Towel - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago
College Life Hack #25: Quick Dry

College Life Hack #25: Quick Dry

Show us your best life hacks on our Tumblr page here for a chance to win a tablet and smartphone prize bundle or the Grand Prize: a dorm room overhaul! 

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6 years ago
ART-DuMP FiLe 101
ART-DuMP FiLe 101
ART-DuMP FiLe 101
ART-DuMP FiLe 101

aRT-DuMP FiLe 101


MooD: GiGGLe 😘

aRTiST?: Me? (Rowney)

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR: SHiVeR Me TiNDeR!? 😝 WHo oN GoNDoWaN WouLD WaLK THe PLaNK To GeT THaT PiRaTe BooTY?! 😚

“eoLeo” eVeRYoNe! ouR NeW ReSiDeNT HuNK/DaDDY oN ToDaYS oNLiNe DaTiNG aPP. 😜 (SiLLY Me.)

aNYWaYS... THeRe’S No uNCeNSoReD VeRSioN(S) FoR You FeLLaS 😆

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8 years ago
Matt P@kora French Singer Blond Young

Matt P@kora french singer Blond young

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8 years ago
Matt P@kora French Young Singer Chest In Towel

Matt P@kora french young singer chest in towel

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8 years ago
Gil Alma French Actor Tv Movies Comedy

Gil Alma french actor tv movies comedy

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7 years ago
Mygif Shirtless After Pool

Mygif shirtless after pool

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7 years ago
After Pleasure At Pool. Time To Go To Work. Shower Is Done. ..

After pleasure at pool. Time to go to work. Shower is done. ..

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7 years ago
Guillaume Cramoisan Actor Movie Tv Hunk Hairy Sexy Hot Furry French

Guillaume Cramoisan actor movie tv hunk hairy sexy hot furry french

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10 years ago
Housewarming Gift

Housewarming gift

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3 years ago

Early Sunday Morning - Adam Stanheight / Reader

It was Sunday, about six forty-five in the morning, the last day of the week. Thoughts and anxieties had woken you up. You floundered in the bed sheets futilely but couldn’t fall asleep again. You threw the covers off yourself, and flung your legs over the edge of the bed. The atmosphere was quiet and dull. A white light filtered through the big bedroom windows, the blinds folded shut. It was a chilly morning and you shivered as you got to your feet. It was cloudy outside, and the sun was just barely emerging from behind the large city buildings. You went to fix the blankets you messed up on the bed, and noticed Adam sleeping on the other side. You did not want to wake him so you gently brought the covers over your pillow. Adam rolled over, but didn’t open his eyes. Now he was facing you, his skin looking pale in the white light, and his whole expression peaceful and vulnerable. You heard the clock chime from the kitchen, and you glanced briefly in its direction. Adam twisted a little bit and you looked back at him. He was still fast asleep.

You turned away from the bed and padded into the bathroom. It was colder in here than it was in your bedroom. You stumbled to the bathtub and clumsily turned on the shower, you grabbed a clean towel from the cabinet, then waited for the water to warm. The remnants of your dream still haunted you a bit, but you proceeded to undress yourself, then stepped into the tub.

Hot water splashed on your face and rolled down your back. It soothed you and washed away all the horrors that still lurked in your mind from the night before. You let out a breath of relief, and leaned against the shower wall. You let your hair hang down in the water. It was so hot it burned you, but you liked it. ‘Scorching’ was better than just ‘hot’. The water relaxed your muscles, calmed your nerves, and allowed you to think clearly. The steam wafted up and warmed your face, it fogged the mirrors and the windows.

In your moment of bliss you missed the creak that came from the bathroom door, and the light swish of the shower curtain being pulled back. Someone came inside with you, and started bringing their hands up your back. You leaned into them, turning your head slightly to the left. “Adam…” you murmured.

“Morning…” Adam answered calmly in your ear.

“I didn’t mean to wake you, Adam,” you breathed out.

Adam leaned down and kissed you on the lips. He pulled you even closer to him and wrapped his hands around your waist. “It’s okay.” His warm breath passed over your lips. You put your head on his shoulder, and let the water roll over you.

Adam spun you around delicately so that you were facing him. He took in all your little details, and scanned your body up and down. You stared at him hesitantly, yet playfully, and waited for him to say something. “Like what you see?” You asked him wittily.

Adam raised an intrigued eyebrow at you. “Oh, definitely.” He pushed you against the wall, moving his head in close to yours. Your lips were nearly touching at this point, and you hummed out happily. “You look good,” he whispered.

“Oh, I’m sure. Doesn’t everyone think their significant other looks good without any clothes on?”

“I’ve seen other people without their clothes on,” Adam said simply. “And none of them compare to the beautiful sight in front of me right now.”

You scoffed. “You’re such a charmer.”

“I don’t know about that. You must be pretty good yourself, if you ended up in my dream last night.”

“Oh? What was I doing?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“I mean of course not, that’s why I asked. Because I didn’t want to know about your dream at all, so I asked about it,” you mumbled sarcastically.

Adam’s gaze flashed down to your mouth momentarily then came back up to yours. He narrowed his eyes at you flirtatiously, a small smile on his face. “You look rather kissable right now.”

You shrugged. “Well, I’m here aren’t I? Or would you prefer to wait a little longer?”

“Don’t play the Top game with me, Y/N.”

You smirked at him. “Why not, baby? You’ve been playing the Sub game ever since we started dating.”

Adam scowled at you. “I’ve gotten better.”

“You’ve gotten CONFIDENT. Being ‘confident’ and being ‘dominant’ are not the same thing.”

Adam eyed you miserably, knowing full-well that he had lost the argument. Knowing full-well that you were RIGHT.

“Are you going to kiss me?” You asked him finally. Adam’s mouth was only inches away from yours now, the close proximity was driving you mad. But Adam didn’t oblige. Instead, you asked again, “What happened in your dream, Adam?”

Adam looked at you halfheartedly, then struggled to say, “You… being dominant… Like usual.”

You rolled your head onto the wall, and looked at Adam from the side. “I’ll let you do it this time, then. You were right about one thing, you have gotten better at it.”

Adam grit his teeth. “Hardly. I learned from a professional.” He winked at you.

“If you won’t kiss me, I’ll kiss you,” you whispered firmly.

Adam stared at you. “Go ahead.”

Eagerly, you closed the gap between his mouth and yours, and started intensely making out. There was no lead up, no preparation, nothing. Just immediately to the point without any dilly-dallying.

Adam was kissing you hard, pressing into you, strongly pinning you to the wall. His hands left your waist and started rubbing your cheeks. There was no room between you and him. You were practically being squashed in between your boyfriend and your shower wall. But you liked it - a lot.

There was heat corrupting your face, steam clogging your nose and eyes, water drowning your skin, and butterflies flying in your stomach. You felt incredibly elated, your mind was numb. Adam’s lips on yours was such a miraculous feeling; it left a tingling in your lips and a rush of jubilation entering your brain. Maybe Adam was the submissive one, but he was a helluva good kisser. You couldn’t get enough of him.

You were out of breath by the time either of you stopped. Your lungs felt like they were burning, but everything else was high on adrenaline. You and your boyfriend stared into each other’s eyes deeply, both of you panting heavily into the other’s mouth.

After a couple seconds of winding down, Adam said, “Love you, Y/N.”

Your heart fluttered at his words. It made you feel good to hear him say that. You looked up at him, lacing your fingers in with his. “Love you, too.”

Adam reached for the shampoo on the shelf, keeping his eyes fixed on you, and then started to message your head. You gritted your teeth and fell against Adam’s chest, letting out a contented sigh. His skin was warm and soft. You closed your eyes and enjoyed feeling Adam’s firm hands on your scalp. He tenderly rocked your head into the stream of running water, making sure not to get any on your face. Scorching water trickled down your forehead and shoulders, and dripped from your hair.

When the shampoo was completely out of your hair, he backed away. You felt obliged to give him the same treatment, so you slathered some shampoo on your hands and combed your fingers through his hair. Adam smiled at you contentedly. “Hi…” he commented shyly.

“Hi,” you said sweetly, and pushed his head on to your shoulder. You felt Adam breathe out in satisfaction. You smiled, enjoying this way too much. Feeling Adam leaning on you for support was… honestly kind of hot… Then again, everything Adam did was… ‘honestly kind of hot’. He was so perfect.

A couple of minutes passed as you both finished bathing each other. This shower was probably the most efficient one you’d taken in your life; it had definitely felt good. Now that the water was off, you stared at the curtain dishearteningly. Neither of you wanted to get out into the cold. “Want to grab my towel?” You asked Adam hopefully. You batted your eyelashes at him in a joking manner, though you were slightly hoping it would work.

“No,” Adam said bluntly. “You want to get mine?”


It was silent after that. Kissing broke out between you again, but only for a short moment. Then your phone rang. You looked back at the curtain. “You should do it,” you said playfully. “I’m too tired! I woke up before you did!”

Adam gave you a disapproving look. “Even I know that’s not true. Why don’t YOU get MY towel?”

“I’m not freezing my ass off for you.”

“I guess I won’t come to you when I’m stuck in a blizzard then,” Adam muttered dryly. “That’s good news, thank you.”

You elbowed him in the ribs. “Knock it off! I didn’t mean it.”

“Then go out there and grab a towel.”

“Look, it’s not my fault you didn’t bring one over.”

“You didn’t either,” Adam retorted.

“Well, at least I got mine OUT,” you replied smartly.

Adam pushed you through the curtain. “Get out of here.”

You fell down in a pile of hands and feet onto the linoleum bathroom floor, but not before grasping Adam’s hand in your own, and bringing him tumbling out with you. You were sprawled halfway out of the bathtub on your stomach. Adam was also halfway out of the tub, laying on his stomach.

You let out a yelp of surprise, and Adam let out an exclamation of disgust. But you yourself were proud.

Epic plan gone wrong… You thought to yourself complacently.

“If I go, you go, baby. That’s how it works,” you told Adam smoothly.

Adam gasped, then seemed to find his positioning on top of you quite pleasing, and leaned his mouth to your ear. “Of course,” he purred seductively. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. You know I’d never leave you to suffer all alone.” You felt his warm breath travel down your cheek. It made you giddy.

You chuckled nervously. “A-Adam…”

“What’s that you said about being the top?”

You huffed. “I didn’t say that. Did I say that? Hmmm, strange things happen to the bottoms, don’t they?”

“Right. Like their conceited personalities.”

“Don’t get cocky,” you said in a low tone.

Adam got up. “I’m fucking cold. Thanks, Y/N.”

You shrugged. “You felt warm to me.”

Adam chucked your towel at you. “Happy?”

You started drying your hair. “Yes…” you mumbled cheerily.

Adam shook his head in disbelief, and sat next to you on the floor. He was also tussling his hair with a towel, but he didn’t need to; it was too short for that. You beamed at him, feeling the close proximity eating you alive.

Once both of you had hung up your towels, Adam pulled you into a tight embrace, in which he started leaving little kisses down your cheeks and jaws. You squirmed in his grasp, a big smile on your lips and also a bright blush on your cheeks. You both laughed a little, and then you tried to pry Adam away. “Stop!” You gasped.

“Why so eager to leave me? Do you have to be somewhere? Are you seeing someone else?” Adam shot you a look full of fake hurt. “How could you?”

“No, no, no, no, no!” You blurted desperately. “It’s not like that! I don’t want to leave YOU, I want to leave this cold bathroom!”

Adam released you, a smug smile on his face. “Okay. I can deal with that. It’s very cold in here.”

You made a beeline for the dresser in the room over. You flung open the drawers, and pulled out your favorite things to where - preferably the most comfortable. You saw Adam come up beside you and pull out a white shirt, and a pair of jeans.

What else did he wear? The plaid flannel that was on the edge of the bed? Sadly, you were right. You mocked him for it, but Adam laughed with you.

“I know what works baby, why would I find something else to buy when I know that white T-shirts and jeans are comfortable?”

You sighed, and laid on the bed, your face towards the ceiling, when your stomach decided it was time to eat something. It announced it very loudly, and embarrassingly. Adam cast you an astonished look. “Hungry?”

You scrunched your nose at him indignantly. “Maybe I’m a little hungry?”

“You want leftovers?” Adam wondered worriedly.

You glanced at him nervously. “Yeah…” You murmured.

There weren't enough leftovers for two people. You both knew this and scrambled to your feet, racing for the door, each of you trying to be faster and smarter than the other. In a laughing fit, you and Adam made it to the fridge at the same time, therefore declaring it a tie and resolutely forcing both of you to split the meal in half. At the end of it all though, you ended up having to make waffles to satisfy the remaining hunger.

Oh what a morning. Today was going to be great! You couldn’t wait for next week.

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3 years ago

My mom literally got mad at my brother because he grabbed a purple towel instead of a blue one. She really said, “I’m not like this open-minded generation. I’m not like you guys.” Like, okay???? We know???? That’s not something to be proud of mother

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1 year ago

Had received some inspiration from scrolling through my TL today and made this render.


It's just a bit spicier than my usual stuff, but still pretty tame.

The original post was definitely the poster showing off their, in my opinion, pretty nice and chiseled bod in a pretty polite and near-artistic way. Here's the OG post if you're okay with seeing it. Note, it is a real guy, not another furry post, though he is a furry.

Learning log: increase the resolution to 4k you idiot. This looks so much better than the previous ones! 3840 x 2160 works pretty well.

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7 years ago
 #sunbathing . . . #sun #beach #sunglasses #towel #hot #warm #bluewater #love #gayselfie #gayguy #gay

☀️🌴 #sunbathing . . . #sun #beach #sunglasses #towel #hot #warm #bluewater #love #gayselfie #gayguy #gay #instagay #gayhot #suncream #pool #swimmer #swole #muscle #chest #ripped #shoulders #shredded #followme #follow #follow4follow #like #like4like #l4l #f4f (presso Lido Locarno)

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7 years ago
Beauty Moments Taking Care Of Ourselves Is Soo Important Sometimes Whats Your Beauty Routine? . . . .

Beauty Moments 😌💦🛁⭐️ Taking care of ourselves is soo important sometimes 😍 What’s your beauty routine? 😋 . . . . . . #health #treatment #towel #healthy #wellness #bath #cosmetic #body #beautyproduct #beautyproducts #bodycare #avene #water #abs #6pack #chest #obliques #v #shirtless #gay #instagay #like #follow #instalike #instafollow #like4like #comment #love (presso FRIBOURG REGION)

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