Eddie Munson Fandom - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I wanted to share what inspired me to write this short intro to what will be an angst-filled short story. The first thing that sparked inspiration was the song Chasing Shadows by Alex Warren.

The next thing that gave me inspiration actually happened today when I really listened to "Cardigan" by Taylor Swift.

Specifically the lines: I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs I knew I'd curse you for the longest time Chasin' shadows in the grocery line

There's something else I remember hearing or reading when I was a teenager about how you'd be putting gas in your car, and a song would remind you of them, and no matter what you did, you couldn't escape them. I think that one was about a breakup, but if anyone knows what that's from, that's also the inspiration for the idea.

Please help keep me accountable! I want to have the story published on April 22, 2023!

Chasing Shadows Intro

Chasing Shadows Intro

Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader Word Count: 79 Prompt: Use as few words as possible to set the opening scene of a story A/N: This is the start of a bigger Eddie Munson x Reader fanfic that I have planned. If you wanna be tagged when that one comes out, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/8LMSa5waHPCCubZJ7 Warnings: Character Death, Angst, Grief, Death of a Loved One

Chasing Shadows Intro

The pitter-patter of rain struck the metal of the tin roof, barely audible over your shakey breaths.

You clung to the faded band tee, desperate for the familiar scent of tobacco and what made Eddie so utterly...him.

You bowed your head in silent defeat before hurling the shirt across the room. You watched as it hit the Dio poster on the wall and crumpled to the ground. That familiar scent, his scent, was gone forever.

Just like him.

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1 year ago

The Slushie Incident

Pairing: Eddie Munson/Reader

Word Count: 1574

Prompt: Girls are red, and boys are blue. No making purple at chu–. What? You never said anything about tongues. 

Summary: Got your attention with that prompt, huh? Lol. You and Eddie swear you were going to tell everyone you’re dating. The timing just hasn’t been right. They found out anyways, in the most embarrassing way. 😳

Warnings: making out, heavy petting, both over 18, tons of fluff, mention of homelessness, mention of murder, mention of mobs, mention of Vecna, mention of demobats

The Slushie Incident

This thing between the two of you was new and exciting. You both swear that you had every intention of telling the Scooby Squad when the time was right–which never seemed to happen–ya know, with saving Hawkins from Vecna and Eddie’s recovery in the prison hospital while everyone worked tirelessly to clear his name in Chrissy’s murder. 

Eddie had been out for five days before you two were finally alone. It took you five minutes to confess your feelings and fifteen before your head stopped spinning, and you could breathe from the breathtaking makeout session that ensued. 

Ever since then, the two of you were inseparable. To be honest, you were surprised no one in the Scooby Squad had figured out what was going on between you and Eddie. Since his uncle’s trailer was destroyed–the school gym doubled as temporary housing–Eddie had gotten into the habit of sneaking into your bedroom by climbing the flimsy trellis on the side of your house. 

Each night Eddie was the perfect gentleman. He’d hold you in his arms, and on the nights the nightmares of the demobats were too much, you’d hold him in yours and stroke his hair while whispering that he was safe and home with you. Well, as safe as anyone can be in Hel–I mean Hawkins. 

During the days you volunteered with the cleanup of Hawkins. It was another way for you to be close to Eddie while he served his community service–for being a fugitive and not turning himself in. It was a small price to pay because he was alive and hadn’t been made an example of by the close-minded fear-mongering mob led by Jason. 

Before meeting up with the gang on the weekends, you and Eddie would stop by the corner convenience store. You’d grab slushies while Eddie grabbed a pack of smokes, much to your annoyance–since you had an hour to kill before what you personally dubbed the Scooby Squad Sessions. 

You’d both sit in the parking lot of the convenience store, you on the curb, Eddie on the edge of his van’s sliding door facing you. You’d both drink your slushies, and he’d smoke a cigarette before heading over to the Wheeler’s. 

This week was a bit different, you had both gotten your slushies, but instead of your normal routine, you had convinced Eddie to drive to your spot in the woods. From the moment Eddie pulled out of the parking spot at the convenience store, you weren’t able to keep your eyes off him. 

Sometimes, you liked to just admire him. This was one of those times. 

He was singing along to Ballroom Blitz by Sweet, pitching his voice to match the vocals of Brian Connolly and making up hand movements. The sun glinted off the rings on his hands and illuminated some of his curls, turning them golden brown against the deep chocolate of the rest of his hair. 

He glanced over at you, the dimple in his right cheek prominent as he sang, “cause she thinks she’s the passionate one…OHHHH, YEEAAAHHH.” He grabbed your hand and shook it with the yeahs before the chorus broke out, and he let go to use both of his hands to beat on the steering wheel. 

You bit the straw of your slushie as you admired him. Your hands itched to touch him. You leaned over the armrest of your seat, the seatbelt taut across your chest, as your lips grazed his cheek. You could feel the dimple form under your lips as a smile stretched his. 

An expulsion of air escaped your lungs as you felt the jerk of the seatbelt as the van pulled off the road and into an empty lot near the entrance to the woods. 

The next thing you knew, your face was encased in the warmth of Eddie’s hands as his lips crashed onto yours, his tongue languidly thrusting and stroking along yours. He tasted like blue raspberry with the barest hint of nicotine. “I could stay like this forever,” you thought lazily. 

The click of your seatbelt coming undone brought you out of your haze, and you broke the kiss as the seatbelt went whizzing over your head, barely missing your nose and face. Eddie was already climbing out of his seat and into the back of the van. Once in the back, he outstretched his hand to you. You took it, and he gently helped you get over the center console and into the back of the van. 

He touched his forehead to yours and closed his eyes, “You have no idea how much you mean to me, baby.” Butterflies fluttered in your stomach. 

As Eddie's warm breath brushed against your skin, you couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions. His words resonated in your heart, and you knew he meant just as much to you. The way he looked at you made you feel cherished, and you couldn't imagine being anywhere else at that moment.

Still holding hands, you both settled into the back of the van, nestled in each other's arms. The afternoon sun filtered through the windows, casting a soft glow around you. The world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in this intimate space.

Time seemed to slow down, and the world around you became a blur as you spent the afternoon lazily making out. As much as you wanted to stay in this moment with Eddie forever, you knew you had to rejoin the world outside.

With a sigh, Eddie broke away from you and twirled a piece of your hair around his fingers, breaking the spell. "As much as I'd love to stay here, we should head to Wheeler’s house," he said, his voice filled with regret.

You reluctantly nodded, knowing he was right. "Yeah, they'll be wondering where we are," you replied, trying to hide the hint of disappointment in your voice.

You both made your way back to the front seats, a sense of contentment lingering between you. The van roared to life before it rolled back onto the road. You stole glances at Eddie, his hand resting on the gearshift. Imagining where that hand had been mere moments before. 

The drive to the Wheelers’ house was filled with laughter and light conversation, but the energy between you and Eddie was palpable–electric. You could feel it course through your body, especially in your fingertips. 

As Eddie pulled up alongside the curb of the Wheeler’s house, you noticed that Steve and Robin were just getting out of Steve’s car, their Family Video vests still on. As Dustin and Max walked out of the Wheeler’s garage to welcome them. 

You grabbed the remainder of your slushie and hopped down from Eddie’s van, the door slamming shut behind you. “What’s up, nerds?” Eddie shouted lovingly at the group gathered outside. 

As you got closer, you joined the conversation Steve was having with Dustin about the next steps in the campaign. You stood over by Max and Robin, listening in and chewing on your straw. Your eyes raked lazily over Eddie’s form as he animatedly talked with the group. “Ugh, why is your tongue purple?” the question Robin directed at Eddie broke you from your staring. Your brows furrowed, “Purple?” 

Eddie looked around the group, “Hmm. Is it really?” Before he stuck his tongue out, Gene Simmons style, giving everyone a good look. 

You laughed with the group at Eddie’s antics. “Geez, so is yours!” Robbin exclaimed at you. You could feel the confusion on your face, “Mine too?” 

“Yeah, it is!” Robin exclaimed. “Did you guys drink purple alcohol or something?” Steve asked jokingly. 

“No, we just had slushies,” Eddie explained.

Dustin cut in, “Purple slushies?!”

Max’s head whipped toward Dustin, “I didn’t know they made grape-flavored slushies!” 

“Ummm. I had a blue raspberry slushie,” you explained. “And I had a cherry one,” Eddie proudly stated. 

“What? How does that make any sense?” Robin asked, a bit frazzled. 

It was at that moment that the color drained from your face as you put together what happened. 

You saw the smirk form on Robin’s face as she figured it out right before Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. “Oh. My. God.” Eddie looked between the three of you, “What?” 

Steve put his hands on his hips, activating what you all called his “dad mode” before asking, “Eddie, what did you and Y/N do today before coming here?” 

“We went to the park, and we drank our slushies,” Eddie explained slowly. 

With everyone focused on Eddie, you began to frantically shake your head no at him–trying to get him to stop talking. “And then?” Steve prompted. Eddie finally looked at you, confused as you mimed zipping your lips and locking them and throwing the key. 

You saw the moment it all clicked for him as to what happened as a lazy smile crossed his lips, and the tip of his purple tongue peeked out as he wet his lips.

“Oops, guess you guys caught us,” Eddie said before striding across the circle to where you stood. He cupped your cheeks in his hands, smiling down at you, before landing a searing kiss on your lips. 

You briefly heard Dustin make a retching sound before blocking everything out and giving yourself over to the kiss.

You relaxed into the kiss, dropping your slushie cup and what was left to the ground.

The Slushie Incident

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Author's Note (A/N): This was inspired by a TikTok I saw sometime in 2022. I don't remember the name of the user as all I wrote in my notes for this was "tongues purple. slushies red and blue."

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6 months ago



Eddie Munson x OC!Fem!Reader

SUMMARY: a new year typically means a fresh start. Well, not for Hawkins. New dangers arise, secrets and lies emerge, and new residents must confront hidden truths. Navigating these challenges, will uncover deeper connections and face even greater threats, testing bonds and resilience.


chapter one: new neighbors, new nightmares

chapter two: unforgettable encounters

chapter three: if darkness had a son

chapter four: problem child

chapter five: trick or treat, freak

chapter six: rock n’ roll dream

chapter seven: the awakening

chapter eight: thunderstruck

chapter nine: hells bells

chapter ten: cherry flavored

chapter eleven: maneater

chapter twelve: one step forward, three steps back

chapter thirteen: made for lovin’ you

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