Embracing Imperfections - Tumblr Posts
not everyday is going to be perfect. there are weeks where i struggle to show up as the best version of myself. sometimes i don't stick to my routine as much as i should have, but i don't beat myself up about it.
beating myself up does nothing. if i didn't do it i already feel bad so why not use positive self redirection to help me show up better tomorrow? i can reflect at the end of the ay to identify my pain points and try again the next day.
in the chapters of my journey, mistakes are not closures but verses, helping me compose new skills to conquer the world.
🕊 habits to adopt this week (pick one!):
daily gratitude
7-9 cups of water a day
daily movement for 15 minutes
make up your bed daily
read for 15 minutes a day
🗝️ affirmations for the week:
i affirm my ability to cultivate habits that serve my highest good, knowing that small, consistent actions lead to lasting transformation
i embrace imperfection as a natural part of life's journey, knowing that every setback is an opportunity for growth.
i release self-judgment for not always sticking to routines, focusing instead on positive self-redirection.
current skincare faves:
midha rice toner
midha rice tone up cream
currently listening to:
With love, Kimmy