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confused af about Fundy's existence (from Wilbur n Sally.. ??)
okay so. one line has actually gotten the thoughts working

so actually i dont know if thats part canon but for an odd reason ive seen that in multiple fics and stuff that happens a lot thats similar as fuck is usually canon?
so.. i just (this is so cursed, im sorry if this wasnt actually canon sobs)
having gone through body science stuff in school a bit ago i now realize that this makes zero sense, because if he were to reproduce asexually, then logically, whoever is reproduced out of that would be an exact copy of wilbur since thered only be one set of genes
BUT he fucked a salmon (or did a salmon fuck him? im so confused sobs) BUT REPRODUCES ASEXUALLY?? which doesnt make sense because reproducing asexually means only one parent but if you were to reproduce sexually thered be like reproductive organs for that purpose... i dont know man there are cursed stuff where wilbur got pregnant with fundy?? I DONT KNOW WHY IT HAS TO BE PHRASEd SO WEIRDLY-- i dont know man but i hear the toe on the most
i cant believe this is the part of the dream smp lore that is stumping me the most
..besides philza canonically fucking a smart fridge … ??????
ALSO ALSO can we talk about how wilbur either fucked or was fucked by a salmon, their child had been reproduced asexually (again, dont know if thats canon but it might as well be sobs.)
AND THEN CAME OUT A FUCKIN FURRY FOX HYBRID ?? but there was a salmon and a human/siren/avian-hybrid, whatever people imagine wilbur as a hybrid of as the parents?
no but guys what
can anyone give me an explanation that genuinely makes sense
i mean a lot of people imagine sally a salmon-hybrid but i think that wilbur has stated somewhere that it is indeed a fish and not a hybrid or something? I DONT KNOW ANYMORE my memory cannot be trusted.
theres like so many scenes in so many different fics where tommy says that wilbur fucked a salmon and wilbur corrected him saying that she was a salmon-hybrid and i just
i dont think theres a logical reason to this
i think its just better not to question the logistics of how the fuck that happened..?????
Can someone animate Fundy getting yelled at but his mom is Sally or Eret and Wilbur is in the background
I need an explanation
so because sally is a fish, and wilbur is a human then how is fundy a fox. please I need to know!