Emma Swan Interactions. - Tumblr Posts

emma was on her way home from a shift at the station when she came across lo’ak. she just wanted to make sure he was okay and wasnt in need of assistance. ‘ its not safe to sleep on the beach are you okay? ‘ emma asked as she kneeled down in front of him. ‘ do you need a ride somewhere? ‘ emma asked figuring she still had her cop car so it would be fine.

“huh, what?” lo’ak said, in a daze as he thought he heard someone say something to him. “sleeping? no, no. just resting my eyes,” he said, sitting up on his blanket. he had definitely been asleep, but with no idea how long. but people fell asleep on the beach all the time, surely he can’t be that out of place. granted, not in the winter. but lo'ak was wrapped up. he just liked to be near the water. it felt more like home to him than this town, especially now he had his memories back. “totally awake. totally,” lo’ak said, betraying the sentence with a yawn. @ivycovestarters

something felt wrong but no matter how hard emma tried to figure it out the more emma didnt couldnt tell. after emma stared at the ceiling , so after a while emma tried to get up without waking neal. but when she heard his voice , she turned a bit too look down at him. when he asked if she couldnt sleep , emma nodded slightly but shook her head when he asked if she wanted coco. ‘ no , its okay. ‘ she didnt want to keep him up any longer then she has.

It felt entirely too early to be awake, or at least it felt like it. It was only because he had felt movement that he had woken up, he'd always been a light sleeper. He'd put that down to signs of a mis-spent youth, after all it wasn't as if he had ever lived a life where he was afraid of something happening when he was asleep. That was another life, one he still couldn't remember.
Looking up, it seemed that this was more than just Emma moving in her sleep. Well he could get coffee in the morning, he'd rather make sure she was alright. "Can't sleep either?" he asked, "I can go make some coco or something?"
@sunshiinefades for Emma

emma felt like she was going crazier every day that passed but still pushed through so that no one questioned her about it. the last thing she thought would happen today was someone mistaking her , but when emma turned to look at the girl a shock ran up her spine. the younger blonde looked a lot like her , wait did she say mom? ‘ im sor- wait how do you know neal? ‘ emma was thrown off by everything happening in the moment
@sunshiinefades (Hope & Emma)

Hope should know better, she knows that she should know better, and yet, when the blonde sees her mom down the street, it's like she's a little girl again, wanting the comfort of her mother, so her feet are the first thing to respond as she jogs her way over. "Mom!" She yells, only stopping right before she collides into her. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you, but I'm not surprised after seeing Neal and papa her-wait." All the blood rushes out of her face as she frowns. "Do you remember Henry or Storybrooke?"

emma had usually been able to hide her emotions , put a mask on to show the world she was brave. but with neal , emma was like an open book with him. ‘ something doesnt feel right. ‘ emma admitted looking down at the comforter under her , emma loved her life. emma had finally reunited with anna, she had a job that she liked waking up for everyday and she loved neal. but something felt like it was missing and emma really couldnt explain it.

"Is it?" well he didn't have her super power when it came to lies, but he knew her. "Is this about the murder?" that had been the biggest change around here recently, and since then it had felt like people had been loosing their minds. Or perhaps it was him, he was the one in the wrong because nothing had come back to him. He wasn't really sure if he wanted to or not. This was his life, he was happy here, and he didn't much care for a different life if it meant there he wasn't with Emma.

emma was starting to hate leaving the house , things got more and more confusing with the more people show up. admittedly she wasnt paying much attention to the people around her. emma had planned on getting a cup of coffee before her shift but it seemed like the universe had other plans for her morning. emma turned towards the direction of her name. the man looked familiar , like she knew him but the longer she tried to pull who it could be the more it slipped from her. ‘ yes? ‘ emma asked still trying to figure it out.

If nothing else, right now he was angry. Another curse it seemed, only this time he couldn't even find any of his family. At least with the Evil Queen's curse, Snow had been there and Emma had found them. This time, it felt like he was completely alone. Still he had never really been one to wallow in self-pity, and he knew if he wanted to find them he had to act. Something that seemed to have happened by chance that morning. "Emma?" oh he'd know his daughter anywhere, but something seemed off here. She'd have seen him long before he saw her.
@sunshiinefades for Emma

emma had been trying to balance work and figuring out what the hell was going on. neal had been her rock in the chaos that seemed to follow her these days , he did so much for her that emma would do anything to help make his life a bit easier when she could. the diner was on her way to the station so it wasnt out of her way so emma decided to help her husband out. emma in tended on ordering a hot chocolate to go as she walked in but her name had stopped her in her tracks. turning to look at killian , something about the man seemed familiar. the way he spoke her name made her feel something emma couldnt quite place her finger on. ‘ uh yeah , killian right? ‘

Killian shifted the box in his hands uncomfortably, the few light items inside clamoring against the sides of the container with the movement. He hadn't been cleaning; not really anyways. Rather, he had been desperately searching his house for any signs of his past life; any proof that these memories which had suddenly come upon him were real or that this life which he had come to know was fake. In the process, he had happened upon a few of Neal's old things. Desperate to get rid of them - or moreso, to absolve himself of the sudden confused memories and emotions associated with looking at them - he was eager to pass the responsibility onto someone more deserving. Neal had been too busy to meet today, but his wife had volunteered to take his place in the brief exchange, and he was happy to oblige; losing the items would make him one step closer to becoming the man he used to be, one step farther from the version of himself his false memories portrayed.
He had met his friend's wife before, albeit briefly, but enough that he was confident he would recognize her. Enough that he was sure he would be able to find her, quickly pass off Neal's goods, and fuck off to the closest bar or other establishment of drinks and debauchery. What he hadn't expected, however, was his reaction to the woman as she entered the coffee shop. Stormy blue hues landed upon the icy blonde waves at the entrance, a lump forming in his throat as he quickly took in the woman: the way her hair sat just right on her shoulders, the way her uniform hugged her body, the natural beauty in her face shining even in its neutral resting position. His stomach dropped as she approached, his brow furrowing and eyes widening at his involuntary reaction to her presence. " Emma? " The name escaped his mouth before he could even process what he was saying, foreign yet seemingly all-too-familiar on his lips, the mere sound of it causing butterflies to take flight as the lump in his throat grew so heavy he could barely swallow.

closed starter for @sunshiinefades / killian & emma

emma felt bad looking at the young women , neal hadnt said anything about running into the younger blonde but the younger women was clearly telling emma the truth. it was clear the girl believed what she was saying was true , but the more she talked the more it didnt sound right. emma married and had a kid with captain hook as well as her parents being snow white & prince charming? none of that made sense , also a son with her husband but no sign of him? emma had a lot of questions floating around her head but before she could form a question a book popped up in the girls hand. it took everything in emma not to take a step back out of shock because things had been weird since the mayors death but not books appearing out of thin air. ‘ i can tell you arent lying but all of that is just really unbelievable. especially the fact i have two kids that i dont remember giving birth too or the fact that one of those kids is supposed to be with my husband. ‘

Opening and closing her mouth, Hope actually smiles, shaking her head. "Hold that thought, mom, I think I'm about to go crazy out of frustration." She says, hiding her face in her hands for a moment before taking in a deep breath and putting her hands back down, a look of pleading in her bright blue eyes. "I don't know how else to explain this without sounding insane, because Neal thinks I'm crazy and papa threatened to kill me, which was new and more terrifying than I'd like to admit, but my name is Hope, I'm your daughter with Killian Jones aka Captain Hook, I have a half-brother named Henry, he's your son with Neal, you were born in a land called the Enchanted Forest, your parents are Snow White and Prince Charming, but there was a curse incoming and you became the Savior, helping break a curse set upon all the fairytale characters who had lost their memories. Um, you have magic due to true love, I have magic as well because of you and papa." She holds out a hand and a book pops up in a puff of smoke. "You can see that if you'd like, you also have an ability to tell when someone is lying so you can use that on me."

emma sighed lightly and laid back down in the bed before nodding her head at his question. ‘ yeah i think so. ‘ emma rolled to her side so she could look at neal , she was thankful to not being going through this alone. emma really didnt know what she would do without neal. when neal said that could do something about it , emma looked up with him with a bit of confusion on her face. ‘ how? ‘

"Since the murder?" it wasn't like he hadn't felt that, but he'd been putting it down to people around here recently acting so weirdly. Then there was still what that girl had said the other day. Most of it sounded ridiculous he knew that, but hadn't she mentioned a son? Didn't seem like the type of thing anyone would forget, but it was stuck in his mind. "Baby, your instincts are always right. If it's not feeling right, we can try and do something about it?" well he had learnt a long time ago to trust her instincts.

emma had gotten off a long shift and she was exhausted , but she would move mountains for anna if she asked. plus with all the weird stuff going on emma needed to be around family , so a little detour before home was something that emma agreed to without question. when emma heard anna’s voice , the blonde turned her head in the direction and gave her younger sister a smile. once there emma slid into the seat across from her. ‘ hey kid , how are you doing? ‘

Anna shifted nervously in her seat, clicking her phone on and checking the time for what felt like the hundredth time that minute. Even though she met up with her sister regularly, she couldn't help but feel anxious every time. Their age gap paired with them not growing up together had led to them not being as close as most siblings, and with her being so much older and mature and respectable, not to mention that she had a husband now? She couldn't help but psych herself out, the voice in the back of her head wondering if this would be the time Emma finally realizes that Anna is just too young and immature and silly and uncool for her.
The ding of the cafe's bell pulled her out of her worries, the young woman's face lighting up as she saw her sister enter the room. "Emma! Over here!" she called, waving frantically to grab the woman's attention.

closed starter for @sunshiinefades / anna & emma

emma had a heard time with the information she had been finding out over the last couple weeks. she had spent a lot of time in her cop car looking at the it and thinking over the words the younger women spoke too her. part of her was scared because what if the girl was right , and emma really isnt married to neal. that fear also felt like she had it before which then scared her even more. ‘ hmmm , dont think so. ‘ emma joked back trying to keep herself in the moment and not thinking about the worries that seemed to plague her daily these days. ‘ good ima hold you too it. ‘
“I’m so lucky to have you in my life.” emma & neal

"Think I'm the lucky one" and hadn't he always believed that? How he'd ever got so lucky to be with her, he didn't know, but it was a feeling he was never going to let go of if he could help it. Whatever other craziness was going on outside, least once they closed the door, it didn't seem to matter as much. "But you never have to worry about that, I'm never going anywhere" the thought of loosing her was too much, except the thought of it felt like a memory rather than a fear.

emma only felt confused talking to him , because someone who only knew someone in passing didnt stop the other. but she also could tell he wasnt telling the whole truth. ‘ sorry i dont , but you seem familiar. ‘ emma admitted , but she didnt know if she was ready for him to tell her he was some kinda family she didnt remember. the conversation she had with the young women had been weighting on her already.

And there was one of his worst fears, the complete lack of recognition in her eyes. She didn't have her memories, what on earth did he do with that? Technically he'd only been a year older, he could hardly tell her he was father, he knew how it would sound. All he could do now was hope that she was safe, and selfishly hope that she would end up remembering. "You don't remember do you?" a bit of a dangerous question, but he had to at least try. "We met a while ago. Small island" though he didn't think they ever had during the curse. If that's even what it was this time.

emma looked at him as he spoke , she had her own worries when it came to their relationship. because what if it was true , they werent really married and she did have a kid with another man emma had no clue what it would mean for the relationship. emma nodded her head when about hearing weird things , ‘ yeah like how we have a son that i dont remember giving birth too. ‘ emma admitted but she couldnt help the gnawing at her stomach that maybe she did actually have one.

"You better" not that she'd really need him to, there wasn't anywhere else he wanted to be. Ok maybe there was a lot of different places he wanted to be right now, things recently had found pretty insane around here, but there wasn't anyone else he wanted to be with. "I am serious though, whatever nonsense this place throws at us, you've got me. Been hearing a lot of weird crap recently" and he was prepared to just ignore all of it if he was honest. None of it was exactly logical after all.
@hcpefuldreaming asked : “ am i that easy to forget? “ emma & hope.

emma felt really guilty about not remembering either of her children , once the show appeared in her house. emma had been hesitate at first to watch it , but she desperately needed answers to what was going on. the first people emma needed to see were her children and then her father and husband. ‘ no of course not , im sorry you have had to go through it. ‘ emma apologized , guilt clear in her voice. ‘ things are kinda fucked up right now but i really am sorry that you had to get caught up in it by yourself. ‘

emma had been struggling with the information hope had given her a while back. but after watching the show , emma had been having trouble trying to figure out what to do. she had been hesitate to bring it up to neal because she didnt know how he would take it or what it would mean for them in the end. ‘ i watched the show. ‘ emma admitted after a moment of trying to think of if she should tell him or let it go.
[ swipe ] sender notices a smudge of something on receiver's face and gently wipes it off ( emma & neal )
![[ Swipe ] Sender Notices A Smudge Of Something On Receiver's Face And Gently Wipes It Off ( Emma & Neal](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9d1cc614443b06526901682519226e2e/e3694dd4ba223c6e-a6/s250x400/c797e51ab8752bab388948da739c28e1e783cd35.gif)
It was something that had happened countless times since they'd been together. Really he probably should take a little more care, but at the same time he had grown a little attached the action. Only tonight it felt different. Actually recently a lot of things felt different, and he didn't know why. Until recently he had thought they had much the same views on it all, now he wasn't so sure. "Thanks" he started, though being this close, something in her eyes. "Is everything ok?"

emma would love to just up and leave with him and go to tallahassee but the idea felt a bit wrong as this point. and she didnt quite understand it why that was the case. but when neal mentioned finding who did it , did sound like a good place to start. ‘ finding who did it is actually a really good place to start. ‘

Least she had seemed to relax a little, though really how much anyone could relax with everything going on in town he didn't know. "Ah... hadn't actually thought that far ahead" easy to think of what to do, but the actual details were a lot harder. "Suppose the logical one is figure out the killer. Or... could just leave this all behind. Go to Tallahassee".

emma felt bad at his reaction , because despite what he was saying she could tell there was something missing to it. his name had made her stomach turn into a knot , but she couldnt place why. ‘ were did we meet again? ‘ emma asked hoping to try and fill some sort of timeline. she could tell he wasnt telling her the full truth and she was trying to get more information out of him.

At that he could feel his heart crack in his chest. What mattered was that she was safe, and he was trying to remember that, but it didn't stop his own pain at this new reality. What was he meant to tell her? She was his daughter? They looked the same age, and she'd likely never believe him about that. "It was a while ago... my name's David" well baby steps maybe.

emma had been hesitate to bring it up to him , she was a bit worried about how he would take it. emma had been worried since she hadnt actually get her memories yet but when she watched the show it felt right. it also matched up with the information she had been given up until that point. ‘ yeah its true. ‘ emma admitted worried about how the conversation was going to end up.

It was words he didn't want to hear, and yet he wasn't surprised by it either. What it would lead to though, he didn't know. He wasn't sure he even wanted to believe in some world where he died and she had been with someone else. Selfish perhaps, but he had never claimed he wasn't. "So is it true? The kid I mean" the rest he didn't want to think about, but what if they did have a son, what sort of father forgot that?

emma honestly didnt know how she felt about it all , even though she watched her life unfolded on the tv. that in itself also really fucked with her a bit , emma had also been nervous about how neal was gonna react to it. she also hated the fact that not only did she fail one kid but ultimately she failed two kids. ‘ i dont know how but its apparently true. ‘ emma felt like she hadnt fully processed it all yet because she didnt know how to go about it.

"How can we have a kid that neither of us remember?" and he knew that wasn't her fault, but it didn't make sense. He had made a lot of mistakes, but he had never wanted to be a bad parent, he had wanted to be better then that. Seemed the memories of it had been taken from his mind. There was other things he knew he'd need to ask, he just wasn't sure he wanted the answers to it. "How are you coping with it?"

emma didnt know what any of this ment for them going forward , at first emma had hoped that the craziness would blow over soon but it didnt seem like it was going to. ‘ i dont know how its possible either. ‘ emma shook her head softly she also didnt know what it would mean for them if it was all true. ‘ yeah , she came and found me at work. ‘

"Henry" that was the name he'd been told anyway, and it didn't make sense. Sure it was possible he could have a kid he didn't know about, but this was a whole new extreme. Besides if he started believing in that, then there was everything else that she said, and that he didn't want to think about. "Not an easy one to think about... not sure how we'd have forgotten something like that" and that was a bigger problem. "Did... did Hope tell you that?" well so much for not going into the fire, but maybe it was better to talk about it... maybe not.

emma nodded slightly , she didnt like the idea of there being a reality were they didnt get their happy ending. she didnt know what it meant for them if they did acknowledge that it actually happened. ‘ i watched it with my own eyes , so it either happened or some magical force is fucking with us. either way there has to be magic involved. ‘ despite what the show says is their outcome , emma didnt want to end things. he was her rock and they were in it together.

"Do we actually have any proof that any of this is real?" he might be trying to go with something that wasn't real, but from what he had heard about this so-called real life, he wasn't sure he wanted it to be real. He loved Emma, all he wanted was for her to be happy. But that didn't mean he was exactly thrilled that apparently they were from some other version of events where he was dead and she had married someone else. "I mean, neither of us remember it, and none of it sounds like something you'd forget".