Eight-layer Inferno: Semesters Of Hell - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
So I Decided To Make A Comic With Al, The Girl From The Dan Comics I Made Years Back. This One Will Be

So I decided to make a comic with Al, the girl from the Dan comics I made years back. This one will be called Eight-Layer Inferno: Semesters of Hell! It stars Al and a girl named Sabrina, pictured above in a colored sketch, and will be a mystery-comedy story with supernatural tinges. I already have the first chapter entirely written and can’t wait to start drawing it!

Here’s some information about the characters.

Alexandra “Al” Roth Gender: F Eye color: Unknown Hair color: Purple, though this may change Other notable features: Gray hoodie, very pale skin Profession: High school student Bio: Al is something of an enigma. She barely ever talks, and when she does, it is usually a sarcastic remark. Asocial, she claims to “hate people,” which makes her instantly have a disdain for high school, where social interaction is basically required. The closest thing to a friend that she has is Sabrina Rose, who Al tolerates. Not much is known about her family.

Sabrina Rose Gender: F Eye color: Brown Hair color: Brown Other notable features: Big round glasses Profession: High school student, student council member Bio: Unlike Al, Sabrina is very happy, outgoing, and generally friendly. From the day Al arrives at school, Sabrina tries hard to befriend Al. English is her best subject, whereas PE is by far her worst. In addition to being a highly achieving and knowledgeable student, Sabrina is also on the student council and has some power in the school. She has two brothers and one sister.

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7 years ago
Finally Finished The Character Sheets For Al And Sabrina, The Two Main Characters Of Eight-Layer Inferno.
Finally Finished The Character Sheets For Al And Sabrina, The Two Main Characters Of Eight-Layer Inferno.

Finally finished the character sheets for Al and Sabrina, the two main characters of Eight-Layer Inferno.

Note that as the comic continues, Al and Sabrina will get older and eventually graduate. Also note that this isn’t Sabrina’s only outfit! She wears different clothing every day, which more resembles real life but breaks most cartoon traditions. XD

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7 years ago

Wow, I love it! Thanks!

Either Al or Sabrina, one of my two characters? (In response to your newest post.)

Either Al Or Sabrina, One Of My Two Characters? (In Response To Your Newest Post.)

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7 years ago
This Was A Submission For A Group Im In. The Submission Guidelines For This Art Challenge Were End Of

This was a submission for a group I’m in. The submission guidelines for this art challenge were “End of Summer,” so I decided to make it about Al and Sabrina having one last day at the local swimming pool. However, the increasingly nippy air temperatures have taken their toll—poor Sabrina! Oh well, there are always indoor pools.

This is one of the first times I’ve recently drawn a character in a swimsuit. Why, you may ask? Fanservice! I’m shameless. But this also took way longer than it should have, as I kept adding details in the background and then the PSD file was lost last night after becoming corrupted. Oh no! :( Luckily, I was able to salvage some of the WIPs and put this together. Hope this is satisfactory!

Characters and art © me

Note: This takes place a year or two in the future of the events of the first chapter of Eight-Layer Inferno, as Al and Sabrina already know each other by now.

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7 years ago

End of Summer (Community Challenge)

It’s the end of summer, so Outer Grounds Studios held a challenge to see what people made, and there is some awesome stuff!












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7 years ago
A Quick Sketch Of Al And Sabrina I Made For An Art Group That I Decided To Color. I Originally Made This

A quick sketch of Al and Sabrina I made for an art group that I decided to color. I originally made this for an art group's challenge, where the theme was “friendship.”

Characters and art © me

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7 years ago
This Was A Submission For Another OuterGrounds Studios Art Showcase. The Theme Of This One Was Autumn,

This was a submission for another OuterGrounds Studios art showcase. The theme of this one was “autumn,” so I drew a new character enjoying her time outside in the chilly autumn weather. I’m personally really proud of my coloring and shading on this one. Hope you all enjoy it!

For the record, this girl is going to be a recurring character in Eight-Layer Inferno.

Characters and art © me

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7 years ago
Heres A Picture I Drew Of My Character, Sabrina Rose! And Yes, I Am Working On Chapter One Of Eight-Layer

Here’s a picture I drew of my character, Sabrina Rose! And yes, I am working on chapter one of Eight-Layer Inferno, but this was another submission for an OuterGrounds Studios art showcase. The theme for this one was the Winter Challenge, so I drew Sabrina in a cute Santa outfit.

I’m a bit ashamed at how pinuppy this is... eh, what can you do? Hope you enjoy it!

Characters and art © me

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7 years ago

Happy Holidays! (Community Challenge)

OuterGrounds Studios held another community challenge, and this time, I got my newest pic of Sabrina featured! Happy Holidays from OGS, and enjoy the nice art!














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7 years ago
So Here's A Late-ass Valentines Day Pic Of Al Roth As Cupid. The Only Reason I Made This, TBH, Is For

So here's a late-ass Valentine’s Day pic of Al Roth as Cupid. The only reason I made this, TBH, is for another OGS art showcase--the theme was “Valentine's Day”--for which I also submitted a song cover. Funny enough, Al might just be the single worst choice for that role due to her disdain of everybody and everything, but eh, what can you do?

(And no, I have no idea why this pic takes place in Chicago.)

Character and art © me

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7 years ago

Valentine’s Challenge (Community Challenge)

I was part of the OuterGrounds Studios Valentine’s Day Challenge! I both provided the music, a cover of “Lovers in a Dangerous Time” by Bruce Cockburn, and the picture, that drawing of my character Al dressed as Cupid.

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6 years ago
Drew My Babies For A St. Patricks Day Theme. (Apologies For The Rushed Shading, It Was For Another Showcase.)

Drew my babies for a St. Patrick’s Day theme. (Apologies for the rushed shading, it was for another showcase.)

Characters and art © me                

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6 years ago
Yet Another Submission For An OGS Art Showcase! The Theme For This One Was The Winter Thaw, So I Drew

Yet another submission for an OGS art showcase! The theme for this one was “The Winter Thaw,” so I drew this picture of Al and Sabrina symbolizing the transition between winter and spring.

Speaking of which, I have an important announcement related to these characters coming soon... ;)

Characters and art © me 

PSD version available on my Patreon page!

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6 years ago
Heya! So, This Is The First (kind Of) Page For My New Webcomic, Eight-Layer Inferno: Semesters Of Hell!

Heya! So, this is the first (kind of) page for my new webcomic, Eight-Layer Inferno: Semesters of Hell! This is just a little preview image, and probably one of the very rare moments you will ever see one of my characters breaking the fourth wall. I will begin uploading chapter one later this month, so stay tuned for that. You can read my comic on these sites: Tapas Smack Jeeves Line Webtoon And as usual, feel free to donate to my Patreon page!

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6 years ago
I Decided To Draw This For OuterGrounds Studios Newest Art Challenge, The Nintendo Challenge. Now, I

I decided to draw this for OuterGrounds Studios’ newest art challenge, the Nintendo challenge. Now, I am a self-admitted non-gamer and know next to nothing about Nintendo or its characters, but I thought this would be fun, so here are Al, Reilly, Sabrina, Zack, and Spaceman (me) dressed as popular Nintendo characters! Hope you enjoy.

Characters and art © me

PSD available on my Patreon page!

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6 years ago

Nintendo Challenge (Community Challenge)

My newest drawing of Al, Sabrina, Reilly, Zack, and Spaceman (me) as Nintendo characters was recently featured in OuterGrounds Studios’ Nintendo Challenge showcase video! Hope you enjoy.

Also, for those who are waiting for my next videos, don’t worry: I have something big planned.

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6 years ago
Decided To Draw Al At The Beach (or Perhaps An Outdoor Swimming Pool). No Idea Why She Would Go There--it

Decided to draw Al at the beach (or perhaps an outdoor swimming pool). No idea why she would go there--it doesn’t seem fitting with her personality to go--but perhaps Sabrina dragged her or something.

Also, for the record, new pages are coming soon! I’ve just been working on a lot of other stuff lately, including my next review.

Art © me

PSD available on my Patreon page!

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