Elrond Peredhel - Tumblr Posts
My headcanon for how the Wizards/Maia are ranked is that they go by age. The first to arrive (Glorfindel, gold) is the strongest, second (Saruman, white) is next, third (Gandalf, grey) comes after that, then Radagast (brown), then the blues.
So I can just imagine...
Gandalf: Please, Elrond, he's FUMING, and he's my boss.
Elrond: He's WHAT
Saruman: *is evil*
Glorfindel: You're fired.
Saruman: What?
Legolas: You heard him, you're fired!
Oropher: Where the hell did we find this fuckin' kid, man?
Elrond: My mom threw herself off a cliff because she thought that my 'adoptive' fathers were after the rock she loved more than us and then you kinda just picked me up
Elrond: I remember that very vividly.
Gil-Galad: *Mildly horrified laughter*
Me: I hate Bezos and I hate ROP.
My mother: But Durin, Disa and Elrond-
Elrond takes no shit from anyone. Ever. Not anymore. He's punched Annatar.
Denethor: I think the word you're looking for is "High King of Gondor"
Elrond: The word I'm looking for, I can't say because my children are present.
Gil Galad: Hey, where are Elrond and Celebrimbor?
Galadriel: I don't know, they said something about Feanorian guilt money
*Meanwhile* Elrond and Celebrimbor: DAD'S GUILT MONEY! DAD'S GUILT MONEY! DAD'S GUILT MONEY!
Maedhros gave Elrond and Elros the armor that the Ambarussas came to Belariand with.
Elrond doesn't have the heart to tell him that he's the one who killed Amros.
I just had the saddest quote idea for the fanfic I'm writing
"I don't need the light of the silmarils. I have you." Post-Accidental-Reembodiment-Maedhros to Elrond
With the sheer amount of power this man could hold, the Music of the Ainur turns into boss battle music the minute he gets slightly irritated
MAJOR Cannibalism TW
The journey across the Helcaraxe took far longer than the elves expected it to. They had nowhere near enough food, and even the elves need to eat. So they did what they had to do.
Fingolfin did what he had to do because he was stubborn.
Fingon does what he must because he has to survive long enough to see Maedhros again.
Turgon does what he must because he will not let his daughter be orphaned.
Galadriel does what she must because she still needs to punch Feanor in the face.
Argon and Elenwe did not live long enough to need another food source.
Glorfindel, half frozen to death himself from repeatedly diving into the frigid waters to rescue others, didn't even have the capacity to choose whether or not to take the actions he took until they had already begun, and once you start, you don't stop until there's a better option.
When it is finished, they will never speak of it again.
Feanor's army is left without food a great many times.
Before the sun's first rise and set, the Feanorians have created a way to determine who lives and dies in times of starvation, and they too refuse to speak of what happened to their dead.
They refuse because Maedhros, for all his protest of killing other elves, was the first to slit the throat of the elf chosen to die.
They refuse because not even Maglor can bring himself to sing of this, and Maglor could sing of his own family dying.
They refuse because Caranthir, for all his brutality and cruelty, believes that they are wrong.
But most importantly, they refuse because the first elf they ate was Amrod.
The second most important time the Feanorian army is left starving is in F.A 548. This is the event with the most guilt around it.
Survivor's guilt from Elrond, because for all intents and purposes, the stolen twins should have been the first to die.
Inequality guilt from Elros and Erestor, because they knew that they weren't going to be harmed and they did not step in to suggest something better.
Existential guilt from Maglor, because he cannot bring himself to think that this is their fault.
And the overwhelming, self-loathing guilt of Maedhros, because at the end of the long, bloody day, he knows he should have done something to stop this. To make sure two sixteen year old half-elves didn't have to choose between starving and sinning. To make sure his brother didn't have to make that decision for them. He should have done anything.
By the late Third Age, the few elves who know all of what happened are together in a city. Odd behaviors surround them like shrouds, concealing a much darker past. The people of Imladris have learned not to try to pull back these shrouds.
They don't ask questions when the mere sight of a red drink forces Erestor to hide in his chambers and cry.
They don't ask questions when the mere sight of meat has a good chance of making sure Glorfindel won't be able to keep anything down for days.
They don't ask questions when a particular word or phrase has Elrond refusing any food altogether for days.
They don't question, because they don't want the answer. They don't want to know what can break a man like Erestor, who acts like a glacier made of intelligence. They don't want to know what makes a Balrog slayer feel sick. They don't want to know what manages to drive a perfect person like their lord to the brink of complete collapse.
I just wanna remind y'all real quick that it is only the post-War of Wrath half elves who got to choose mortality/immortality. The only (known) half elves at this time were Earendil, who became a star and possibly a Maia immediately after, Elwing, who would rather abandon her children to die than die herself, and Elrond and Elros.
There was no precedent for the choice. Of course they didn't have time to think it through and consult one another, Elwing and Earendil were completely separate from their children, who were separate from one another.
This also means that no other Half Elf would get the choice. Dior, Elured, Elurin and the potential children of Haleth and Caranthir (you can't tell me they weren't a thing) all did not choose. The grandchildren of Elros did not choose. No one but those four, and later Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir, Vardamir, Nolimon, Manwendil, Atanalcar and Tindomiel got the choice, and we don't even know if the last five actually did or were simply counted as mortal because of their father.
It was better than an epidural
During an unofficial war council in the healers tents
Celeborn*helping* Elrond with a pregnant woman: Just be patient the little guy finds it hard to perform under pressure.
Gil Galad: Top 10 things Celeborn said on his wedding night!
Celeborn continuing to *help* Elrond who’s getting progressively more frustrated at no one letting him do his job : I can barely feel it but it’s there.
Elrond: Top 10 things Galadriel said on her wedding night!
Celeborn feeling betrayed: Galadriel stop laughing!
Gil Galad, Elrond and Celebrimbor: Top 10 things Celeborn said on his wedding night!
This headcanon is mine now, and I WILL be writing a fanfic that I'll probably only share brief quotes and snippets of to anyone.
I’m naturally very scared for the whole ‘madness running through the line of Durin’ thing, but we can add even more angst by imagining Durin succumbing to gold sickness and deciding that Elrond is one of his treasures 👀

I love you Robert, please never leave. Also there’s was a point to this, I don’t what it was but Robert, Elrond

Elrond has been taken for a ride by Thranduil and Haldir. The blondes are not just lovers, they are thieves too.
Read my new story on AO3. Link below.
Blonde Thieves

The Line of Durin was Tainted by an Elf (Series)
Together Forever
Trying to Save His Friends
A Dwarf’s Declaration
The Portrait
Smaugs ~For Smoking Hot Bois and Gurls~
A Love Hate Relationship
The New Cute Boy
A Surprise Gift for Christmas
To Survive a Dragon
Happy Birthday T
There Once Lived Kings
Strong Like a Horse
Their First Meeting
Still Connected
A Love Lost During Battle
A Feather Will Do
In Dire Need of a Smith
Initium Novum (Series) WIP (Latest)

Meeting The March Warden of Lothlórien
Becoming a Father
Blonde Thieves
Rescue at Helm’s Deep
New Beginnings

Because You Are a Sindar Elf
New Beginnings
The Recital

Another Love

A Merry Christmas Indeed
A Visitor

The Birth of a King (Series) WIP

Thorin and His Burglar
Making the Right Decision

The King's Lover

You Should've Killed Me

The Loss of A Lover

Ethuil (Latest)

The Loss of A Lover
My new story is out. Read it on AO3

A Young King Rises
Part 9 of The Birth of a King series is out.
Read it now on AO3
Initium Novum (Series)
A new Alternate Universe Sci-Fi. The setting is in Space. See tags for characters. With Thorinduil, Russingon to name only 2 ships now available.
Read the 1st Part now on AO3!
Sex with Elrond (Headcannons) - NSFW :

Elrond is an elf that prefers it when you’re in charge
He has the stress of taking care of a whole valley and it’s inhabitants on his shoulder, so when it comes to sexy times, he likes to let go and let you take the reins
He likes when you trace his battle scars, as they’re a good type of sensitive
He’s down for a lot of things and is curious about what you’d like to try
He often likes having slow sex after a long day of stress, to finally relax
He likes giving you praise, but gets flustered when you praise him back
« You feel so good meleth nîn.. »
« I-.. thank you my love, but you’re not obligated to compliment me back.. »
Likes to tell you in unique and original ways that he loves you and would do anything for you
He also really likes it when you scratch his back in pleasure, it makes him kinda giddy to think that he’ll have the proof of your pleasure on his body
Rarely curses, but when you’ve teased him for a really long time and he’s about to orgasm -finally-, he does let out a few (that he’ll be ashamed of later -just because you make him go crazy with pleasure doesn’t mean he can’t stay polite-)
« Please, darling, let me fucking cum! »
Likes to hold you close after he came, panting in your neck as you coo into his ear
If you haven’t orgasmed yet, he’s more than happy to help you ride his tight, flexing the muscles in it so you have more friction
When you’re both satiated, he’ll wipe you down with a rag, whispering his thanks for how you took care of him
You’ll lay together, quietly making conversation sometimes, or just going directly to sleep at others

Did anyone else cheer went Elrond went feral?