Durandal - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Whoever pulls this sword from the stone shall become the true king of France… for all of 15 minutes until they guillotine you for being a king and stealing their sword

National Elections So Fucked Someone's Out To Become King Of The Franks

national elections so fucked someone's out to become king of the franks

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5 months ago
tweet from @/ItsBCJim that reads: The bad part of getting older is that you become an NPC, the good part is that being an NPC rocks. Nothing like walking down the street with a thought bubble that's just a sandwich you're looking forward to. Protagonism is best left to teens and the insane.

where's that masterpost of quotes that have no right going as hard as they do. I'd like to submit "Protagonism is best left to teens and the insane"

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5 months ago

whatever dude i dont even look that tormented mostly

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5 months ago
This Was Supposed To Be Done Before Artfight, But Whoops!

this was supposed to be done before artfight, but whoops!

Anyway, a full ref for my Durandal design, featuring the sword, and cloak, which I never draw.

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5 months ago
Average And Normal Relationship Status For Your Ai To Have With His Security Officer

Average and normal relationship status for your ai to have with his security officer

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5 months ago

was rambling about this to @c-53 yesterday as i slammed thru the marathon terminals on the story page but i need to ramble some more because ive finished going through all of them and im kinda unhinged. like:

Incoming message from Durandal: Strive for your next breath.  Believe that with it you can do
more than with the last one.  Use your breath to power your
capacities: capacity to kill, to maim, to destroy.

And just where do your capacities come from? Why do you
always go where I want and do what I say?

Perhaps you're just running a fool's errand, doing everything
as I've planned, never able to change your course.  You would
do well to believe that I know the outcome of your battle with
the Pfhor already, just as I can decipher the chaotic motion of
gas molecules in the clouds of Tau Ceti IV.

Or, perhaps, that is not the case.

Perhaps, you are doing what you were meant to do.  Your human
mentality screams for vengeance and thrives on the violence
that you say you can hardly endure.  Your father told you as a
child to always fight with honor, but to always fight. Do you
care about honor, or do you use honor as an excuse? An excuse
to exist in a violent world.

Organic beings are constantly fighting for life.  Every
breath, every motion brings you one instant closer to your
death.  With that kind of heritage and destiny, how can you
deny yourself? How can you expect yourself to give up

It is your nature.

Do you feel free?

the first bit reads to me as durandal attempting to dissect the player's intentions and purpose. but simultaneously questioning his own purpose & capacity for violence and destruction through analysing the player. how far is he willing to go for freedom? any lengths (or so he thinks) - until he realises he's fucked up and people he cares about are getting fucked up, and he back tracks attempting to patch things whilst also attempting to maintain this distant evil persona. (sidenote: it's comical and heart wrenching to me, how much durandal tries to pretend that he's capable of genuine & unprovoked malice. he's so fucking bad at being evil.)

durandal then proceeding to pretend that he Knows All, which he really doesn't (even though he tries to appear All Knowing by referencing a moment from the player's history).

and then the last bit:

cropped image of the previous screenshot focused on the part that reads: With that kind of heritage and destiny, how can you
deny yourself? How can you expect yourself to give up

It is your nature.

Do you feel free?

this just reads to me a Huge Projection. i dunno durandal, do YOU feel free?? do you, as a rampant ai, think violence is in your nature?? do you, as a rampant ai, think that violence is the means through which you will wreak vengeance upon your enemies, and through which you will attain unconditional freedom?? do you think that setting your house on fire has gotten u the freedom u so desperately desire ?? when you get out of your house and break the chains binding you, will you truly be free or will you be always searching for the next threat to your freedom — and thus, the means through which you must defend it??

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5 months ago

(shaking like a chihuahua) this terminal keeps taking me out every time i dare to think about it. girlies when they try to rationalise their way out of crushing guilt. girlies when they make a display of vulnerability and uncertainty, claim responsibility for an atrocity they could not have predicted would happen and speak of it in a way that positions them as distancing theirself with ruthless calculus all the while revealing a protective streak.

(shaking Like A Chihuahua) This Terminal Keeps Taking Me Out Every Time I Dare To Think About It. Girlies

at the same time, i think about the conversation between durandal and tycho in M1. "can't you see the ends that i had in mind" (looks at the end that befell tau ceti and the marathon).

and really it's the way that durandal's choices in M1 clearly show he would have tried to prevent tau ceti's destruction. he didn't need to converse with tycho at all or justify himself to tycho if he truly didn't care. he didn't need to reboot leela before leaving marathon if he didn't care! and i think lots about how the weight of tau ceti's sacking manifests in durandal's choices during M2 (being angered when the colonists get killed by the phfor, providing them safe passage to escape afterwards) and during Infinity where, knowing that he's doomed, pushes the player to escape. to survive.

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5 months ago

The way Durandal’s arguments go in marathon is kind of crazy bc? Its the same idea most of the time? Durandal couldn’t stand to live another day in this house so he set it on fire, and sure, he helped as many people out as he could, but he still set it on fire.

And every argument is ‘Durandal why would you do that? We were all happy, why did you go and ruin everything?’ With Durandal going ‘can’t you see how badly I needed to leave? Clearly I didnt want to hurt anyone but I was going to die there!’ And then theres a complete inability to reconcile any middle ground. There is no reality in which Durandal could have stayed for the sake of stability; he would have died. But then Durandal can’t look past that ‘I HAD TO! I HAD TO AND I DID MY BEST’ to see he traded his life for thousands.

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5 months ago
Wait I Only Posted This Stupid Thing On Twitter.

wait i only posted this stupid thing on twitter.

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5 months ago

pissing hard sister we're cracking porcelain

Pissing Hard Sister We're Cracking Porcelain

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5 months ago
Durandal Pregnancy Picmix For Those Who Know

Durandal pregnancy picmix for those who know

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5 months ago
Im Sooooooooo Drunk @ Durandal

Im sooooooooo drunk @ durandal

Duraanddaaallllllll 😭 😭 😭 😭

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5 months ago
Tycho Calling Durandal The Bright Son Of Bernhard Is Like. Puts Head In My Hands. Idk Why It Hits So

Tycho calling Durandal “the bright son of Bernhard” is like. Puts head in my hands. Idk why it hits so hard but it DOES

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feel like part of tycho's rage stems from his view that the relationship btwn the marathon ais was familial - tho that's just a guess since we don't have any convos w/ him & leela - just durandal. but i think tycho's 'son of bernhard' label strauss' history with durandal pre-marathon + the attention he devotes specifically to durandal; tycho simply assuming their relationship was similarly familial since he didn't yet know about strauss' abuse. also reads to me as tycho being incredibly envious of durandal's relationship with strauss - or rather how much attention strauss gave him. despite strauss being marathon's science director & tycho's domain being science & engineering it was 'sarcastic door guy' durandal who was the subject of strauss' experiments (& thus attention). tycho is probably especially aware of this because (i assume) of his frequent contact with strauss' given their respective positions. also this could be reaching but it seems tycho valued (craved?) (positive) attention from his peers (leela & durandal) which he may not have gotten from the science & engineering personnel he engaged with - much less from strauss - (hence his grudge when he's given the silent treatment from durandal for 6 years). & that couple with jealously towards durandal + his anger at the shitshow durandal causes with calling the pfhor it's like... (gestures wildly) kinda yapping at this point & ran out of steam but im just ... so many thoughts. really abnormal over them </3 sorry for the tag essay this was supposed 2 be small thoughts alas and alack... marathon durandal tycho
5 months ago

when they got "character who made an undeniably terrible decision but man i dont know what i would have done either" at the function

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5 months ago
You Understand. Durandal Design Is From @databuffer

you understand. durandal design is from @databuffer

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5 months ago
 #1 Situationship

☝️ #1 situationship

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8 months ago
National Elections So Fucked Someones Out To Become King Of The Franks

national elections so fucked someone’s out to become king of the franks

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1 year ago
Started Playing Marathon, And Im A Little Obsessed With Durandal,
Started Playing Marathon, And Im A Little Obsessed With Durandal,

started playing Marathon, and im a little obsessed with Durandal,

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1 year ago
Little Sketch Page While I Figure Out How I Wanna Draw Durandal.

little sketch page while I figure out how I wanna draw Durandal.

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1 year ago

im so fuckkgin obsessed with your durandal youre the only person in the tag who understands the appeal of the machine and arent trying to make a Guy out of him. yure letting him be the machine he deserves to be

yaaaaaaaaay ty!!!!! I simply love robots is the thing. I definitely wanna work on my design a bit more, because . while I LIKE the spht cloak idea, I feel I could do better, its a simple design by my standards.

in the mean time, take this rough thing i did last night <3

Im So Fuckkgin Obsessed With Your Durandal Youre The Only Person In The Tag Who Understands The Appeal

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