Draco Tops Harry Fest - Tumblr Posts
DTH 2021: Seducing Mr Potter (FIC)
Title: Seducing Mr Potter Author: @maraudersaffair Prompt: # 46 Summary: Little Scorpius struggles to control his magic. To help him, Draco hires magical specialist Harry. It’s been a few years since they’ve seen each other and Draco is shocked by how much he wants to shag Potter. Rating: Explicit Warning(s): discussion about disabilities Word Count: 8000 Author’s Notes: Thanks to my beta, L! The prompter asked for an adorable Scorpius. I hope I delivered. <3
(Seducing Mr Potter)
DTH 2021: Packed Lunch (Art)
Title: Packed Lunch Artist: @eggcheeseham Prompt: # 51 Summary: “Honestly, Potter, is that all you’ve brought for lunch today? No wonder you’re so thin. Here… take mine.” Rating: General Audiences Medium: Digital art Artist’s Notes: I used the prompt as the summary since idk how else to describe this piece lol I’m super excited to participate in this fest again! kosibee had a super cute prompt which vibed with me ehe~ I felt this prompt was better fitted for a comic, and since I never made a comic before I thought it’d be great practice. I didn’t have the time nor energy to make a fully rendered illustration piece (a bit burnt out from portfolio prep) It’s not very pretty or refined but its my first attempt after all ^^ hope you like it!!

(Packed Lunch)
DTH 2021: Help! (FIC)
Title: Help! Author: enchanted_jae Prompt: #11 (There’s a ghost in Harry’s new house. The ghost is connected to the Malfoy family for some reason, so Harry had no choice but to owl Draco to end this ghostly torment.) Summary: Draco never thought Saint Potter would come to him for help, but he’s ready, willing, and able…if there’s lube involved. Rating: PG13 Word Count: 1633 Author’s Notes: Thank you to gelsey for the beta.
DTH 2021: Kabedon! The ex-arch-enemy becomes the husband! (FIC)
Title: Kabedon! The ex-arch-enemy becomes the husband! Author: @bafflinghaze Prompt: # 45 - soft, smol, cute, delicate Harry and tall, strong, protective Draco. Summary: Harry was a little hermit, contentedly living his life. But everything changed when Draco re-entered his life and kabedon’ed him against the wall. From then on, his life changed into a fluffy, sweet and sometimes spicy love story. Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Warning(s): None Word Count: 17.2k Author's Notes:Thanks for the prompt, anon! I had heaps of fun writing this dramatic plot XD there’s definitely fluff that there’s also mayyyybe a tiny bit of crack 🙈🙈🙈 Beta'ed by Uphorie/Adybou!! Thank you 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 And as always, thank you to the mods for running the Draco Tops Harry fest! ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
(Kabedon! The ex-arch-enemy becomes the husband!)

Thank you all for participating! Please see the full masterlist below for the 2021 fest. I hope you enjoyed it!
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@dracotops-harry is back!
♦ Fest Schedule ♦
Prompt Collection: January 3 - 13, 2023 Claiming: January 15 - March 20, 2023 Submissions due: March 23, 2023 Fest starts: April 01, 2023 Posting ends: April 28 or before (whenever we run out of submissions.) Masterlist goes up: May 01, 2023

THIS IS THE SIGN-UP/CLAIMING POST – claiming for the @dracotops-harry Fest is now open | Claiming will close on March 20
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