Elemental Correspondence - Tumblr Posts
Elemental Correspondences

This post will consist of elemental associations from modern beliefs, as well as older metaphysical and alchemical ones. Not all of these will be consistent to all Neopagans or Wiccans of course, given that different people from different places and cultures may have different associations.
Note: An Athame is a ritual dagger.
Latin Word: Ventus
Direction: East
Color: Yellow
State of Matter: Gas
Season: Spring
Solar Midpoint: Spring Equinox
Time: Dawn
Weather: Windy
Attribute: Intellectual
Four Humours: Blood
Four Temperaments: Sanguine
Characteristics: Hot and Wet
Altar Tool: Wand (Sometimes Athame)
Tarot Suit: Wands or Rods (Sometimes Swords)
Alchemical Elementals: Sylphs
Latin Word: Ignis
Direction: South
Color: Red
State of Matter: Plasma
Season: Summer
Solar Midpoint: Summer Solstice
Time: Midday
Weather: Hot
Attribute: Spiritual
Four Humours: Yellow Bile
Four Temperaments: Choleric
Characteristics: Hot and Dry
Altar Tool: Athame (Sometimes Wand)
Tarot Suit: Swords (Sometimes Wands or Rods)
Alchemical Elementals: Salamanders
Latin Word: Aqua
Direction: West
Color: Blue
State of Matter: Liquid
Season: Autumn
Solar Midpoint: Autumn Equinox
Time: Dusk
Weather: Rainy
Attribute: Emotional
Four Humours: Phlegm
Four Temperaments: Phlegmatic
Characteristics: Cold and Wet
Altar Tool: Chalice
Tarot Suit: Cups
Alchemical Elementals: Undines
Latin Word: Terra
Direction: North
Color: Green
State of Matter: Solid
Season: Winter
Solar Midpoint: Winter Solstice
Time: Midnight
Weather: Cold
Attribute: Physical
Four Humours: Black Bile
Four Temperaments: Melancholic
Characteristics: Cold and Dry
Altar Tool: Mortar and Pestle
Tarot Suit: Pentacles or Coins
Alchemical Elementals: Gnomes
Alchemical Glyphs

✨☁️ Air in Magick ☁️✨

It does not matter that we cannot see air physically - it is active, powerful, and, obviously, crucial to survival. In terms of magick, the element of air encourages newness, freedom, and visualization. Air is inspiring and imaginative, and all that must be done to connect with this element is take a deep breath - feel the freshness of air filling your lungs. Go outside and feel the gentle breeze against your face. Let these things remind you just how good it feels to be alive.
♡ Air in Magick ♡
Here is a mini guide to the use of air and its correspondences in witchcraft practices!
GODDESSES: Urania, Aradia, Nuit, Cardea.
GODS: Enlil, Shu, Thoth, Mercurym.
COLOR: Yellow.
USAGE IN RITUALS: Freedom, knowledge, travelling, studying, wind magick, concentration
SENSE: Smelling and hearing.
HERBS: Leaves, dill, flowers in general.
STONES: Transparent and/or light minerals // crystals. (Mica, pumice, etc).
MAGICK TOOLS/OBJECTS: Feathers, wands, chimes.
♡ The Air Signs ♡
The air signs - Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius - are the “smart thinkers” of the bunch; the ones who are best at handling abstract reasoning, are naturally clever, and are skilled at being overall perceptive. They will handle issues with rationality, looking at all sides of the equation… Balance is important to the air signs, just as important as helping to make situations better. However, just as with the wind, the air signs can blow hot or cold - when off balance, air signs have a hard time coming back to full mind-body, usually focusing heavily on just one or the other (this is why meditation can be so beneficial for these signs). However, generally speaking, air signs are witty and full of thoughts, weaving through ideas as quickly as wind rustles the leaves of a tree.