. Elias || Genderbent Cinderella - Tumblr Posts

A Dream is A Wish Your Heart Makes || Yan GB Cinderella x GN Reader
Characters: Elias
Summary: Even if you're a royal, you're his only human friend
Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, abusive family
Yan GB Cinderella who is stuck living with his abusive stepfather and stepbrothers. His father had died when he was a child and his mother had remarried this vile man and even more vile brothers. She had died only two years after in a tragic carriage accident. They had him work as a made, gave him the old attic room in the west tower of the mansion, and never allowed him to eat with them at the table. All he had was the grief of his dead mother and father, the memories of a good family, and his mouse friends.
Yan GB Cinderella who cleans all the messes, makes the meals, does the laundry, takes care of all the farm animals, and everything else in between. He never gets a break and rises with the clock tower in the distance that was a part of the grand palace. And when he does find some little time to himself, he's busy making small clothes for his mice friends. The only thing to carry him are his mice friends, his dog, and the dreams and wishes he holds close to his heart.
Yan GB Cinderella who goes out one day for the shopping and bumps into a cloaked stranger. This stranger apologizes and so much more. They had picked up the items he had dropped when he was startled. Elias was being shown more kindness in this one moment than he was used too in the span of five minutes. This cloaked stranger then rides off into the forest with a very expensive, purebred looking horse.
Yan GB Cinderella who felt inclined to follow this stranger. He wanted to give his thanks for this stranger's kindness. He found the horse, and it's rider sitting not too far away. It's the royal child of the kingdom. Even with the stranger's identity being found, he goes up to you. He bows his head and thanks you with a gentle tone of voice. Thus starting your lovely friendship with him.
Yan GB Cinderella who is captivated by how sweet you are. Compared to the rumors his family had shared during morning gossip were untrue. Well most were. There was only one clear thing about you. You were gorgeous. The only thing on his mind as you two chatted was how you handled thing with a gentle care. He simply watched with a gentle gaze and eyes filled with wonder.
Yan GB Cinderella who was shocked when you say you want to meet him again. You? The heir of the royal throne? He's so utterly thrilled that someone actually wants him around. From then on, he meets you in the same spot almost every day. Some days his evil Stepfather keeps him busy. He hates to leave you waiting like that. He makes it up to you by bringing you some homemade pastries.
Yan GB Cinderella who got to know you more, and he realizes you share similar burdens. He also becomes more touchy with you. He loves hugging you. He comes to learn, however, that your father is holding a ball for you to find a spouse. His heart drops when it's announced in the village during his shopping. Everyone else in the kingdom is invited to attend, most likely due to your everlasting kindness.
Yan GB Cinderella who is delighted that he'll get to see you in a social setting as big as a ball! When he shares with his stepfamily he's all giddy. It was very noticeable to his stepfather. He's all giddy and brighter than they've seen. His hopes become toned down when his stepfather told him he would need to finish all his normal chores first and getting new suits for his family and he'll “consider” it. Elias does what he's told, disappointed as time goes on. At this rate he won't find any time to mend his father's old suit. Well his mice friends take it upon themselves so they mend it for him. Elias words hard to get everything done and helps his stepbrothers get ready. The way they talked about you makes him so frustrated.
Yan GB Cinderella who finally accepts that he won't have any time to make his outfit for the ball. His voice is full of dejection when he shares with his stepfather that he won't be going. His stepbrothers snicker in the next door room. As he stared out the window of his attic room, his eyes on the castle. He knew you were there, probably having so much fun without him. The candles in his room suddenly were lit and he turned. His eyes widened as his old suit was perfectly mended. He wasted no time putting it on and rushed downstairs to show his family. He was so giddy as he showed off. His face fell when he saw his stepfather's face.
Yan GB Cinderella whose stepbrothers are enraged when they take notice of what was used on his suit. Elias had things that were theirs. Sure the two had thrown them out, but that didn't give Elias the right to take them. Once Lord Tremaine had calmed the two brothers down, Elias' suit was torn and ruined. The poor boy ran out into the garden in tears with his mice friends following secretly behind.
Yan GB Cinderella who spoke to the air while he cried. He apologized to his father. To his mother. He was trying so hard to remain kind and hopeful. He was so caught up in his tears, he didn't register the gentle hand on his head. He looked up with wide eyes. It was something out of a dream. Out of his dreams. The person claimed to be his fairy godfather. He didn't know why, but he felt so calmed by this stranger. He was quick to share his sadness. His problems.
Yan GB Cinderella whose fairy godfather consoles him with a gentle smile. Elias watches in awe as this magical being does his work His mice friends are turned into horses. His horse is turned into a coachman. His dog is turned into a footman. The most jaw dropping point is when a pumpkin is turned into a carriage. He's so excited he doesn't realize eh's still in the torn rags. His fairy godfather, however, notices and changes the rags into a beautiful blue suit with glass shoes. He finally felt beautiful. He leaves as his fairy godfather told him that the spell breaks at midnight.
Yan GB Cinderella who was the last to enter the ballroom. His name and title aren't even introduced. You waste no time to meet him on the ballroom floor. Your father watches with wide eyes as you walk past the princess you were being introduced too by the Grand Duke. Elias was so jumpy when you greet him. You look so regal. He's never seen you like this before. In this environment.
Yan GB Cinderella who takes your hand and starts the first dance of the evening. He tries not to be anxious. Or let his anxiety show. The stares of everyone around him gave his stomach butterflies. They were watching him be with you. Him being chosen by you. He keeps his eyes on yours. Your steps are so graceful. He doesn't notice his stepbrothers were watching in envy. He doesn't notice much. He's so lost in your eyes.
Yan GB Cinderella who dances gracefully for his first waltz. It helped that you're so paitent with him. Your hand was carefully placed carefully on his waist. You're so delicate with him. He loves it. He loves dancing with you. He loves you. You two end up dancing into the gardens, escapping the prying eyes of the guests. He's just with you. Exactly what he's been wanting for forever.
Yan GB Cinderella who breaks out of his daydream trance when you two are in the royal garden. He's delighted that you're showing him around. Sharing your favorite flowers. Just hearing you talk made his heart so happy. He'd rather have you talk than dance around in front of a bunch of strangers. He felt comfortable with you. You lead him through the garden like you had done with the dance. He's so engrosed in spending time with you, he nearly forgets the spell. Nearly forgets that it's almost midnight.
Yan GB Cinderella who hears the all to familiar bell toll. The bell that always woke him from his dreams. Like right now. He remembers the spell and rushes out of the castle. He runs as fast as his feet could carry him. You rush after him, wanting him to enoy the bal more with you. The Grand Duke sees the boy runn off. He joins in the chase. Elias was quick down the stairs. He didn't notice that the glass shoe fell off his foot.
Yan GB Cinderella who forgot to tell you it was him. The boy from the forest. The boy that you had befriended over the last few months. As he walks the rest of the way home, the king's knights run after where they had thought he went. He had the other glass slipper so he held hope in his heart. The hope that you'd find him. That you'd ask him to dance with you once more. The hope that you would take him away from the abusive household he's been trapped in. Hope that you'd connect the dots and figure out that it was really him. He helps his animal friends get home safe and sound before his stepfamily gets home.
Yan GB Cinderella who daydreams about the dance with you. His stepbrothers noticed his hazy look in Elias's eyes. They didn't give it much thought, however, when Lord Tremaine came with news that the king is looking for the boy that had danced with his child. The stepbrothers were so excited. They wasted no time in getting ready. Neither did Elias.
Yan GB Cinderella who tries his best to be discrete. His mannerisms changed. That much was noticeable to his stepfather. Elias was caught when he was humming the tune you and him had danced too. Hr was dancing around the attic space as if he was right back in that moment with you. His mice and bird friends watched with joy. That joy was snatched away when Lord Tremaine locked him in the room.
Yan GB Cinderella who begs to be let out of the attic room. He sobs to his animal friends as they watch his woes. They make quick work of trying to free him. Two mice run down the stairs and through the door cracks to get the key from the evil man. As the animals break apart to set their plans in motion, he is drowned in tears. He just wants to be with you. He just wants to be happy.
Yan GB Cinderella who, even tired with tear stains on his cheeks, still holds onto the hope that he'll be set free. As he gently cradles the other glass slipper, the mice, and birds bring him the key. He shoots up and fumbles with the key. Eventually he unlocks the door, bolting out of the room and down the seven flight of stairs. Placed delicately in his pocket is the other glass slipper.
Yan GB Cinderella who sees you trying to take the slipper away from one of his stepbrothers. He tackles you into a tight hug, sobbing against your shoulder. His stepfamily and the Grand Duke were both shocked by his sudden appearance. You calm him down like you always do. It was something you were amazing at doing. You helped him into a seat, get down on one knee and slide the glass shoe onto him. It fits and the moment it's on he falls onto you, giving you a kiss.
Yan GB Cinderella who is so happy that he's finally out of the abusive home he grew so used too. He can finally be happy. Happy with you. The royal wedding was large, all his animal friends were invited, and, best of all, you were right there with him. You let his animals move into the palace stables and gardens. He finally has his happy ending and the love of his life by his side. Nothing will ever take this away from him.
Property of @secretcoralgarden! Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!