this privately when that isn’t a viable option for a lot of cases particularly with powerful people involved, or when what you are seeking isn’t necessarily anything from who hurt you, like this is just some petty drama.

People saying that only acts considered more “extreme” and even more sexual should be taken seriously.

People saying because she angrily laughed in her recent response and was extremely explicit about what happened to her that she couldn’t have been shy or hesitant in her first response and is lying.

People actively victim blaming and overemphasizing underage drinking because “she isn’t a victim” when this exact rhetoric will and has been used in these cases time and again and shouldn’t be brought up when SA is even in the discussion, and will be used to guilt people who see it when they become a victim.

People saying perceived consent for other acts or the same act previously is consent for another.

People now believing in an incredibly dangerous definition of nonverbal consent because of dream’s statement, when nonverbal consent has been promoted for the protection of people who go nonverbal, it has to be as clear and exact as verbal consent, either as predetermined signals with a partner, nods, or moving someone’s hand somewhere, not just interpreting body language of a drunk stranger. The whole point of the consent movement is to have signs that aren’t misinterpretable to avoid hurting your partner or someone. If someone internally does not consent, but these signs prove consent, then what is the point? If I thought the signs I was using with someone I loved or a human I respect as I living being, didn’t actually express their wishes, I’d sure as hell try something else.

People saying that because Caiti expressed these signs that they’re calling nonverbal consent that she was lying to George.

People saying that because of that, this is a false allegation and is damaging victims, and some victims weaponizing their own experience to say that Caiti isn’t a victim and should shut up.

People saying that she just changed her mind, and anyone who isn’t reacting absolutely negatively in the moment who hasn’t consented is just having self guilt and is projecting.

People saying that anything other than enthusiastic consent is consent.

More real actual victims are going to fall into one of these categories of criticism and false logic, with it being much rarer that a ‘perfect’ victim comes along by these standards, and an intricate framework for ignoring them has been developed from this incident. If dteam hadn’t promoted and encouraged all of these fallacies from the start I think Caiti could have gotten a proper response to help her move on and not be so much more damaged, and many people wouldn’t have started to see dteam as so tainted by ugliness. In that way everything they’ve done since Caiti first came forward has done perhaps more long term damage than the act itself.

Because of their bias and falling for these manipulative tactics, this audience would just as easily invalidate me, and that hurts, even as I didn’t get as hurt as Caiti and I actually got validation from the people I told and had the confidence to know it was wrong immediately even though I froze and such, all these years later, this fact somehow hurts.

Sorry for the rant, I just needed this off my chest. Thanks again.

Ofcourse it means the world to mean hearing other peoples story’s and your rant is incredibly well worded. I show my support for victims because I know how hard it is. I was always silent for the longest time but now all I can feel is anger and I want people to understand that is more complex than it actually is and you can’t always go to the authorities. When I was 9 I had my 2nd experience this one being me realizing what sexual harassment actually is. I did go to court and I talked to authorities but in the end “I was lying.” I was 9 and they expected me to give full detail on what had happened when in reality all I wanted was to play with my Barbie’s. I didn’t understand what was actually happening cause I was a child. The justice system is incredibly flawed. Sad part is I still see him when holidays come around. It’s sickening. People constantly jumping to blame the victim makes me irritated. To them no matter what you’ll do you’re never gonna be considered a real victim. The idea of how our society reacts to these topics deeply upsets me. I speak for victims who are always told be silent cause they deserve to be heard. Saying she just wants clout is ridiculous when she has so much more to lose than George does. This why most of my post are on these serious topics because I’m not allowing myself to ever be silenced again. I’m also so sorry that you had to experience something similar, I wish every victim the best healing journey. It’s important to remember you’re not alone and there’s people here who believe you and think your story is valid. No matter how big or small your story is, no matter how big or small the impact it had on you is, your story will forever be valid.

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11 months ago

Asking other people who weren’t even really in the fucking room if caiti was comfortable is so incredibly stupid.

1. This guy wasn’t even there during the assault so why is he being mentioned at all?

2. Why make other people speak for caiti? Caiti was the one who knew how she was feeling since she is the actual victim! so it’s stupid to ask people who weren’t even really there and don’t know her!

3. You did it in front of other people. If someone started touching me sexually in a room full of people, especially people I barely know, especially people who are fucking friends with him. I think I would pretend I’m fine as-well. I wouldn’t know how to fucking react either!

4. Most people who have been sexually assaulted and raped knows the feeling of your body being still cause your scared and don’t know what to do.

Why do people freeze during a sexual assault?
Understanding the fight/flight/freeze response can help to explain the way a person might respond to trauma

Here’s a article about it as-well.

5. Just because she smiled at you or looked ok with it doesn’t give you the right. You met her a day ago and she was drunk meaning you can’t just assume. That’s like me going over to my friends house and smiling and joking around with them and suddenly his hands is down my pants cause “I looked ok with it”. Ridiculous logic when you know peoples brain is actually complex and jus cause someone looks like they might want it doesn’t mean they actually want it. Have you failed kindergarten? Keep your hands to yourself!

6. She was drunk I’m sure if most people know that when you are drunk your brain and body is all over the place. Some people are more giggling and bubbly when they’re drunk, from my own experiences I know I am that person.

7. ‘Well George was also drunk’ Alcohol doesn’t make a person sexually assault someone. It’s just an excuse sexual assaulters use.

Alcohol is not an excuse for sexual violence
Canadian Women's Foundation
Right in the midst of planning this year’s Sexualized Assault Prevention Month campaign in Whitehorse, the verdict in the Cindy Gladue case

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11 months ago

To the people saying caiti has changed her story you guys are fucking idiots. Either you failed English class or never actually watched her original stream. In her original stream she had heavily implied that he touched her boobs.

“His hand went up my shirt”

“Touched me in places I’ve never been touched before”

Indicating that she was talking about him touching her boobs. Anyone with common sense can put the two and two together. Clearly if you can’t you must have failed English class. She didn’t change her story she just made it more explicit; cause you fuckheads took everything out of context and claimed “he just tickled her”. He touched her boobs without consent.

Also shaming her for not remembering a lot of what happened that night is ridiculous. 1, she was fucking drunk, I’m not surprised that her memory is a little hazy. 2, people who experience very traumatic experience that cause them to feel absolutely terrible tend to have their mind almost delete some of the actual memory to help make you feel less terrible. There’s an actual psychology study on this. As a victim myself of sexual harassment and abuse since I was a literal kid there’s a lot I feel I can barely even remember and even if I do it’s super hazy and I have no details. Our brain’s makes us forget certain things so you don’t have to feel the overwhelming pain it causes you. Our brain’s also tries to make us find excuses to make it feel or sound like it wasn’t as bad as it actually was.

Dissociative Amnesia: Regaining Memories To Recover From Trauma
Cleveland Clinic
Dissociative amnesia is when you can’t remember important information about yourself. Learn about its symptoms and treatments.

An article that explains it better than I can and has more information.

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11 months ago


Since you clearly can’t understand simple context clues the full fucking clip and if that’s not enough for you

The video link. Next time watch your fucking mouth and don’t call me dense for commenting on the fact that what George had said was creepy. Cause as I even stated in BOTH of my reply’s that was his response on consent. That it’s “fine” because what if the guy was drunk. Think before responding don’t actively try calling me dense for exposing someone for being a creep.

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11 months ago

Definition of domestic abuse:

Domestic abuse is typically manifested as a pattern of abusive behavior toward an intimate partner in a dating or family relationship, where the abuser exerts power and control over the victim. Domestic abuse can be mental, physical, economic or sexual in nature.

Wilbur repeatably bit Shelby hard enough to cause bruises and pain, implanted a safe word to which he always ignored and weaponized. still bit her hard and would even purposely bite down harder if she screamed the safe word. Poke at the bruises for “fun” just to hurt her. Lock her inside his filthy home and make her clean up his filth.

William Patrick spencer gold domestically abused Shelby.

Definition of sexual assault:

The term sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. Some forms of sexual assault include: Attempted rape. Fondling or unwanted sexual touching. Forcing a victim to perform sexual acts, such as oral sex or penetrating the perpetrator's body.

George put his hand under caiti’s shirt and touched/fondled her boobs in a room full of people while she was drunk and she didn’t explicitly consent.

George Davidson sexually assaulted caiti.

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11 months ago

It’s important to remember not to idolize celebrities and content creators. We don’t know these people, don’t idolize them, don’t put them on a pedestal. We don’t know who these people are when they are not on camera and it’s so important to remember that. You don’t know who any of these people are truly and so don’t act like you do. Don’t defend their actions especially since these are mostly all grown men and women.

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11 months ago

It absolutely hilariously disgusting to me how a women can come out about their sexual assault and have the man admit it, yet you guys still refuse to believe her.

He admitted to it. He admitted to touching her and not asking consent. He admitted to assuming that this drunk girl he had only met a day ago was ok with him putting his hand up her shirt and touching her boobs in a room full of people. He admitted to it all yet you still try and deny it. Try and find excuses and reasons to support him and defend him, if you still wanna watch him go for it at this point! don’t invalidate someones story just so you can feel comfortable watching that person. Own up to the truth that your an asshole who doesn’t actually care about victims and just want to watch his stupid little YouTube videos and stream.

He hasn’t even fully addressed the issue at hand instead tiptoeing his way around and finding distractions for you guys so you don’t actually focus on the situation at hand. Picking bits and pieces she left out or was inconsistent on to make you guys not trust her. What does a man who wasn’t even there during the assault have anything to do with this? Why are you calling this guy who didn’t even see what fucking happened? It’s so incredibly irrelevant to the actual problem! You put your hand under her shirt and start touching her boobs in a room full of people, and instead of apologizing and addressing the fact that what you had done is wrong you are saying making excuses. It’s not that difficult to just fucking apologize.

“Well he was drunk” and? So was caiti and she didn’t start fucking touching his tits, now did she? I’ve been a little drunk before, never have I touched someone’s tits because of it. Even if he was seriously out of it wouldn’t he have just apologized for it? instead of trying to make excuses to why he’s a good guy! Just makes him like a bigger prick. Like he seriously could’ve just said “I’m sorry I was drunk but I seriously shouldn’t have touched you without your consent, it was wrong for me to assume that you would be ok with it and I am terribly sorry that I have cause you harm.” Is that such a difficult thing to ask or say? It’s not. take accountability instead of making pointless excuses to distract people from the actual topic.

Fuck georgenotfound

Fuck George Davidson

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1 year ago

Hi yes adding to what you’ve said! I genuinely love questions like this. It’s such a deep question and though I am not an actual major in psychology (not yet atleast) I am someone who as well had my fair share of struggles with it and I’ve done a lot of research. Depression can be an umbrella term, yes, though I’ve never seen it that way. Everyone is a little depressed or has anxiety which is very true, only difference is when it becomes a diagnosis it’s more of a disorder. Which technically just means it’s making you struggle a lot more than you are suppose to and it’s keeping you from working on daily tasks. Also what you have described is chronic depression. Chronic depression is a type of depression (there are many types) it’s something you are born with and you have to live with for your whole life. It’s mostly created from genetics, so if you have parents who suffer from mental illness you are likely to also get that same issue. Depression isn’t necessarily curable and more you learn to cope with it (going back to how I said I think everyone has a little depression). It’s a long process of healing from the way it overtook your thoughts and body and learn to live with it rather than let it control you.

People don’t realize how bad depression actually affects a person until your living with it. It doesn’t only affect the person with depression but the people around them as-well.

As a person with depression it’s so much more than what people make it out to be sometimes. I’m bed rotting for 99% of my day. We’re not always sad, a lot of us still smile and laugh. It’s aching feeling of emptiness and hopelessness. It’s feeling like nothing can fulfill you anymore, cause for the few minutes you are happy you go back to feeling alone and empty. It’s waking up in the morning and finding no purpose in your life, yes we have goals, a lot of us do but we have the hopeless feeling of we will never fulfill those goals. These feelings will take over almost every aspect in your life.

Hanging out with friend’s won’t feel the same, it will stop being fulfilling, and things you once loved doing will only fall into the background of your empty pained mind. You’ll lose every motivation you had in life, showering will become of difficult task, brushing your teeth, eating, sleeping, drinking, and so much more will start to feel meaningless.

It’s not only draining for the person dealing with depression but also people around them. A lot of people don’t know how to help or react so a lot of the time all they can do is stand by and watch as the person they love fall into a state of emptiness.

Depression has so many bigger affects than most people realize.

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1 year ago

Let all also not forget the weird comments george had made on the topic of consent and just sexual things in general. Clearly he refuses to take accountability of what actually happened and instead wants to make excuses (shit ones). This is just a way for people to understand it’s much different after also knowing his previous comments he’s made and that he’s genuinely just a fucking creep.

A clip of George on a podcast talking about sexual harassment and consent.

Let All Also Not Forget The Weird Comments George Had Made On The Topic Of Consent And Just Sexual Things

Screenshot of a post from a girl name andi who came forth about the abuse she endured throughout her and punz’s relationship.

Let All Also Not Forget The Weird Comments George Had Made On The Topic Of Consent And Just Sexual Things

Screenshot from punz’s Twitter replying to the post andi had made. In the post he confirms that George did in fact say that.

Fucking weird thing to say George. He’s a creep and stop trying to deny it just cause you wanna watch your favourite mcyt.

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1 year ago

People don’t realize how bad depression actually affects a person until your living with it. It doesn’t only affect the person with depression but the people around them as-well.

As a person with depression it’s so much more than what people make it out to be sometimes. I’m bed rotting for 99% of my day. We’re not always sad, a lot of us still smile and laugh. It’s aching feeling of emptiness and hopelessness. It’s feeling like nothing can fulfill you anymore, cause for the few minutes you are happy you go back to feeling alone and empty. It’s waking up in the morning and finding no purpose in your life, yes we have goals, a lot of us do but we have the hopeless feeling of we will never fulfill those goals. These feelings will take over almost every aspect in your life.

Hanging out with friend’s won’t feel the same, it will stop being fulfilling, and things you once loved doing will only fall into the background of your empty pained mind. You’ll lose every motivation you had in life, showering will become of difficult task, brushing your teeth, eating, sleeping, drinking, and so much more will start to feel meaningless.

It’s not only draining for the person dealing with depression but also people around them. A lot of people don’t know how to help or react so a lot of the time all they can do is stand by and watch as the person they love fall into a state of emptiness.

Depression has so many bigger affects than most people realize.

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1 year ago

I just wanna take away every aspect of them being a content creator you like to show you how fuck up and disgusting the Situation actually is.

A 26 year old man touches a drunk 18 year old women without her consent.

It’s always “support victims” till it’s you favourite stupid fucking white guy. HES NOT GOD! HE IS A BOY, A BOY WHO SEXUALLY ASSAULTED A GIRL, THAT IS WHAT HE IS!

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1 year ago

You’re right. You don’t always need to verbalized consent, yes technically it’s not always needed. Does that apply to a women you have just met a day ago? No. You don’t know her so don’t act like you do. Does that apply to a drunk women? No. She’s drunk, no drunk person can consent to anything so fuck off.

You guys are missing the import aspect of this whole situation! Yes technically consent isn’t always verbalized, it can be in body language. Yet that only applies to a person you’ve known for a long time, you know them, their way of thinking and how their body language is. Doesn’t apply to a drunk girl you’ve met a day ago.

Yet as much as consent doesn’t need to be verbalized, it’s important to ask. Even if you knew the person for 1 year or even 10 years. Ask consent, it’s really not that fucking weird to ask! It won’t kill the mood, and if you think asking for someone’s consent is killing the mood that tells me a lot of what type of person you are.

So is consent always verbalized? No. Does it always have to be verbalized? No. Is it better to be verbalized? Yes. Ask for consent, it’s not that fucking difficult.

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1 year ago

Hey (with skibidi rizz (i swear this is a joke))

Hey 😏 (with incredible rizz back)

1 year ago

I genuinely can’t express how angry it make me feel when someone thinks it’s ok to touch someone or say sexual things to someone not even bothering to ask if they are ok with it. Than proceed to use the excuse, well the person was silent. Silence isn’t consent, never will be. Hesitation isn’t consent, it’s a clear sign that the person is uncomfortable but scared to say no. If the person verbalized a confident yes than you have their consent. Don’t try and justify your shitty actions with “well the person was quiet.” Not an excuse just proves your a prick.

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1 year ago

Not all man but most women. NOT ALL MEN BUT MOST WOMEN! I have never met a women who has never at least had one story to tell about how they been sexualized, sexually assaulted, sexually harassed or raped. Not all men but most women.

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1 year ago

🧍🏻‍♀️me right now cause I wrote a long ass paragraph about my experience with my first ever boyfriend about how he literally sexually harassed me and now I don’t know what to do with it.

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1 year ago

I see many people claim to be hypersexual and constantly say it as if it’s a funny, quirky side of them. Being hypersexual is a nightmare and I can’t stress that enough, it’s not someone just being horny all the time it far more than that. People need to research these things rather than instantly going along with it. As someone who’s hypersexual it’s something I’ve always kept hidden it always made me feel like I was disgusting so I activately avoid the topic but I feel the need to make others aware of it aswell. what the true meaning of hypersexualilty is and how it effects a person.

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1 year ago

I wanna say that sexual harassment isn’t just physical but also verbal. There’s many forms and both are harmful, just because the person never physically touched the person doesn’t mean that it isn’t still harassment. Sexualizing someone, threatening them, or making overly sexual comments to someone after they say they aren’t comfortable with that is still sexual harassment! It’s a form of harassment I don’t see getting recognized enough and I want people to know that just because it isn’t necessarily physical it’s still valid!

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1 year ago

Biting people is normal. But biting someone so hard to the point of harming them on purpose, especially when they scream stop is not normal. I also bite people, but I also know when to stop. I know not to bite hard, I know to make sure they’re okay with it. Which I often bite (certain) friends and when I was in a relationship I bit said partner a many time (often time they’d bite me back) it’s called a love bite, I never bit them hard enough to hurt them or bruise them but If I did and they told me that they didn’t like it anymore I would have stopped. I also wanna say I pretty sure Wilbur is autistic and biting is a autistic trait! I say this not to defend him but to make my point clear. I know Wilbur himself did not verbally say he’s autistic, but he’s mentioned in stream that teachers at his school wanted to get him tested. (I think that’s mostly proof enough) my point is that he knew he was hurting her and that quite clear. To involve a safe word means you know your causing harm and it’s there to help prevent that. Yet he ignored said safe word and still bit her. I also wanna say he’s not your “cute soft little guy who didn’t know what he was doing” HES ALMOST 30! HES 27, a grown man who clearly knows what he did is fucked but clearly does not fucking care.

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1 year ago

I just wanna say that only people allowed to accept Wilbur’s apology is shubble herself and as she stated she doesn’t accept his half assed shitty apology.

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1 year ago

I also wanna say the people trying to force content creatures who were associated with him to make a statement is genuinely insane. It’s barely been a fucking day and not everyone is on Twitter 24/7. Not to mention that many of these so called friends of him that aren’t speaking on the topic are people who looked up to him! How many more people are gonna have to mentions how manipulative and abusive he is for you to get it in your head that it’s not something you can instantly talk about! Think of the fucking risks, tommy especially who was a minor when first meeting Wilbur. Grown to look up to Wilbur as a person and as a big brother, it’s not easy to process information like this. Fuck it took shubble 11months, with the help from friends and therapy! And you shitheads expect statements from people who were likely also manipulated by Wilbur. Use your damn common sense! This isn’t about who gonna make the next statement or this person should make a statement cause that’s all you guys want to focus on. I don’t disagree that eventually they should make a statement but trying to pressure them into it when they likely have a lot of shit to process and go through memories they had with Wilbur and realize “hey Ye he’s actually manipulative and a abuser.”. Again quite a few of these friends of his are people that were minors when meeting him which gave him the chance to easily manipulate and mold them whatever way he wants.

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1 year ago

I want to also say I am so proud of shubble for being strong and speaking her truth. I feel so bad for her and what she went through with Wilbur cause she did not deserve that! I have not watched the fall stream but I’ve seen clips. As of right now I don’t think I can manage watching the fall stream cause even hearing clips made me nauseated. From I’ve heard and seen so far I am in disgust. But shubble is a wonderful person and she deserves the love and support. Also btw this isn’t DRAMA it’s fucking ABUSE! There’s a difference that I think a few of you can’t fucking see. Shubble was abused, she’s a victim but most importantly she’s a survivor. A person who deserves so much better, deserves all the love she can get in a time like this.

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1 year ago

FUCK WILBUR SOOT! He’s genuinely disgusting. Hearing the possibility of it possibly being him at first had already made me feel shit enough but coming to find out it’s true and genuine is worse. I feel genuinely disgusted with myself for ever liking and supporting him as a person. He was someone that brought me so much comfort, a person that I watched while having a bad day. This whole situation has made me anxious and nauseated that I can’t even eat. My love and support for him was grand and now all I can feel is disgust and guilt. I fall hand and hand with domestic abuse as I watched it happen to my mother at a young age and it’s something I’ve always hated my dad for. 3-4years I’ve spent watching him and supporting him and the whole time he was nothing but a piece of shit. before anyone comes to tell me this isn’t about me I’m well aware of that! This isn’t the only post I am gonna make about this damn topic, this is only the first and it about my feelings and how genuinely mortified and disgusted I am.

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1 year ago

hypersexuality isn’t a cute new sexuality that makes you sexual all of the time.

it’s a miserable trauma response that makes you sick of your body and your mind.

CW for upsetting thoughts about hypersexuality.

thinking of the ways you should be taken advantage of by people you’re friends with and would never want to think of sexually.

thoughts about your teachers, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, family friends. people you would never want to touch you like that.

being convinced you’re only worth anything if they want to have sex with you or that the only valid form of affection/love is sex.

seeking out people who you know will only pay attention to you for sex, who only want things from you for sex or sexual favors, even if you don’t actually want to do these things.

being unable to even have flashbacks in peace because here comes the wave of being horny even though you’re upset and now you want to rip your body apart more.

wanting to apologize to your partner after a fight by giving sexual favors to make sure they still love you.

curling up in a ball on your bedroom floor and sobbing because the ache in the pit of your stomach won’t go away but you’re not in the mood because all you can think about is what happened to make you this way.