Dth Fest 2021 - Tumblr Posts

The Draco Tops Harry Fest is back for 2021.
Prompting will begin on January 18 and end of January 29, 11:59pm ET Claiming will begin on February 1, 2021 around 11 am ET. Each prompt can be claimed once for fic and once for art. Submissions are due on March 19, 2021 & Posting will begin on April 1.
More information and links will be provided between now and 18th January. Spread the word - and questions will be answered only via email: dracotopsharry@gmail.com (we do not answer DMs)
Your mods: @digtheshipper & @sassy-cissa
Also thanks to @eggcheeseham for this AMAZING artwork.

TLDR (prompting is here)
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DTH FEST 2021: Claiming is now open for the draco tops harry fest.
Claiming will close on March 18
The rules for the DTH 2021 fest are available here
The PROMPTS are here: Draco tops Harry Prompt List 2021
+ SIGN UP as an author/artist here: https://tinyurl.com/dth2021claiming + SIGN UP as a podficcer here: https://tinyurl.com/dth2021podfic
Everything you need to know about the fest is below the cut.
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DTH 2021: Packed Lunch (Art)
Title: Packed Lunch Artist: @eggcheeseham Prompt: # 51 Summary: “Honestly, Potter, is that all you’ve brought for lunch today? No wonder you’re so thin. Here… take mine.” Rating: General Audiences Medium: Digital art Artist’s Notes: I used the prompt as the summary since idk how else to describe this piece lol I’m super excited to participate in this fest again! kosibee had a super cute prompt which vibed with me ehe~ I felt this prompt was better fitted for a comic, and since I never made a comic before I thought it’d be great practice. I didn’t have the time nor energy to make a fully rendered illustration piece (a bit burnt out from portfolio prep) It’s not very pretty or refined but its my first attempt after all ^^ hope you like it!!

(Packed Lunch)