Bow And Arrow - Tumblr Posts

Goretober Day 29: Arrows "Why's she still standing? Oh, the answer is simple. You can't kill what's already DEAD." ----------------------------- Yep, a while ago I decided what Kizuki is now. She's a Ghost, though how she died won't be explained until later on. But it isn't from the arrows.
And fun fact: This is the only character from last year's Goretober that I'll draw for this year. All the others I drew were OCs I never showed before, and some were from my friend, who gave me permission to draw his characters.
Kizuki belongs to me.

Strián, a troll archer. He's like 2 metres tall and surely not thinking about the war. Like most trolls (who, being big guys who eat a lot, used to hibernate in the winter) he tends to start falling asleep when he sees snow. Or perhaps he's learning how to read in that second image and his teacher's choice of book is boring him.

I'm practicing with dynamic posing, it's really fun and makes me feel like I actually know how to draw :)

Edit: Have more, also to the people that follow me... why?
how many types of arrows are there? well, according to, theres 5 types of arrows people use for hunting, and training!
If you’re a lesbian, rb with your zodiac sign and weapon of choice in the tags

So here's a late-ass Valentine’s Day pic of Al Roth as Cupid. The only reason I made this, TBH, is for another OGS art showcase--the theme was “Valentine's Day”--for which I also submitted a song cover. Funny enough, Al might just be the single worst choice for that role due to her disdain of everybody and everything, but eh, what can you do?
(And no, I have no idea why this pic takes place in Chicago.)
Character and art © me
Out practicing my bow skills, I couldn't ask for better company ^-^🧡

Skeleton from minecraft.
These GIFs with my grumpy bear are fabulous! Awesome! Wonderful!!!
Danny is a BAMF!!!

Whumptober 2024 - No.7 UNCONVENTONAL WEAPON
Hawaii Five-0 6x18 Danny faces down a suspect with a bow and arrow when he is without his usual weapon


You can see my attempts in recreating masterpieces on my instagram account @melitadala

Got my instrument and the stand looks like a fucking crossbow wtf
Light Bow Tutorial

Hi everyone! Hope you’ve been doing well! Since we got lots of question about how we made the light bow for Zelda and Sheik, I’ve decided to make a tutorial for it since I took some pictures of the different stages. Unfortunately I don’t have pictures for every step, but I’ll explain how we made the bow as best as I can!
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Bow(weapon), bough(tree) sound similar. I've decided that it's because people would be told to go make a bow and would have to fashion one from the bough of a tree