Eames - Tumblr Posts

Western Inception AU Eames
I saw this picture here on tumblr I think and thought it was a fantastic look for Eames. I want Eames to be a hired gun whos flamboyant and odd. While everyone else would be wearing boleros, he'd be in a tophat. I want him in a cravat and a duster. Or maybe a poncho. I'm just not sure about him yet. My fear is that he'll look Steampunk which is not the direction I want this to go.

well, this was at one time Eames from Inception, but he doesn't look like anyone now...

Jonathan Crane and Eames (Inception)
with the theme “make your wishes come true”
requested by anon
(OP note: I am so sorry if I misunderstood this theme, I am not familiar with these characters or media)

Kitchen - Dining With an undermount sink, flat-panel cabinets, white cabinets, marble countertops, a gray backsplash, a stone slab backsplash, stainless steel appliances, and an island in a large minimalist l-shaped, medium-toned wood floor kitchen photo.
Contemporary Home Office

Inspiration for a mid-sized contemporary freestanding desk dark wood floor home studio remodel with white walls and no fireplace

Josh Hartnett, MCM, and cowboy boots

Exterior Stucco A large, gray, three-story stucco exterior home design example
Home Office Studio London

Home studio idea with a large modern freestanding desk, a light wood floor, a white floor, gray walls, and no fireplace

In Ferruccio Laviani’s Milan apartment, a chandelier of his own design— takes center stage in the living area. The space is decorated with 20th-century classics including an Eames lounge chair and a Hyatt table by Memphis Milano, as well as Laviani’s sideboard for Emmemobili and lamp for Kartell.
Day 26: If each character was a snack food, what snack would they be?
Cobb: Muddy buddies/puppy chow. I have a lot of good memories of making these with my family. They're easy enough that you can whip up a batch quickly with/for kids. (or if you're also the dad friend of the group)
Arthur: These things. You can't eat just one. Befote you know it you've shoved all 30 into your mouth in one sitting. You still feel good about yourself though, because they're just so tasty.

Ariadne: Angel food cake. Toeing the line between 'snack' and 'dessert' but I, for one, am completely incorrigible and will eat it any time so I think it counts. Light and fluffy and goes great with pretty much any topping. Especially homemade whipped cream. Mm.
Eames: Pigs in a blanket. Easy to make, but absolutely essential. When I walk in to any social gathering and see these, it's going to be a good time no matter what. My team lost the Super Bowl? Well, I know nothing about sports and I've eaten like a dozen pigs in a blanket so it's still a pretty good day for me.
Yusuf: Cold rotisserie chicken straight out of the fridge at 2 in the morning. A snack for when you're up because you're doing something too important for things like sleep or cooking so you're just grabbing whatever food you have in the house.
Saito: Freeze dried mango slices. They're expensive as all get-out, but they're probably one of my favorite snacks. Well worth the price, even if I feel bad about spending so much money on them afterwards.
Day 04: Eames' favourite curse word.
Bastard. I just think it would sound nice in his voice and I think he'd know that.
Day 27: A headcanon about dreamshare.
Oh wow, this one was so much harder than I expected.
I'd say that with enough practise, a skilled extractor could develop control over their own body to the level that they could do things like make wounds disappear, move instantly from one area to another, go invisible, etc. Like a better version of Eames becoming someone's doppelganger.
Day 06: A headcanon about the dreamshare team.
If they're all hanging out in the same place for whatever reason, they'll sometimes play a game or two.
Saito is scarily good at Monopoly and Risk because he plays them exactly the same way he runs his business in real life. A game with him never lasts more than 45 minutes.
All of them cheat at card games. Cobb doesn't tend to cheat, and Arthur will play fair for Cobb's sake, but they both have to give up on their morals if they want to stand any chance of not losing all the time. Somehow, Ariadne always wins Uno. No one's quite sure how she does it.
Eames takes Cluedo far too seriously. You can tell exactly how far along they are in the game by how frantically he's pacing and gesturing.
Yusuf insists on playing Scrabble, and it turns out that it's just because he really enjoys humiliating everyone else at Scrabble.
They tried to play Sternhalma/Chinese Checkers once. It ended in a stalemate so bad that they never tried again.
Day 12: What is each character like when they get drunk?
Saito is really good at hiding how drunk he is, up to a point. After that, he'll still try to act normal, but it's hard to pretend like you're ok when you're slurring your words so badly no one else can understand you.
Cobb definitely cries a lot. At first, it's super depressing, but as he gets better (and goes to therapy) it becomes more of "I love you guys so much 🥺🥺🥺😭" and weepy hugs.
Eames will start buying them all drinks or food. It's nice at first but they quickly learn they have to take his wallet when he starts drinking so he doesn't end up spending hundreds of dollars on bar food.
Ariadne is the classic giggly drunk. She spends most of her time talking to whoever will listen about literally anything. It takes a lot longer for her to get drunk than anyone else - not because she holds alcohol better but just because she hardly stops talking long enough to take a drink once she's started.
Yusuf starts to open up a lot more. He's not as emotional as Cobb or as talkative as Ariadne, but he's more chill. If they need a designated driver, he volunteers, but usually Saito pays people to drive them.
Arthur just gets really sleepy and quiet. He admires Saito's ability to power through alcohol, but he just can't do it. By the end of the night he WILL fall asleep face down on the bar or on someone's shoulder.
Day 15: Your favourite romantic pairing.
I am quite firmly of the opinion that they would all be together. There's more than enough tension there to go around, and after everything that went down, I think they all deserve as much love as they can get. The only issue I can think of with this is I don't know if there are many beds big enough for six people, but two of them are architects and one of them can pay to have things custom-made so I think they'll figure it out.
If I have to choose just one, it'd be Saito and Cobb. The parallels between his relationship with Mal and his relationship with Saito make me swoon every time. 😍
Day 30: A self-rec! (anything from art to a funny Tumblr post you made!)
I'm really new to the fandom so all I have is some (read: as many as I'm allowed to put) incorrect Inception quotes from the incorrect quotes generator.

Day 20: A headcanon about your favourite pairing.
They all travel for business often, so they keep a handful of safehouses/apartments in major areas. These get covered wall-to-wall in little post-it notes they leave each other.
Highlights include:
I saw some interesting buildings downtown. Left you sketches of my favorites. You should totally check them out!
- Ariadne
Tried to catch the spider that was in the corner. It escaped and now I can't find it. If I don't make it, know I love you. God save us all.
The bowl outside is because I saw a stray dog. There is a bag of dog food in the cupboard. If you don't feed him you are a bad person
Arthur & Saito,
There's an art museum in this town. Left you the flyer. You two should check it out.
Thanks for the recommendation. We had a great time. Got souvenirs for everyone, they're in the box.
Wine Cellar Medium

Inspiration for a mid-sized modern medium tone wood floor wine cellar remodel with display racks

Guest Bedroom Image of a medium-sized, minimalist guest bedroom with a medium-toned wood floor and gray walls