Elrond Peredhel X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Sex with Elrond (Headcannons) - NSFW :

Elrond is an elf that prefers it when you’re in charge
He has the stress of taking care of a whole valley and it’s inhabitants on his shoulder, so when it comes to sexy times, he likes to let go and let you take the reins
He likes when you trace his battle scars, as they’re a good type of sensitive
He’s down for a lot of things and is curious about what you’d like to try
He often likes having slow sex after a long day of stress, to finally relax
He likes giving you praise, but gets flustered when you praise him back
« You feel so good meleth nîn.. »
« I-.. thank you my love, but you’re not obligated to compliment me back.. »
Likes to tell you in unique and original ways that he loves you and would do anything for you
He also really likes it when you scratch his back in pleasure, it makes him kinda giddy to think that he’ll have the proof of your pleasure on his body
Rarely curses, but when you’ve teased him for a really long time and he’s about to orgasm -finally-, he does let out a few (that he’ll be ashamed of later -just because you make him go crazy with pleasure doesn’t mean he can’t stay polite-)
« Please, darling, let me fucking cum! »
Likes to hold you close after he came, panting in your neck as you coo into his ear
If you haven’t orgasmed yet, he’s more than happy to help you ride his tight, flexing the muscles in it so you have more friction
When you’re both satiated, he’ll wipe you down with a rag, whispering his thanks for how you took care of him
You’ll lay together, quietly making conversation sometimes, or just going directly to sleep at others
