Empaths Are Ableist Shitguts Anyway - Tumblr Posts
i feel like people who say "if you have no empathy you're evil" really. don't. know what empathy actually is.
if i remember correctly, people mix up empathy, sympathy, and compassion a LOT, when they're all different – and feeling little to nothing when it comes to either of these isn't bad at all, people just really love being hypocritical lmao
ig the easiest way that i've been able to condense these down [as someone with little to no empathy/sympathy but fairly normal compassion] is :
empathy - being able to "put yourself in someone else's shoes", and feel emotions as if you're in the same position as them
sympathy - being able to understand why they feel a certain way ; can be compared to feeling sorry/happy for someone when something bad/good happens to them
compassion - being able to show [metaphorical] warmth, the want to make someone feel better
idk someone else can prolly explain them in more depth but i just want an easy way to distinguish them. v v v tired but if you feel nothing towards anyone youre not evil youre cool as fuck 🔥🔥🔥